May 05, 2007

Deb wrote:

Tonight, I have been reading Bill's book, "Steps to the Mystical
and lots of things stood out for me, but the following
paragraph was especially was meaningful to me.  I think that
somehow, if we can master this, maybe we will have more pleasant
experiences, or at least perceive them differently.  This is what I
plan to work on this weekend, as we are going to New Orleans for a



Joel Goldsmith stated that the experience that started his
spiritual journey was the world war that was about to begin.  He saw
that there was a church on almost every corner in Europe filled with
people praying, How could God let this happen?  And then the answer
flooded through him, and let me tell you it was shocking:  "There is no
God in the human scene unless we bring Him there" -- unless we become conscious
of His presence.  We are told that this led to his spiritual
awakening, and later he said that God is where God is realized.  



           Steps to Mystical Experience
           Conscious Awareness of the Everlasting Life
           Pages 129 - 130.

           By:  Bill Skiles

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