Big Headache for Big Pharma
pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, death and injury are just a cost of
doing business. When Zyprexa, Lilly’s drug to treat schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder, hit the marketplace in 1996, it was hailed as an
“atypical” – a “safe, gentle psychotropic,” more effective than older
drugs like Thorazine and Trilafon, without the dangerous side effects.
Sales skyrocketed. The hype soon gave way to reality, as Lilly faced
waves of lawsuits by patients suffering from diabetes, massive weight
gain, pancreatitis and cardiac problems. Lilly responded with the cozy
arrangement that worked with Prozac, another blockbuster plagued with
problems: quietly settle suits out of court, with proceedings sealed
and secret under a gag order. Anything embarrassing – or illegal – that
Lilly is doing behind closed doors would remain hidden from public
Even though the payout is enormous – more than a
billion dollars in settlements to tens of thousands of plaintiffs –
Lilly can afford it: atypicals sell for ten times more than older
drugs, and Lilly’s marketing machine made Zyprexa its biggest profit
maker, with more than 20 million customers worldwide and sales topping
$4 billion annually. So Lilly writes a check, buys the silence of the
people harmed by its products, and then turns around and passes the
cost along to the consumer at inflated drugstore prices. All perfectly
What Lilly didn’t count on was
a whistleblower, a lawyer and hackers taking matters into their own
hands. Just as Lilly’s legal muscle was lax during Christmas holidays,
one of the expert witnesses in the Zyprexa litigation contacted human
rights attorney Jim Gottstein, who used a combination of clever
subpoena wizardry and fast action to get hundreds of secret documents
out from under the court seal. Gottstein turned the memos over to The
New York Times before Lilly could plug the leak. The memos, emails and
correspondence reveal how Lilly’s marketing strategy bent and broke the
law, hid unfavorable risk studies and pushed Zyprexa for unapproved use
on the elderly and children. The Times ran repeated front page stories,
and Lilly’s stock took a nose dive.
Claiming “trade secrets”
and proprietary “merchandising techniques,” Lilly lawyers swooped down
on Gottstein, seizing emails and voice mail records. They convinced the
court to order an injunction forbidding further distribution of the
files, but Gottstein had already sent out disks loaded with scanned
copies to a dozen activists and journalists around the country. Lilly
tracked the disks down, trying to halt the escalating crisis.
this is where the hackers come in. Someone – still not identified by
Lilly – got a copy, but any distribution traced back to them could lead
to contempt of court and serious legal consequences. So they turned to
software called Tor, set up by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Tor
is an anonymous server privacy tool EFF created to help dissidents in
totalitarian regimes like China slip past state censors. It was perfect
to help the whistle-blowers evade Lilly’s surveillance. The file –
zyprexakills.tar.gz – found its way into cyberspace, and the court
finally ruled that Lilly couldn’t block websites from hosting the file
once it was freely available online. The leak finally went public.
Zyprexa documents are a disturbing glimpse into the marketing mind of
one of the biggest companies in the world, a firm with close ties to
the Bush Administration (Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel sits on the Homeland
Security Council). When a study showed three times the risk of diabetes
over other drugs, Lilly simply hid it from the Food and Drug
Administration’s scrutiny. Lilly aimed sales to dementia patients –
without approval – in a campaign called “Viva Zyprexa.” They instructed
product representatives to downplay drug risks, and targeted children,
who Zyprexa has never been tested on. Emails discussed the strategy of
indemnifying doctors who prescribe Zyprexa against any legal action:
“Our experience with Prozac,” the memo said, “confirms the impact and
goodwill of such an initiative.” The memos reveal callous indifference
to the diabetes risk Zyprexa causes, perhaps because Lilly’s other top
selling drugs include – you guessed it – diabetes medications.
now faces a snowballing scandal. The Times compared Zyprexa to Vioxx,
Merck’s painkiller withdrawn from the market after leaked documents
showed the company hid heart attack risks. FDA scientist Dr. David
Graham, who blew the whistle on Vioxx, testified to Congress that
atypicals like Zyprexa kill some 62,000 people a year in unapproved
uses. A study in the Archives of General Psychiatry concluded atypicals
were no more effective than older, cheaper drugs, and five state
governments, with enormous budgets for atypicals, initiated
investigations. And last month, four-year-old Rebecca Riley died from
drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist, including an atypical, raising
concerns about the approximately 30,000 children under five who take
these drugs, despite no study on drug safety for children.
objected to its secret memos going public because they might “cause
unwarranted fear among patients that will cause them to stop taking
their medication.” Yet this gets to the heart of Lilly’s corruption.
Beyond hiding drug risks and marketing illegally, Big Pharma doesn’t
trust its customers to make informed decisions about their health care.
Growing numbers of people are turning off the TV pill ads and exploring
other ways to deal with their suffering. A New York Times article last
year broke the story of the many people with a schizophrenia diagnosis
who do well with non-medication treatments. Maybe the solution isn’t to
be found in a pill after all?
Now that would bring down Big Pharma faster than any scandal.
_Will Hall is co-founder of the Freedom Center, and is a member of the Icarus Project.