It is MORE IMPORTANT to astrophysics than is the study of light.
See what you can find!!
By Ben Mauk Special to LiveScience
posted: 11 May 2007 08:58 am ET
The Taoist poet Lao Tse famously wrote that water exemplifies the highest
good, benefiting all and flowing easily without effort. While this makes for
a lovely metaphor, there's more to H20 than is dreamt of in Lao Tse's
Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have found that, at the
molecular level, water
<http://www.livescie ent/041201_ water_bonds. html> exhibits
viscous, even solid-like properties.
When molecules of water are forced to move through a small gap between two
solid surfaces, the substance's viscosity
<http://www.livescie ews/060824_ longest_experime nts.html>
increases by a factor of 1,000 to 10,000, approaching that of molasses.
"In this small space between surfaces, the water, which is usually very
fluid, organizes itself into a new state in which well-defined layers of
molecules form," said Uzi Landmann, director of the Center for Computational
Materials Science at Georgia Tech, in a phone interview with Live Science.
Layering refers to a structural phenomenon in which molecules form strata
between which there is very little molecular exchange. Water molecules can
move about fluidly within a single layer, but not between layers. This
vertical structure resembles that found in solid substances.
Landmann directed the team of physicists that simulated the experiment and
predicted the layering effect. Georgia Tech experimental physicist Elisa
Riedo led the team that performed the actual experiments. Together they
found that the simulation predictions matched the experimental results.
The experiment observed the properties visualized in the simulation by
measuring the force required to push the solid walls together. Riedo found
that the force oscillates predictably, becoming largest at the point when a
layer of particles is squeezed out.
Riedo and Landmann's results stand at odds with long-held beliefs about
"The literature almost uniformly said that water doesn't layer," said
Landmann. "Without direct evidence it was inferred that water would behave
differently from those liquids that do."
Previously, experiments had not measured the force directly but rather had
deduced it from other properties, since techniques at the time did not allow
scientists to probe the one nanometer region required to observe the effect.
The layering phenomenon has been known for about 25 years. Hexadecanes
(molecule chains of 16 carbon atoms) exhibit layering properties. These are
featured in many common liquids, but not in water.
Applications for the findings can be found in fields ranging from
pharmaceuticals to nanotechnology
<http://www.livescie nology/>. The newfound viscosity of
water suggests a cheap method for lubricating very narrow regions. Water was
long thought too fluid to be useful for this purpose.
But it is not merely a matter of application, insists Landmann. "The
question of the nature of materials on the small scale is itself
fascinating. "
On that point even Lao Tse agrees: "Magnify the small, increase the few."
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