May 16, 2007

OH, working for that Big Pharma Man!

GAG me! Tie me down in a straight jacket!  LOOK AT THIS!

Just who voted to keep YOU enslaved for pocketing a few bob (that we know of) from Big Pharma! Later on, they can go sit on the Board of Directors (or get a relative to do so) and make a REAL pile of money.  (There SHOULD be a better, more apt word than pile to use here, but the way they sit on their butts should produce piles anyway)

Truth is -- all this is meant to be read and wept over.  These guyz are willing to sell your future to the drug company that has the most "pills" and "precious" technologies you (and your families and friendz) need.

Hmmmm... I am wondering if they put drugs in Heinz ketchup after reading this!!

Digg it.
