May 09, 2007

That was three football fields' worth ...

or a quantity of 2.5 MILLION

..of plastic bottles, which is the number used

in the US every HOUR.

These are by Chris Jordan, Gel 2007 speaker.

(P.S. Chris corrected: "They aren’t just water bottles, and the statistic they represent is for all plastic bottles, not just water bottles." -mh)

# Posted in Gel is a company making garden fertilizer out of worm poo. That page takes you to their Bottle Brigade page. They're looking for people to collect 20 oz plastic soda bottles for Terracycle to use in their packaging. It's not every bottle in that picture (water bottles are weaker plastic), but it's a start.

Your Name on Our Box

TerraCycle's Bottle Brigade
program has expanded tremendously since it first started a few months ago.

There are tens of thousands of boxes around America and you now have the chance to place your logo or ad on a portion of our box!

We expect continual rapid growth, so now's the time to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, contact Pierre at (609) 393-4252 x36.

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