Recent Audio Files Carlos Barrios 01/11/06 SPECIAL PRESENTATION
Wednesday January 11th - SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Carlos Barrios, high priest Mayan elder along with Adam Rubel of Saq Be'. Urgent Message from Mayan Counsel of Upcoming Events...Jan 12, 2006, 07:31
Recent Audio Files Carl Johan Calleman 01/05/06
Thursday January 5th - Carl Johan Calleman author of “The Mayan Calendar” and one of the worlds best known experts on Mayan culture. What is in store for us in this year 2006? Website: 6, 2006, 08:14
Recent Audio Files Laura Lee Mistycah 12/22/05
Thursday December 22nd - Laura Lee Mistycah, author of “Living in an Indigo House: The Heartaches & Victories of First Wave Indigos”. Laura Lee is in my opinion one of the 3% authentic esoteric mystics. Yes folks, I am saying she is one which I do admire from woo-woo land. Join us as we discuss the harsh journey of children and adult children known as Indigos.
Audio Files Piers Corbyn 12/08/05
Tuesday December 08th - Piers Corbyn, British astrophysicist and meteorologist. Corbyn explains why he doesn’t believe global warming is caused by the rising levels of carbon dioxide. He relies on the Sun to predict future weather using his revolutionary ‘Solar Weather Technique’. The ‘Solar Weather Technique’ is a procedure using predictable links between solar activity and weather. Particles are ejected from the Sun and these particles generate the changes in solar wind (the rush of particles from the Sun) which allows us to predict changes in the weather. Website:
A Treat For Thanksgiving – Transcript of Interview with Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios
Upon reflection of the “principle” of Thanksgiving, my first thoughts are of ‘community’. Family gatherings, shared food, re-unitings, story telling, conversations of changes, and what’s coming. It was at this time I thought of my most recent interview with Carlos Barrios. Why? I’m not exactly sure, but none-the-less it came to me. So I thought I would share it with all of you.Nov 21, 2005, 06:14
Articles by Mitch Mitch Battros ECTV Interview with Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios
- (Transcript) (MB) = Mitch Battros (CB) = Carlos Barrios Well welcome folks. One of those bittersweet shows I guess you could say. Very grateful to have our ancestors and mentors, particularly tonight, from the Mayan Nation. And of course, the not so good news is, you know, what’s going on. It’s not that we’re shocked! The Mayans and the Mayan calendar have been telling us about this for years. Hopi prophecy has been telling us about it. The Ananazi have been telling us about it. The Essenes have been telling us about it, and it’s Biblical as well. All spiritual disciplines have said something very close to the same.Nov 10, 2005, 11:38
Adrian Gilbert regards Signs inthe Sky as probably the most important book he has written to date. In it he gives carefully reasoned arguments and scientific proofs to show that we are living at "the end of days" when certain prophecies of the bible are to be fulfilled.
This is not an airy-fairy channelled work and nor is it anything to do with what is generally referred to as astrology. The 'Signs in the Sky' of the title refers to the way the stars move through a slow cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. Because of this movement, the sun now sits over the upstretched 'hand' of the constellation of Orion exactly on the summer solstice. This is important because this point in the sky, referred to as a 'star-gate' by the ancient Egyptians, marks the crossing of the ecliptic with the plane of our galaxy the Milky Way. The Bible writers seem to have known this and made prophecies for our own time based on this and other signs. Please click here for further details.