May 07, 2007

May 13th, 2007

1 PM

Queen's Park Parliament Buildings

Riverside Par

Listening to radio I sense how so many people cannot
avoid driving. Two jobs,not living or working by
public transport, kids, etc. I know because I once
worked where I had to drive and my car was CRAPPY. I
was also worried I could not afford the gas. Around
1994 they reformulated it so cars started to do
strange things...a sea change going on.
Too slowly.
All of up must adjust to the new reality. Its painful
to watch. All the other costs rise too
. Not just
gasoline. Even small items. What to do besides rant
and make ones own adjustments? Yep we are in a real
recession. Only thing is the windbags cannot admit it.
One must recall the crash of 1929 followed the longest
streak of new Dow highs. The queen is visiting the US
and one cannot miss the feeling this could be the last
time you see her alive let alone $3 gasoline. Its like
seeing sails in the sunset. Goodbye to the past,
Think on this .. in 1995, Ontario cut the amount a social services client (the unemployed with benefits, the disabled, the children of single mothers, the single mothers, etc.) by 20%. They have not added ONE SINGLE CENT to a person's check since then. Last figuring (and I think it is far, far worse), we were 37% worse off now than then!! We are supposed to rely on a nongovernmental food bank, WHICH never has enough food, and even when it has enough donations, provides enough food for only four days a month. With help from your doctor you can get around $4 a day for food. A stalk of celery is $3 at my local Dominion.

The grocery stores now ready-pack bags of food for people to buy and stick in bins at the store, made up as "your donation" to the food bank! You pay $5 and it has macaroni dinner, a thingy of pasta, a can of CHEAP pasta sauce, Maybe some soup or corn, some SUGAR, and that' s about it. These bins are then brought to the food bank. Now for God's sake tell me, why cannot they simply ask each person to put $5 on their grocery bill and NOT drag this food from the supplier to the wholesaler, to the retailer, to the food bank warehouse, to the food bank distribution centre, and then have people stand in line up to FOUR HOURS to get their bag of food ..? Th fire department and the Sally Ann are the main "distributors" after they are purchased.
* * *
Any sane person would think there would be a public OUTROAR about all this (it's been going on exactly like this since the late 1980s), it was started under the Liberals, continued under the Conservatives, and now continues under the Liberals -- here in ONTARIO. Ontario, one of the most BLESSED places on this planet for riches and infrastructure!!
* * *
I know one story where it was FREEZING cold this winter. So the mother sat (four hours) in her fuel inefficient VAN, waiting her turn. She made her small daughter wait in the line (the kid had warmer clothes than the mother). The woman was ARRESTED!! Yes, and the people there all there ATTACKED the mother physically, and later verbally to all their friendz. She was consider a CHILD ABUSER. She was not on crack. She was effing doing the very best she could. The daughter has been placed "IN CARE"!!!!!!!!
* * *
Where were the lawyers to defend this woman (and her daughter) ... and where were the doctors who should be screaming bloody MURDER about having food banks!

Where is the love ...?

Where is the commitment to CHANGE ...!!!

Please people go to and TAKE THE

May 13, one pm, Queen's Park Parliament Buildings

Riverside Park, on Broadview Avenue,

south of the Danforth!!

That's NEAR YOU .. or start one ..

at a location that appeals to you.

Grahic: The Gathering

Add Your Location HERE or up on the top!

(Shorter version at ladybroa



We are all ONE, practice the law of one as you
pass through the ONEiverse.
Practice makes Perfect!!
