hola Po, Tiina & friends here at PUnta Mona wonderland of primal hippies chaos & cooperating together. am camping in casita A frame & voounteering work trading PC growing, composting, chickens, horse, coconuts, marketing, swimming, Chi-kunging, etclove folks here, in sat. wireless internet on solar power, with well/rain waters.See Punta Mona new website. We're doning lots with local cacao beans, the kids making chocolate with local sugars things. Me eating fresh ground C- beans with: coco oil (good local), cumin, ginger & tumeric, etc. Also getting local raw cows milk, making yogurt is wonderful here. Plenty of fresh green coconuts water/flesh & old nuts for grinding sweet coco meat for many things. This is old cacao plantation land, replanted with many fruit & veggie food crops.Many soulful folks staying now for varied spells of learning, growing & sharing. My WWOOFing here is fun working growing things: veggie & tree nursery. Am the compost capt. buillding fertile soils, but we need Azomite deeply lacking trace minerals, like in Hawaii. Soo i wood love you to send 5-20 lbs to us here. i willl pay for, find out best rates for shipping UPS, USPO or FedX toPunta Mona, Puerto Veijo, Limon state, Costa Rica $$$$$$$ ?????????