From a post:
I want to tell you about scientist women in India who was fighting against giants as Coca Cola to stop them stealing water from people......
In the state of Kerala, for example, in a region that has such high rainfall that that region has never had water scarcity, within one year of a Coca Cola plant coming, pumping up 1.5 million liters a day for bottling water, three lakes went dry, rivers went dry. The women started to protest. Tribal women. Three hundred of them are now in jail. We organized a meeting against water privatization three weeks ago -- they couldn't join us because they were in jail.
That is how the consequences of private-public partnership end up..
somebody says that she won.
Shiva Vandana and her Navdanya program for nonviolent farming..this is for me women worthy to be called Mother Goddess.
If you like see this dvd 'Bullshit' ...about her fight for basic human rights..water and food..confrontation with Monsanto representatives..