January 27, 2006

Mitch Battros - ECM (ECTV)
(Gamma ray chart on post below)
Earlier today, I was notified of a GRB (gamma ray burst) had occurred
just two days ago. It is being reported as possibly the longest GRB ever
recorded. This burst was initially reported as lasting for 30 seconds, but later
analysis of Swift data shows significant gamma-ray activity as much as
700 seconds after the initial burst. This makes it one of the longest
bursts on record, coincidentally just one day after another extremely
long burst was found (GRB 060123).

Swift's X-Ray Telescope also detected the burst. It had an unusual X-ray
light curve. It was initially flat in brightness then showed several
flares of brightness after about 100 seconds. This may be due to clumps
of gas or dust a few million kilometers away from the burst reflecting
its initial brightness (essentially, an echo of light bouncing off of
material near the burst).

An optical afterglow was detected with the 1.34 meter Tautenberg
telescope, and confirmed by the Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope and
later by several observatories. Spectra taken at the monster 10-meter
Keck telescope indicates a 'redshift' of this burst.
GRB Coordinates:Right Ascension 05:08:10 - Declination 69:42:33 - Constellation of Camelopardalis

Just In.....Within this hour, a geomagnetic storm is taking place. The Kp Index is
showing a sudden spike scene below: Kp Index: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/kp_3d.html

I am on the phone now setting up an interview with one of the most
highly regarded experts in Plasma Physics. His name is Dr. Andrei Zhukov
of the Royal Observatory in Belgium. Watch for a special interview to
take place this Friday January 27th. The time will be from 9 PM to 10 PM(Pacific). http://sol.oma.be/SWP/index.php3
Dr. Zhukov works closely with previous ECTV guest Dr. Van der Linden who
is now the Head of the Solar Physics Department:
More Growing Pains

Thanks to you, Earth Changes Media (ECTV) is experiencing a popular
demand for breaking news events as your No.1 source news source for
space weather and earth science. As a result, I am in need for a few
special volunteers to help in posting news items on the ECTV site.
If you have the passion and the time, this position may be for you. We
have designed a program which has made it possible for volunteers to
help in posting with just knowing basic computer skills. I am seeking
those who are driven more by desire, passion, and a willingness to
commit your time and energy for this great cause.

If you know your way around the internet and you are a natural and
looking for and finding breaking news events, this position may be for

It's not all fun and games, this volunteer position will demand your time
and commitment to grabbing those news items as soon as they appear
and getting them up on the site.

If this sounds like something worth your while, and is certainly a
gift to the community, send me an email and put "Volunteer" in the subject
bar. earthchanges@earthlink.net

It all started with a simple equation.

Equation:Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean andJet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitchbattros)
and led to 'Solar Rain'
1) Table of Contents:http://www.earthchangestv.net/Table_of_Contents.htm
2) Endorsements: http://www.earthchangestv.net/Solar_Rain.htm
3) Order:https://www.earthchangestv.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=28____________________________

Earth Changes TV - Radio Hour

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 PM to 10 PM (Pacific). Go to the ECTV
home page and click on "Listen Live" which sits at the top right of the
page. Tuesday January 24th - Wal Thornhill, Physicist and author of
"TheElectric Universe": Plasma has been called the "fourth state" of matter,
after solids, liquids and gases. Most of the matter in the universe is
in the form of plasma. Their net movement constitutes an electrical
current so therefore, it can conduct electrical current.
Website:http://www.electric-universe.info <http://www.electric-universe.info/>

Thursday January 26th - Robert Perala, author of "The Divine Blueprint:Roadmap for the New Millennium". We will be discussing what makes a lifefrom ordinary to extraordinary, featuring some of the great teachers ofour time such as, Dali Lama, Princes Diana and Paul McCartney. Website:http://www.unitedlight.com/index.html

Tuesday January 31st - Professor Ed Mercurio - We will discuss theEffects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Weather and Climate on Multiple TimeScales. Evidence is presented that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are amajor forcing agent on weather and climate on multiple time scalesranging from weekly through glacial-interglacial. Known effects of GCRsare used to explain phenomena and observations in the fields ofmeteorology, climatology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology. Website:http://www.hartnell.cc.ca.us/faculty/mercurio/gcr2.html

Thursday February 2nd - Dr. Fred Alan Wolf - Author of "Taking theQuantum Leap", Parallel Universes, The Dreaming Universe, The EaglesQuest, The Spiritual Universe, Mind into Matter, and his latest book,Matter into Feeling. He also stared in the currently running movie "WhatThe Bleep Do We Know <http://www.whatthebleep.com/> ".
Website:http://www.fredalanwolf.com <http://www.fredalanwolf.com/> ________________________________

Solar Rain:https://www.earthchangestv.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=28
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Survival Tips: http://www.earthchangestv.com/survival/index.php
Mitch BattrosProducer - Earth Changes TVAuthor "Solar Rain" http://www.earthchangestv.com

