May 15, 2007

Where does all the snot come from ....

This great blog and the snippet of a great article are highly recommended.

cold or flu you have had that you cleared up with antibiotics or
pharmaceutical remedies will reappear once you start cleansing and
detoxing your body.  And thus explains the mucus.  I learned this from watching the lectures of Dr Bernard Jensen at the Spa in September 2005;


So, as a model, the diagram assumes that we all start off in a state of perfect health when we are children.  Then we get a cold and perhaps take an antibiotic for it.  Snot is immediately suppressed.  Snot, mucus, bogies, whatever you call it; this stuff is a sign your body is eliminating the bad guys.  Cold
and flu medicines work on stopping the production of mucus, thus giving
us a false confidence that the disease has been dealt with.

But Oh No, not at all.  Because
the next step is chest, sinus and skin infections where the body is
desperately trying to eliminate all the repressed snot from a previous
point in time.  But this time it’s far more
serious because your immune system has to deal with whatever bug you
caught at the time, as well as the growing accumulation of snot.  

And so the story goes on.  Until, God forbid, cancer or worse.  But even at that point, it is not too late.  The body is an incredible machine and will heal itself given half a chance.

point on the timeline where you stop the process of descent and begin
to heal yourself is a measure of what you can expect in terms of
healing reactions whilst you are getting well.  So for me, I stopped this process at around about the blue box, sometime in 2003.  Since then I have had a heap of healing reactions in the form of sinus and chest infections, coughs and colds.  Including major snot production each time.  Each
time I have experienced this ill health I have meditated through the
process and only taken an aspirin maybe if the headaches got really
unbearable.  I have taken no snot suppressing
medicines at all - apart from one serious hayfever allergy I had in
2006 where I was left little choice but to buy an inhaler because I
couldn’t breathe.

I am not saying do not use the chemist if you really need to.  Not at all.  Don’t get me wrong, modern medicine is fabulous stuff.  BUT.  Be discerning.  Ask yourself, do I really need this Sudafed, Salbutomol, antibiotic, or whatever?  Is there another way?

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