January 08, 2006

More 9/11 truth,

The Official 9/11 Story IS a Conspiracy Theory! http://covertoperations.blogspot.com/ 9/11 was a conspiracy, as it involved several people conspiring to commit a crime. The official 9/11 narrative, as codified by the 9/11 Commission Report, is NOT proven as the most likely explanation for the events of 9/11/01. The official 9/11 story is therefore a theory. This means that the OFFICIAL 9/11 Story is really a "CONSPIRACY THEORY"!
Steve's Note: For those that have been investigating 911 and Flight 93, the following new book's information is very plausible as an explanation for the discrepancies in the 'official' 911 report of flight 93, which contains numerous unexplained facts, (such as an 8 mile wide debris field for a supposed air crash, which would require an in air explosion to be so spread out.)--

The Shanksville Flight 93 Hoax SOLVED By Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani http://www.wingtv.net/thorn2006/flight93.html A new book: 'Phantom Flight 93: The Shanksville-Flight 93 Hoax' by the (Sisyphus Press, 2006) puts forth an extremely convincing argument that Flight 93 did not meet its demise in Shanksville, Pa. on the morning of September 11, 2001, but was instead shot down by U.S. military forces and subsequently crash landed in the rural hamlet of New Baltimore, Pa., 6-8 miles away from where the government alleges this event took place.
