May 29, 2007

Denial the 51st state

>DENIAL: The 51st State

By Paul Levy

What the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that

controls our government is doing, both domestically and

internationally, is so horrifying (please see my article Homeland Insecurity that it is literally

traumatizing to consciously bear witness to it, to experience it. When

we become traumatized, we become stuck, literally “frozen in time,” as

our ability to creatively respond and mobilize ourselves in the present

moment into effective action in the world becomes in-operative. When we

become overwhelmed by trauma, we are not able to creatively express our

internal experience in a way that dis-charges what has been triggered

in us. We feel impotent. We are unable to give voice to our experience,

as our power to be ourselves has become foreign to us. We become mute.

When we become traumatized, we lose touch with our inner voice, which

is our guiding spirit, our true genius.

Bush and his regime could only be getting away with the atrocities they

are perpetrating not only because there are an insufficient number of

people who see what they are doing, but because there are enough people

who see what is happening and remain silent (please see my article

Breaking the Vow of Silence To

quote Judith Herman, author of Trauma and Abuse, “The ordinary response

to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations

of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the

meaning of the word unspeakable.” When our nation is seen as a family

system composed of interrelated roles that do not exist in isolation from

each other but rather in co-relation to one another, the people in the

role of the abuser, Bush and his regime, depend upon the tendency for

most people to split-off from and deny the horror of the atrocities they

are perpetrating to be able to get away with them. When we deny what


happening, we are not able to speak about it, for to speak about what

is happening is to invest our experience with a living reality, which is

the very thing our denial ensures doesn’t happen.

As perpetrators of the abuse, the Bush regime will do everything in

their power to promote our denial, pretense, and silence. Our becoming

silent is the very thing which allows them to literally get away with

murder. They need to induce our denial, which is an internal cover-up, as a

necessary requirement for them to act out their role as “perpetraitor.”

Denial is an integral dynamic which sustains the pathology of the

victim-perpetrator collusion.

The abuser’s refusal to hear the voices of those they are exploiting is crucial to their continued domination.

When the abuse is so horrific, it forcibly overwhelms the human psyche

so as to split the psyche from itself and shatter its wholeness, which

is the very root of trauma. When the atrocity is so inhumane, we

dis-associate from the experience, creating a self-protective amnesia for

ourselves. An (arche)typical response to trauma is to simply “forget about

it” and try to go on with our life. Like Bush himself counseled us

after 9/11, we should just continue shopping. It is the strangest

experience to walk around town and see so many people just going about their day, drinking their cup of coffee in their favorite café and reading the

sports page as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening, while in the

same moment on another part of the planet bombs are being dropped on

innocent people with our names on them. A more perfect image of

collective denial is hard to imagine. “Hey, did you hear the Yankees took two


To be in denial is both an unconscious, primitive, and magical defense,

as well as on some level also being a conscious choice. There is a

collective denial that most of us support by acting out our own personal

denial in our individual lives, which in turn simply feeds into our

collective madness. To the extent that we aren’t completely outraged with

what our government is doing, we are in denial, for what could we

possibly be thinking? To the degree we are in denial about the horror that is

playing out in our world, we are, to that extent, complicit.

When the abuse is so overwhelming, we become numbed, desensitized, and

anesthetized, as if a psychological “operation” (psy-ops) is being done

on us (please see my article The War on Consciousness Instead of being

enlivened by the abuse, we become “deadened,” as if we have become

dehumanized. Devalued, we become incapable of “feeling.” In this covert

operation, our ability to respond creatively and responsibly becomes disabled.

We can become incapacitated with inexpressible rage, hopeless despair

and a feeling of worthlessness. The worst of the abuse isn’t even so much

what the external abuse actually is, but what it creates in us


When we are overwhelmed by abuse, we are literally coerced to disavow

our perceptions, which is to betray ourselves. To quote the late Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr., “At some point, silence before a lie becomes

betrayal.” Betraying ourselves, we become a stranger to ourselves,

forgetting who we are. We become disoriented, as our bedrock connection between psyche and reality has been severed. Moment by moment we insist on building a wall between our inner selves and the outer world. Splitting off

from the abuse, we invariably internalize the abuser and police

ourselves. We lose our connection with our inner nature, as well as with

nature itself. Our sense of meaning, and our identity as sovereign

meaning-generators, becomes scrambled. When the nightmare that is playing out is so horrible, we marginalize and deny our very experience itself, as we

literally “split” (which means both “in two,” and “leave” – i.e., go

far away from the present, as well as from our true selves). A part

of us pretends that what is happening is not really happening.

A specific example of denial in our current day and age are people’s

reactions to 9/11. The most superficial inquiry into the facts reveals

that there is no doubt whatsoever that the government’s official story

about 9/11, a crazy conspiracy theory if there ever was one, is not only

not true, but is covering up what really happened. Who knows what

really happened on 9/11, but when the evidence is studied, it is beyond any

reasonable doubt that the same criminal enterprise that has infiltrated

the highest levels of our government also had its hands in creating

9/11. The underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate was the

only organization that had the motive and the ability to pull-off,

cover-up and capitalize on the “opportunity” of 9/11. To go down this

rabbit hole and see what the criminal forces that have taken over and

control our government are capable of is to unravel and shatter many of our naïve illusions, which is why many of us deny and simply refuse to

look at the evidence.

It is clear that the same underlying criminal syndicate that was

behind 9/11 is using 9/11 as a catapult to further expand its domination and

extend its tentacles to the furthest reaches of not just the planet,

but space itself. If you think I am exaggerating or being paranoid when I

point this out, I would respond by simply inviting you to open your

eyes and explore the ample evidence, which is readily available and

overwhelmingly convincing (see Besides being utterly

traumatic to realize, another reason the truth behind 9/11 is so hard to see

is because it is everywhere we look, literally staring us in the face.

If we don’t realize the truth behind 9/11, it is because we are in


When we realize that 9/11 was an “inside job” perpetrated by our own government against us, we step out of denying what deep down we know to be true.

9/11 was a wake up call for the American people and the world

at large, and it has the potentiality of snapping us out of our spell so

that we can begin to see what is actually happening in our world.

Looking beneath the superficial “official” explanation for 9/11 begins an

initiatory process of reconsidering the way the power structure of our

nation and the world operates. People who have woken up to the truth

behind 9/11 are very much like people who have had a kind of spiritual

awakening, in that having snapped out of the consensus trance, they are

recognizing a deeper, more fundamental process that is in-forming and

giving shape to events in our world. Like a person who has had a spiritual

awakening, people who have realized the truth about 9/11 have stepped

out of their denial and snapped out of an illusion.

When we are in denial, we avert our gaze, which is a reactive form of

psychic blindness. When we get stuck in and embody the madness of

denial, we become psychologically deaf, as we are not able to hear any

“informing” influences from the outside world which reflect back to us our

unconscious state. Falling into denial, we become psychologically deaf,

dumb and blind. We see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.

When we are riddled by denial, we hold contradictory viewpoints

simultaneously, while splitting off from the underlying contradiction, which

is a self-induced, trance-like dissociated state, in which we have

fixated our attention, restricted our own awareness and hypnotized

ourselves. When groups of people (or a nation) collectively fall into a mass

en-trance-ment together, they reinforce each other’s unconscious denial,

which feeds the zombie-like madness of the group. The name of this

phenomenon is “collective psychosis,” and this is what is presently

happening in the United States of America (please see my book The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis, to read the

first chapter, click

The underlying culture and field in which and from which we dissociate

conspires with us in our betrayal of ourselves. We are in-formed by and

receive feedback from the abusive family system, in this case, our

nation, that it is not OK and actually quite dangerous to be ourselves,

which only reinforces the trauma, ad infinitum. Part of the abuse in our

country is that, like an unrestrained malignant narcissist, the

criminal enterprise that controls our government has let it be known that it

will destroy anyone who tries to stand up to it (please see my article

George Bush is a Malignant Narcissist This threat itself is a

form of terrorism, as it creates terror in US. As a result, for the

ordinary person, the utter evil of what is playing out in our country is

better left unsaid, so as to not cause trouble or rock the boat, which,

Titanic-like, is sinking due to our passivity and silence.

When the horror is so overwhelming, we become alien to ourselves and

deny our own experience. We then deny our denial and fall into the

depraved state of lying and actually believing our own lies. This is a state

of complete and utter self-deception. When we are in denial, we are in

the perverse state of fooling ourselves, while pretending we are not

fooling ourselves. This is to have fallen into a diabolically

self-perpetuating feedback loop, an infinite regression in which we deny that we are denying and then we deny that, and on and on, ad infinitum. This is

called “the state of being in denial,” which is the 51st state in the

US.  [Virginia's note: THIS is called DELUSION, and is a mark of ADVANCED addiction .. in this case to an unsustainable way of "life" - read: empire]

Once we fall into the state of denial, we become invested in not only

keeping ourselves asleep but we also seek out others in the same state

of denial with whom to join forces. Once our mass unconsciousness gains

enough self-generating momentum, our denial has an inductive, magnetic

effect of entraining others into a similar state of unconsciousness as

our own. Our somnambulism has a bewitching effect on others, while at

the same time their unconsciousness strengthens our denial, in a

self-reinforcing web of mutual conditioning
. Falling into and supporting each other’s collective denial, we become infected by, while concurrently

infecting the field around us with a self-created, but very contagious,

psychological “virus.”

This is an immaterial, psychic “bug” that insinuates itself into and

operates through the psyche by distorting and manipulating our

perceptions so as to feed itself, while at the same time veiling that it is doing this so as to keep itself invisible. Jung never tired of warning us

that psychic epidemics such as this, which spread and replicate themselves

through our unconscious blind spots, were the greatest danger facing

humanity. In a crazy-making loop that both produces and is an expression

of madness, the denial in the underlying field feeds our denial, while

at the same time our denial feeds the denial in the underlying field.

When we live in the state of denial, we are investing all of our

psychic energy into a lie to protect ourselves from the awful shock of

stepping out of our denial and consciously experiencing both the lie that we have been living and the reality we have been avoiding.
Once our denial becomes invested with enough energy, a counter-incentive to step out of our denial arises, as we become highly motivated in sustaining the lie

that is fundamental to our denial, for the trauma of consciously

realizing the perverse state we have fallen into is too much for us to bear.

Once our denial solidifies its reign, it literally rules over us, as we

become obedient to it, as if we are its slaves and it is our master.

When we repress something from our consciousness, we unwittingly invest

it with power over us. Once we become sufficiently corrupted by our

denial, we become dedicated to preserving it at all costs. Once we become

tied, attached and bound to our denial, our entire modus operandi

is to do whatever it takes to continue the charade of hiding from ourselves.

At a certain point, we literally become taken over, as if possessed, by

our compulsion to avoid relationship with ourselves. We are then not

able to help ourselves from compulsively acting out our unconscious

denial, a perverse state for which we are ultimately responsible. Being in

the state of denial, we are not in our right mind, and we are not even

home in our own bodies. In this state, we can be of no help to either

ourselves or to others, as we ourselves are the ones increasingly in need

of help. Having fallen into a truly pathological state, we have become

addicted to our denial, which we then embody and act out in our lives,

as our denial continually in-forms us. Once this pathological process

develops a sufficient inner sovereignty, it “colonizes” our psyche and

we fall into becoming an unwitting instrument for what is called “evil”

to act itself out in our world.

We have then attained what political philosopher Hannah Arendt saw as

the fundamental characteristic of evil: the incapacity for thought. When

we are in denial, the primary thought we can’t think about is

ourselves, which is to say we are incapable of self-reflection, as if we are not

able to bend around backwards and see our reflection in the mirror of

life. When we are in the state of denial, we are “not ourselves,” but

rather, are “beside ourselves.” Instead of associating with all of

our-selves, we imagine that we exist separately from the world out there, of

which we are desperately afraid. This is an outer reflection of the

inner process of being terrified of a part of ourselves, which is the

dynamic which precipitated our denial in the first place.

As this inner pathological state takes us over, it develops a seemingly

autonomous life of its own, animating and playing itself out in the

most unconscious, and hence, destructive of ways, creating violence,

abuse, and terror, whether it be within ourselves or in the outside world.

Anyone who points out or reflects back the pathology is demonized,

pathologized, criminalized, and seen as the enemy.

People in denial react violently when they see someone who does not share their denial, as it secretly reminds them of

how sick they are.

When we are in the state of denial, we lose our ability to discern what

is really going on. For example, when we are in denial, we are unable

to discern whether or not others are in denial. When other people are

actually in denial, it has a resonance with our own denial and, insanely,

we see them as expressing the truth and being enlightened. At the same

time, people who aren’t in denial we see as being crazy. When we are in

denial, we live in an inverted world, blindly imagining others to be

the ones who are blind. We project the face of our own unconscious onto

the world, which simply mirrors it back to us, confirming our delusion.

To step out of our denial is the scariest thing imaginable to the part

of us that is in denial. To snap out of our denial is a form of

“death,” as it is to “die” to the fantasy world in which we imagined we lived.

This is why people will “defend” their denial to the point of death,

often in the most aggressively “offensive” of ways. People in denial will

actually create “explosions” in the outside world as distractions so as

to protect themselves from inwardly “imploding” at the sight of

themselves. People cherish their illusions, which they hold dear to

themselves, as if their illusions are their most sacred possession
. To be in

denial is to live in an illusion, and the system which produced this

pathological state is only too happy to configure itself to support the abuse

by supplying all the evidence needed to strengthen the denial and

confirm the illusion. Our denial allows the abuse to continue to be

perpetrated and perpetuate itself, while at the same time the abuse

facilitates our denial in a reciprocally co-arising, circular (as compared to

linear) and self-generating feedback loop that is truly pathological.

we are in denial, the system which precipitated our denial gets dreamed

up to collude with, nourish, nurture and justify our denial, creating a

psychological black hole: a true dis-ease of the psyche, in which no

light escapes or is emitted.


When we are taken over by the pathological state of denial, we embody

and incarnate it, becoming agents by which it propagates itself, as we

collectively act out our inner, unconscious state of denial on the outer

stage of the world. This is to say that the inner state of our

unconsciousness is actually being dreamed up into full-bodied form and

reflex-ively played out in the theater of the outside world. Just like in a

dream – where the outer dreamscape is a reflection of the inner psyche –

our unconscious has spilled out from the boundaries of our skull and is

materializing itself in, as, and through the seemingly outside world.

Not limited by the conventional laws of time and space, our unconscious

has changed channels and is nonlocally giving shape and form to itself

by synchronistically arranging events in the outside world so as to

express and reveal itself to those that have the eyes to see. The fact

that there is a synchronistic correlation and correspondence between

the unconscious process going on inside of our psyche and what is playing

out in the outside world is not an accident, as this mirroring is

reflecting something back to us that is most important for us to know.

Encoded in the outer manifestation of our unconscious denial is the key to

its resolution.

Collective events in our world are the expressions of our inner state

of unconsciousness, while simultaneously being the revelation of the

very unconsciousness of which they themselves are an expression. What this

means is that events in our world, while being manifestations of our

unconscious, are at the same time potentially the liberator and

liberation of the very unconsciousness of which they themselves are a


The malevolent events that are literally being unconsciously acted out

on the world stage are at the same time speaking to us symbolically,

which is the language of dreams. Seen as symbols that unite the

opposites, these events reflect back to us our inner state of unconsciousness,

while simultaneously revealing to us, and hence potentially

transforming, the very unconsciousness of which they are an unmediated

manifestation. Recognizing what is being revealed instantaneously, in no time whatsoever, transforms our unconscious, our experience of our world, and

ourselves, which empowers us to be a genuine agent for positive change in

the world.

Seen symbolically,

events in our world are


the problem
and the solution

co-joined in

one phenomenon,

and how they manifest


how we dream them.

Our world crisis is the problem, while at the same time it is the revelation of the solution, as it unveils the unconscious part of ourselves, which is the source of our current world crisis. Once we recognize what is being revealed, our consciousness has expanded itself through this realization, thereby transforming both our unconscious and the world crisis simultaneously. Seen as symbols in a dream, the malevolent events in our world are potentially expanding our consciousness so as to heal the very pathology which is at the root of their malevolence. Something is revealing itself to us as it acts

itself out through our unconscious. Recognizing what is being revealed

changes everything, for then all bets are off, as anything becomes possible.

We only suffer from a failure of imagination.

The collective denial and madness

that is playing itself out

in our world



ts own medicine.

How the events in our world actually manifest and what effect they have

on us, either continuing to traumatize us, or wake us up, depends upon

whether or not we recognize what they are revealing to us about

ourselves. Events in our world are being dreamed up to reflect back to us that

we ourselves are responsible for how we moment by moment collectively

dream up our world.

All six and a half billion of us are moment by moment collaboratively

dreaming up this universe into materialization, as if we are co-creating

a mass, shared dream. Once we realize this, we literally snap out of

the illusion of thinking we exist separate from each other, and recognize

we are “relational beings,” interdependent parts of one another, which

is to say we are “related,” members of a greater family. We are a part

of the whole but not “a-part” from the whole. We are interconnected

aspects and unique expressions of the whole. To consciously realize our

wholeness is to heal our disassociation from each other as well as from


Once we snap out of the spell of imagining we are separate from each

other, we can get in sync with each other so as to awaken “eros,” which

has to do with being able to relate with each other through a deeply

shared feeling of the heart called love. Reciprocally co-inspiring each

other, we mutually help one another plug into and activate our collective

genius, as if collectively awakening a higher strand of our DNA. Once

our awakening attains a certain momentum, we become instruments through

which something greater than ourselves is able to inform and give shape

to our world. We are then able to nonlocally effect the entire

universe, which is to say we can literally make a positive difference in the


Putting our lucid awareness together, we synergistically activate our

inherent God-given power of being able to consciously co-create reality

in a way that serves our highest, evolutionary unfoldment. We discover

that we can enter into an engaged, intimate, and conscious partnership

with each other, as well as with the universe as a whole. Once our

intention is to serve what is best for the whole, we become inspired by

something greater than our own ego. We become imbued with life, as we

become guided and animated by a creative, and whole-making spirit. As

compared to the spirit of division and destruction, this is the spirit of

integration and creation. This is the point where we are able to join

together and, not just in imagination, but in seemingly real time and

space, change the collective dream we are having. Instead of destroying

ourselves, we can actually create the world in which we want to live.

Recognizing what is being revealed, we become students of history, as

we become educated by our experience, learn from our mistakes, and

organically grow. Stepping out of our shared delusion that we exist separate

from each other, we discover that we can co-operatively help each other

to evolve to greater orders of freedom and ever-deepening degrees of

compassion. Cultivating our shared awakening, we naturally change the

world in the process.

Paul Levy is an artist and a spiritually-informed political activist. A

pioneer in the field of spiritual awakening, he is a healer in private

practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dream-like

nature of reality. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A

Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis
, which is available on his website Please feel free to pass this article along to

a friend if you feel so inspired. You can contact Paul at; he looks forward to your reflections.

© Copyright 2007.

As I post this I have No. 100 of my hit parade playing in the background,

Metalica's ONE ...

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