May 17, 2007

Sent to me by a sister!!

Most of you have read the scare mail about the person whose kidneys were stolen while he was passed out. ;Well, read on. While the kidney story was an urban legend, this one is not. It's happening every day.

A few years ago, my thighs were stolen from me during the night I

went to sleep in my body and woke up with someone else's thighs It

was just that quick. Hurt and angry, I resigned myself to having new

thighs with the texture of oatmeal. Then, just when my guard was

down,the thieves struck again.

My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang because they took pains
to match my newrear end to my new thighs. What I couldn't believe was that my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than the original.

Two years ago, I realized that my arms had been switched One morning

I was fixing my hair and watched horrified as the flesh of my upper

arms swung to and fro. Some clever fiend was stealing my body one section at a time.

My poor neck disappeared faster than the Thanksgiving turkey it now resembled.

That's why I decided to tell my story, I can't take on the medical profession by myself.

Women of the world, wake up !

That isn't plastic those surgeons are using.

We know exactly where they are getting those replacement parts.

The next time you suspect someone has had a face "lift", look again.

Was it lifted from you ? I finally found my thighs and I hope CindyCrawford paid a good price for them.

Last month, I thought someone had stolen my breasts. I was just lying
in bed and they were gone. As I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had been hiding in my armpits as I slept.

Now, I keep them tucked into my waistband.





In one of my groups this was the rejoinder:

In a message dated 5/17/2007 8:12:45 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

> YYYYY... writes:
I have a prediction. Soon the only people who will be allowed to procreate It will be whites only. Sound farfetched? Hide and watch.....;)
And XXX replied:

----- Not at all farfetch,they have been trying all along to doing this,and I think you right very soon it will be law no more brown peoples we "over crowding" their world!
Now to my way of thinking this is SAD. And maybe on target, so this is my reply:

Henry Kissinger refers to us ALL as "useless eaters". Seems he and his family forgot about Auschwitz, et al. This horrible situation going on in the world goes on and on and due to the "euphemization" of murder .. you know, it's not genocide, it's "ethnic cleansing". Gates and Buffet LOVE cutting us back. Planned parenthood has been top heavy with an upper echelon of CIA types since the beginning. I don't think "The PIll" helped anything at all. The real sexual rEVOLUTION is learning to worship the feminine in the ONEiverse.

But my main point is that they really do NOT care what color your skin is in order to reduce the planet to the size they want. They just want the 6.5 billion figure reduced. Period. The quarrel the powers that be are having is just what size they want it. 2 billion? Some of them like that number. Some think "oh, about a billion" and others are taking right the way down to 1/2 billion.

The common element is that they think about it in this inhumane way!

On my blog, i published a link this week to an article about "over"population and peak oil and then a further blog item about COMMENTS about that post. Anyone on here can check that article out, it's under and the comments link is posted two days later. (for those reading the blog, just look at the index)

But the reason us GRRLS, sisters, women are UPSET with this is that we know how powerful the right wing Xians are!! See this article.

* * * * *

We know that they have tried to control the bedroom and women's power for hundreds of years, labelling us "witches", "savages", troublemakers, boat rockers, etc. Lots of us women are NOT earth mothers, we are RAINBOW WOMEN and are here to tend the earth in our special, unique ways through our creativity.

Well, they push and push us until we are mere shells of the person the Creator created through us and we just turn into "junkies" and "alkies" and "nymphos", et al. There is no winning for any women (and I do mean any) under this patriarchal system. It's systemic, that's why we call it systemic patriarchy - it cannot be escaped!!!!

The Ultimate novel on what will happen when these right wing jerks get their way (if they do, I am counting on the view that they won't!), is in Margaret Atwood's book, THE HANDMAID'S TALE.

* * * * *

It's not "just" the story line that is important, it is the thinking/beliefs of the main characters that carry this book from start to finish. The main character is being used by right wingers to birth babies .. and my! what havoc ensues. There IS a movie of it (I thought casting a Brit, as good as she was in the role, a real stoopid move), and it follows the plot pretty well, but misses the more (subtle) political points being made.

Atwood word painted HELL ON EARTH

in this book.

Most people find it a very disturbing read

(disturb the comfortable; comfort the disturbed

-- an very wise therapeutic/healing maxim)

Due to the puritanISM and the fundamentalISM (which it isn't) inherent in the white settlers who came to Murka, the suggestion they will control and license child bearing is a real potentiality, but I would make a prophesy or prediction about it, NOT YET.

Supposedly, 52% of the masses are now either awake or waking up .. at least that many have open minds and no longer will fall for the black and white thinking. They do not Wish to be oppressed, repressed, suppressed and COLONIZED by whackos!!!!

There is something so hopelsss and disgusting about the Hookergate scandal that keeps being pushed under the radar.

These guyz involved (Bush, Rove and uncounted others) are a sorry lot and have no idea of the sactity of women or the _expression of love of one person for another, sexual or otherwise. The media does not even care to let us KNOW how screwed up they are. But pages like Mad Cow News (and I can name various other sources, I keep track), are ONTO THIS STORY!

The first thing one needs to do to get power over dysfunction is to NAME IT!

These guyz (and their wives who cover it all up to keep the goodies and shopping flowing) are WHACKO!

There! I have named and it is so ....

I am too old for kidz and will never have to apply for my "babymaking" license. I have two sons and two grandsons. So my line (it appears) will never have to apply, but I fight day in day out to make sure it don't happen to my sister, or my sister's children . and by that I mean ALL women -- by continuing to rock the boat, open up my big fat trap and talking, talking, talking about the issues, I trust that The Creator will help me .. and I feel badly the world is THIS MESSED UP. I didn't WANT to become a healer, or a soapbox queen, but it became necessary!!

So, keep up these discussions, becuz we NEED THEM. We cannot let them take our creativity away! Cuz that is what they REALLY want .. We create children, we create homes, we create word strings, beautiful art, we create beautiful HARMONY (not harm) and we must re-member and make ourselves (w)holy. Why? Because as Alice Walker (who is afterall part NDN) says .. the secret of JOY is RESISTANCE!! We need meaning in our lives if we are not to go psycho or schizo or PARANOID.

I have a thang I have written about for over twenty years .. and I do not mean it in a racist way ... but it's about End of the Line White Families. They are SO laden with craziness, dysfunction, self rejection and all that other stuff (I will NOT label it bad or good), that they just cannot even reproduce any more!!
The Prince of Tides by Patrick Conroy and The Shipping News by Annie Proulx do pretty good jobs of describing the phenomena (Faulkner wrote about it, but who can READ him, plus he STOLE those stories, they are NOT fiction) The codependency/ addiction movement really really tried to get to grips with all this. But it FAILED because it wouldn't take it that next level, looking at societal dysfunction ... they "blamed" individuals.

This move to control people ain't just against browns, or reds, or yellows, or semitic Arabs (and believe me, they will start in on the jews again), it's about EVERYONE. EVERYONE. Everyone ends up a victim of a postdated thought system.

We are the generation we are looking for, of that I am certain and things are changing REALLY FAST.

And since this is my two cent rant for the week on this group, let me remind you that this presidential election is IMPORTANT if we are to stop the craziness of the right wing Xians (and they want their candidate .. will Jeb Bush do?), so looking at the candidates in the light of their personal lives is important. For me, it's Dennis Kucinich ALL THE WAY. He's talking about his sex life in public, on Bill Maher!! Way to go!!

I AM a Priestess, a shawl healer, a singer of the Episong, a woman of POWER. I hand drum us ALL into peace, happiness and hopefully, healthy sex and children ... I paid dearly to watch my rights to my body and soul strip away, but they'll NEVER take me away crying! LOL

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