January 07, 2006


We are in somewhat uncharted waters making hardnosed generalizations difficult.

The current anomaly in the spin axis is stranger than far than anything seen in several decades, perhaps ever. Here are some somewhat squishy generalizations.

APPARANTLY, the drift of Chandler's Wobble is definitely larger than anything yet recorded. It now LOOKS like something in the range of .7 arc seconds, giving us about 12 feet now per year. {See below}

It used to be under one foot per year.

NOTE: these numbers can shift either way week by week. So far they have been getting bigger.

It would appear that we are in the X MIN phase now in a small tight spiral which may turn out to be the smallest spiral ever seen. There is now apparant some motion on the Y Axis, but it is very small. The main motion is close to the X Axis.In any event, we have entered dramatically into a phase (the X WAVE MIN) of the 7 year cycle in Chandler Wobble, what I have been calling the X WAVE, during which seismic activity in the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire increases dramatically.

I think I have spotted a reflection of this 7 year increase as well in the microbursts which are recorded at Erebus volcano on Ross Sound. I believe more strongly than ever that during the next 14 months, major tectonic activity will be considerably elevated over that of the previous six years, with the possible exception of the Indo Trench Rupture on Christmas 2004.

We may not see this for several more months. Or, we may see some of it tomorrow.

We are in a zone of chaotic uncertainty and unpredictability.

Watching animals and your vibes, or those around you, is your best stragegy for the final warning phases. You can also check out Pam Wiseman's forecasts. I, she, we believe that she is picking up scalar waves from the etheric energy fields into her aura and these are experienced as physcial sensations in various parts of her boby. Don't try to follow the linear logic here with Western skepticial materialism. It works, follow the flow

Also, of course, check out the JOB site. If I lived in Cal, I would have this site link and Pam's on my desktop for daily perusal. Berkland's Syzygy site has a lot of indicators and posters sharing various sensitivities and indicators
Pam, please if you have a chance, post this post at your site and JOB's.
I am off to a very late Breakfast but first must brave the VERY windy, amazingly warm wind from the South. This old RV, Cornplanter's old Commander up in Big Sky Ranch near Snowflake, is rocking and rolling in this amazingly powerful South Wind and the wireless network is hardly working. Let's see if I can get this out....
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