May 09, 2007

NewsTarget Insider Alert (

Dear Readers,

Last week's celebration over an amendment to S.1082 that would have broken Big Pharma's monopoly on drug prices was, it now seems, premature. Yesterday 15 Democrats and 33 Republicans voted to nullify the Dorgan amendment with a new Cochran amendment that protects Big Pharma's monopoly and blocks all importation of drugs.

The move demonstrates that U.S. senators are effectively owned by Big Pharma and will vote to protect corporate interests, not consumers. Click the headline below for an analysis of why America is no longer a true Democracy and why U.S. lawmakers will happily allow Big Pharma to bankrupt this nation and its people...

Health: Americans betrayed by Democratic senators with surprise amendment that protects Big Pharma monopoly
Consumers expecting a miracle in the Senate that would end Big Pharma's monopoly and the FDA-enforced drug racket now operating in the United States will be sorely disappointed by yesterday's events. Fifteen Democratic senators (led by Sen. Edward Kennedy...

Health: Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood blasts TV promotion of junk foods to children
In the wake of findings that food is the most-advertised product on television programming viewed by children, the Boston-based Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) recently issued a statement calling for "policies that will protect children...
