OCTOBER, 2004:
Recently, we at GeorgeWBush.org happened to notice that our mail server
had a default "catch-all" mailbox, which for the past several months
had been quietly gathering any and all e-mails addressed to
[INSERT-ANYTHING-HERE]@georgewbush.org. We felt the need to share.
10.29.2004 UPDATE: GeorgeWBush.org
initially posted a select few highlights of the e-mails from its
catch-all mailbox. But in response to overwhelming interest in this
material, we have since dug back into the pile. You'll find today's
newly posted e-mails in the YELLOW
shaded boxes below. Also, the catch-all box has now been disabled,
having been suddenly overwhelmed by thousands of spam and virus
Los Angeles Times 1,
New York Daily News,
Los Angeles Times 2,
Indian Express,
The Washington Post,
Portland Press Herald
But before I sign off,
Check this out, and take a GOOD look at the attachments.
Are you guys ready for the
Jeb Bush Presidency ...?
Comes complete with the same dirty tricks!!
-----Original Message----- From: sharansky@nsba.org [mailto:sharansky@nsba.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:28 AM To: John.Bailey@georgewbush.org Subject: Joint Organizational Statement on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Mendoza [mailto:pmendoza@rpof.org] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 2:17 PM To: Lenny Alcivar - Political [mailto:LAlcivar@rnchq.org]; mazel@georgewbush.org; Pablo Diaz [mailto:pdiaz@rpof.org]; John Heffernan [mailto:jheffernan@rpof.org]; Humberto Collado [mailto:hcollado@rpof.org]; Therese Rohrbeck [mailto:trohrbeck@rpof.org]; luhar@rnchq.org; josebermudez23@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Photos from today's AP Wire; story on Miami Herald (leg up on podium) Man, what an advance job! Patrick Mendoza Field Director, Miami-Dade County Victory 2004 Cell: 305.389.1744 From: Lenny Alcivar - Political [mailto:LAlcivar@rnchq.org] Sent: Mon 10/25/2004 2:12 PM To: mazel@georgewbush.org; Pablo Diaz; John Heffernan; Humberto Collado; Therese Rohrbeck; luhar@rnchq.org; Patrick Mendoza; josebermudez23@hotmail.com Subject: Photos from today's AP Wire; story on Miami Herald http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=480&u=/041025/480/flwl10210251726&printer=1 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/041025/480/flwl10610251744 http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=sl&g=events/lf/041204bushdaughters&l=&e=3&printer=1 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/041025/480/flwl10110251723 |
-----Original Message----- From: Randa FahmyHudome [mailto:randa@fahmyhudome.com] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 10:07 PM To: Phareswire@aol.com; hfwhite@yahoo.com Cc: jkarim@georgewbush.org Subject: Re: (no subject) Okay Walid - after our conversation I went ahead and did a google search on the names below. I am not sure if they are spelled correctly. I did not find anything questionable. Since I do not know most of them - I cannot vouch for their reputations. You will have to do that. Kamal Nawash cannot be on the list - for the reasons we discussed. Remember this: We do not want to do anything that might harm the President's chances of re-election by exposing him to any controversy. If you have doubts about these names - perhaps we don't need to do this press release at all. -- Randa Fahmy Hudome, President Fahmy Hudome International, LLC 815 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. #200 Washington, D.C. 20006 202-429-5566 202-429-5577 fax From: Phareswire@aol.com Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 21:40:30 EDT To: hfwhite@yahoo.com, randa@fahmyhudome.com Cc: jkarim@georgewbush.org Subject: Re: (no subject) Friends This is it. The final draft and the final names. I am awaiting to confirm on one Chaldean American from Detroit. Nawash, upon your suggestion is not in. Check one more time if it is the case. Couple phone numbers are missing, will be added. QU: Do you think I should put my name as a contact? I am up all night, working on my long memorandum of academic endorsement. Check the signing names and let me know Best Walid THE MIDDLE EASTERN AMERICAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE ENDORSES PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 23, 2004 CONTACT: Professor Walid Phares Mechricus@aol.com 202 207 0188 305 283 9253
The MEANC is a coalition of Americans of Middle East
-----Original Message----- From: Don Yeager [mailto:dyeager@ultraisp.com] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 1:38 AM To: pennsylvania04@georgewbush.org Subject: Voters Guide here's a copy of a voters' we need to get distriibuted
Technorati Tags: Greg Palast, mssing emails, 2004.georgebush.org,