January 24, 2006

Hello Dear Members

My name is Isabell Serrano, and I am very touched by the support that the forum shows to its members. I can relate to many of the challenges that we all are encountering. Finally for me things are becoming so much better. My life took a big turn on August 29, 2005. My husband Juan and I decided to stay in our home near Chalmette, LA, 20 minutes fron New Orleans, because our son was very sick with the flu. The day of the hurricane Katrina our home was flooded with 12 feet of water, we (my husband, my son and our 3 cats), my husband and I had put a few provisions in there just in case, including a gas chain saw. Many horrible things happened during that week in Saint Bernard, our parish.

But thanks to All That Is, many angels and my husband who swimmed in the nasty, snake infested water to get a boat, we made it out of New Orleans seven days later. I saw the best of humanity and also the worst.

My husband and I met in the US Navy, so we had seen poor countries, war and devatation. But I never experience something like New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina. After, we were flew out of there and arrived in a shelter in Austin,Texas, I cried and said a prayer of gratitude. I did not realized I had prayed out loud.

A young man named James,who was volunteering and walking along, heard me praying and offered us his help. He is originally from Austin, but was studying in New Orleans to become a priest. He called his mother Ms. Elena and she told him to inmediately bring us to her home. There I found love, comfort and support, she is like a mother, a second mother to me. Finally I could called my family since our cell phones were not working. My mom and father were so sad, they have started to think we were dead.

I went over many times, how come we survived when many from my town died? I used to work close to the Saint Rita's elderly home.

For years I have taught an elderly fitness class and nutrition classes, I knew many of the people that die, there. All I can say today, is that I have learned about love, compassion and strenght in a way that I have never imagined. I have been showed love and support, when people did not even know me and the only thing I had was my husband, my dear son and the clothes I had on.

I have prayed for all those souls that went, they went to teach us this wisdom. Truly love your neighbor as yourself.

Today, I am in Fort Worth, my husband's company is here. Even waking up feels joyous, my own bed, my own room. Food taste delicious and water, yummy. Today, I can pray without always crying and if I cried is because I have so many things to be grateful for.

Somethings I am doing that have helped are very easy.

1. Find everyday 5-10 persons and/or experiences, that you are grateful for and give thanks from your heart for them.

2. Say "I love you" often, you do not know when you or your loved ones are leaving this Earth.

3. Hug, show your affection, same reason as above.

4. Take a bubble bath, with essential oils. It is hard not to have water,lol.

5. Write an angel ad. For example; Wanted: Angel from celestial realm. Angel of Light, Love and Wisdom to help me heal and accept the teaching of this challenge. To report for loving assistance ASAP.

6. Watch a funny movie, laughter really helps. Something like patch Adams, the doctor who taught the value of laughter for healing.

7. Get a massage, it releases stresses accumulated in your physical body.

8. Pray before you eat, simple but true, food taste better and it is digested in a better way. It is awesome to eat a warm meal.

9. Read stories that demontrate the courageous strenght of the human spirit and stories about how angels have saved lifes.

10. Strive to be better, but without seeking perfection, everything is changing, the Earth(Gaia), the Universe and us. We are making it along as we go. Perfection will come when we have enough practice and pratice comes from getting better at the experience of being human and loving our humanity and each other truly.

Thanks again for letting me write to you. Living is a wonderful adventure.

Your friend, Isabell
