May 29, 2007

Are Uranium weapons highly radioactive ..? You BETCHA!! And why IS Canada complicit in their use .. well, we tackled the latter previously. Here is a great answer to the former ...

Nichols Answers An Email Question: "Where did you get the idea that the [uranium] weapons are highly radioactive? Uranium is bearly [barely] radioactive. "


Good question, I'm glad you sent it in.

" Where did you get the idea that the [uranium] weapons are highly radioactive. Uranium is bearly [barely] radioactive. "

The questioner is faithfully repeating what he is supposed to
according to the Pentagon. The nefarious SPINmasters in the American
Pentagon and CIA have spend an enormous amount of money to convince him
and millions of others that the properties of a gravel sized chunk of
uranium ore sitting on a shelf somewhere are the same as the properties
of battlefield ballistic uranium.

Yea, when pigs fly. These psychopaths are lying to you John.

Col "Kill-A-Patient" Kilpatrick is in charge of lying to the world
about uranium weapons for the Pentagon. The professional liars work for
him, Col Cherry and Col Daxon. Apparently you bought what The Three
Colonels are saying, hook, line and sinker.

Here's the bottom line. Battlefield ballistic uranium is a fine
aerosol so tiny that it acts like a gas. A milligram, smaller than one
of these periods so you can't even see it, does its work Inside
people's bodies. So small, it even goes through your clothes and skin.

Breathe battlefield ballistic uranium and it is a Death Sentence.
When you die depends on dose and it does not take much. This has been
common knowledge since 1943 in the Pentagon and Labeled "Top Secret."

A milligram, so tiny you cannot see it, fires out powerful Helium
Bullets all the time until you die - 1,251,000 Bullets a Day - Every
day. That is what Radioactivity is all about.

Let's compare two numbers. The numbers 4,200,000 and the simple number 10. These are of forces measured in "electron volts."

Ten is the strength of the intracellular force that holds the individual cell membranes of the cells in your body together.

4,200,000 (4.2 Million) is the force each one of the 1.2 million
bullets a day smash into the surrounding cells, about six rows deep.
Another 20 rows of cells in your body get the dreaded "by-stander

Just picture in your mind what a run away freight train weighing
4,200,000 pounds does to an animal, like your cat or dog, weighing only
10 pounds.

Kind of takes your breath away, doesn't it? That is why I say ballistic uranium is deadly and highly radioactive.

Your move. Come join us and spread the word. We can use all the help we can get.


Bob Nichols

Project Censored Award Winner

San Francisco Bay View newspaper

Radio Talk Show Guest

