January 13, 2006

Sunday, May 29, 2005 Thank you for cheering me up.
Below is a message from Dr. Emoto sent to the staffs of IHM referring to the United Nation’s seminar on May 26. It was originally exclusive for the staff and persons concerned, but the contents, we suppose, are very neatly summarized and will serve as useful reference for you readers. So we decided to show you the message with Dr. Emoto’s permission.


Thank you for coming all the way to encourage me and sending beautiful flowers and hearty message cards. I got the message cards after the seminar, but the flowers were set just in front of my seat. So while I was speaking, I sometimes gave a glance at them and remember you all.
The flowers looked much more beautiful after the seminar, I suppose.

Now, how and why I give the lecture for the UN this time is well known to you through Mr. Nemoto. But I wasn’t able to understand for sure the real meaning of invitation from the UN till I arrived at the seminar room that day. I felt I must not be over exhilarated expecting much from the UN.

But when I heard the news that the room for my seminar was suddenly changed into a much larger room, and when I entered the room and sit on the seat that had been ready with a nameplate “MASARU EMOTO”, I said to myself “Yes, this is it, the UN, really.” And all of a sudden I felt real and got somewhat nervous pleasantly.

I encouraged myself then. I appealed with considerable spirit to the audience of about 150 through an interpreter for 40 minutes. Below is the contents of the seminar.
  1. the present state and forecast of the greenhouse effect.
  2. Human being and Gaia, the earth, is one same thing. What will happen if nothing changes.
  3. The exploding population increase, especially of this 100 years, is the cause.
  4. A large amount of energy was used.
  5. Energy is vibration, and vibration emits heat: thus, greenhouse effect is a matter of course.
  6. The population will increase by 5 billion in 100 years. Showing a forecast chart made by the UN.
  7. The influence has already appeared. Showing pictures of an Island in South Pacific and melting icebergs.
  8. Nothing changed, the same thing as the Mu Continent or Atlantis will become of us.
    These are why we should change the method of producing energy. Not from the fire but from the water.
  9. In such time, “Messages from Water” enter the stage and diffused quickly around the world, interestingly, through women, symbol of water.
  10. How to take pictures of water crystals.
  11. We couldn’t succeed in taking pictures at first, experienced a lot of hardship, but once a picture was taken, it went smoothly. Showing the pictures of water crystals.
  12. 11-year observation told us that the crystals are designs for vibration of energy.
    In the meantime I came to understand what vibration is.
  13. The principle of vibration has relation mainly to resonance. Explaining this using a tuning fork.
  14. It is water that conveys vibration of energy.
  15. Therefore, the pictures of water crystals can be new method of observing energy.
  16. The evidence: about music. Showing a picture of water crystal exposed with playing of Beethoven’s Symphony No.9.
  17. The evidence: about words. Showing pictures of water crystals shown the words “Thank you” or “You fool” in Japanese, English, Germany, French.
  18. The evidence: prayers. Showing videos and pictures of children praying for water.
  19. The water shown words “Love Thanks” made the most beautiful crystal.
  20. These two words might give us a hint of how to produce energy from water.
  21. Suppose active energy is “love”, and passive energy is “thanks”.
  22. H2O, water's chemical formula, means one love and two thanks. When humanity understands this, we will get free energy from water.
  23. The true meaning of Einstein’s formula on energy.
    E = (the numbers of persons) x (Consciousness squared). Therefore, The higher our consciousness is, the more energy we can get.
  24. Explaining that our consciousness is only 3/100 point in this moment.
  25. If this point reach 100, 60 trillion people can live on this earth, like our body has 60 trillion cells.
  26. The best way to take our consciousness higher is to make “Messages from Water” child version and to give to children of all around the world for free. We will do that through"International Water for Life Foundation" ,which we founded in sympathy with the UN’s The Internationla Decade for Action “Water for Life”.
  27. I hope to develop this foundation into an NPO authorized by the UN and request your understanding and help.

This lecture was over with standing ovation. I suppose I was able to gain sympathy of them.

This seminar was organized by an NGO, so this directly leads to some movement of the UN. But I think it has made the first step to realize my ideas. And that means it has put me and IHM to the right direction, I believe.

Let’s produce good and beautiful books for children. Of course books on water. And let’s publish them all over the world. Give the books to children all over the world for free in the next 10 years.

Now we have a simple goal. “Hado of Love Thanks for Water Project” or “the IHM Project

Let’s start this project on November 16, 2005.

Masaru Emoto from Sun Valley, Idaho, America
