DNA Activation/Awakening
and the Master Key LOVE
Conscious Healing :
Book 1
of the Regenetics Method
by Sol Luckman
( it is a MUST READ , IMHO!! )
Mayan timekeepers believe that Human Evolution
For the Mayans,
Mastery of Intention corresponded to a unity consciousness that would infuse biology itself with new structure and possibilities quite outside the box of even much of today's "advanced" thinking about human bio-spiritual adventure.
The Lightbody begins to express itself when dormant potential DNA codes are "keyed" by Torsion Energy, ( Physics talk for "Unconditional Love Source " as Divine Geometry in Light & Sound!!! ), particularly SOUND AND INTENTION spiral standing waves of a higher dimensinal Nature derived from the Primary Torsion ENergy of Unconditional Love, such that Our cells begin to recognize Light as an Energy Source and metabolize it somewhat like plants do in photosynthesis.
Through Harmonic Resonance , Potentiation establishes a clearer connection with the Unconditional Love frequency
emanating as Hifgher-Dimensional spiral standoing waves of sound and light from the Healing Sun at Galactic Center. In other words, Potentiation attunes DNA to the primary torsion energy of SOURCE.
Remote DNA activation is easily explained as an energetic transfer of Consciousness manifesting as torsion waves that stimulate a molecular rearrangement of transposons in potential DNA. In turn, potential DNA shifts the bioenegy fields, which then modify metabolic and replication functions in cells, facilitaing healing. The same process that encouraged healing, by inviting more torsion L:ight into cells, by definition promotes
~~ Sol Luckman
We have found the Lord God'desses' of Our Being, Within...Around...Omniversally Present
In HER We live and move and have Our Being.
~~Tom B.
Phoenix Center for Regenetics