Did you know it is not a mystery at all what is killing off the bees.
for the demise of bees over the world has made it to New Zealand and will soon
be here to decimate the bee population.
Bee Parasite
Tuesday, 03/04/2007
Australian bee keepers have returned from a fact-finding
Australian bee keepers met with New Zealand apiarists to
tour to New Zealand to learn about a parasite which has the potential to
damage Australia's disease-free honey bee industry.
discover how the varroa mite is wreaking havoc with the New Zealand bee and
honey industry.
In New Zealand, 70 000 hives have already been lost after
the bee arrived a few years earlier. The varroa mite has taken over every
continent except Australia where the industry is worth $65 million.
President of the Tasmanian bee keepers Association Julian
Woolfhagen attended the tour and says he has no doubt the mite will arrive in
Mr Woolfhagen says, "It's not a matter of if, it's a
matter of when we're going to get it. How long we can delay that is a key,
because quite frankly with the Australian honey industry, which is a
large-scale industry by world standards, however its economic base is not at
all strong, and the advent of varroa here will devastate the industry."
In this report: Julian Woolfhagen, bee keeper and
President of Tasmanian bee keepers Association just returned from a fact
finding tour in NZ nal Message -----
http://au.search. yahoo.com/ search?fr= cb-skynews&p=bee+mite+to+ arrive+in+ australia
The link above will
take you to amny stories about the bee parasite.
Why is that no one
in the US or Canada or the UK know this is what is doing this to the
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