January 27, 2006

RE :
filibuster of the Alito nomination

http://www.savethecourt.org/site/c.mwK0JbNTJrF/b.849267/k.CC39/Home.htm -may or may not work to get you to the exact page
with the fax sending info, on it.

http://www.savethecourt.org/ ---
just go to the first listing at the top of the above url's page,
if the url above, doesn't work fpr you,as it didn't for me.

thanks, Tomaso

the following from a friend, Virginia, quite an impassioned activist
for her most important issues, all the time.


I know I must be "boring" you to death with this ... but it SO important. This is MAJOR. And now someone sent me the easiest, quickest route yet to get something accomplished in the time we have left. By filling in one EASY form, you send off 12 faxes!
Let this 12 Senators know we do NOT want unitary executive power, nor a man who condones strip searches of 10-year girls and joins elitist organisations that he cannot recall after "racking" his brain.
Maybe we are being "played" by these Senators: it doesn't matter. We need to stop Alito's confirmation. It is NOT a done deal. Forget the Mainstream Media (MSM).
Thank you, Virginia
Time is short, the stakes are high; you only need to fill out 1 form to send 12 faxes automatically...
to reach 12 key senators ...
Senator Kerry has boldly called for a filibuster of the Alito nomination.
Heeding our calls to do everything possible to defeat Alito,
Kerry has asked that activists now help convince his colleagues to join him.
Please contact 12 key senators who can provide critical support
to the filibuster effort by clicking on
