I am publishing the following, but not because I agree with it. It's certainly something to think about, but that's it -- to THINK about. It doesn't have any spiritual underpinnings to it. It's pessimistic and DARK.
From: http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs.htm
Humanity Threatened by Catastrophic "Day Before Yesterday"
Valery Bolotin Utro (Russian Morning News)
6 Jan 06
The following article is in Russian, in a respected journal (not "The National Enquirer). We are presenting a machine translation with slight editing. Essentially, what it says is; that the Catastrophe IS coming, it's unavoidable, and nothing will be "normal" again for 100,000 years.
The article says that the data shows that we are on the verge of the same catastrophe that visited Earth 55 million years ago. Europe and North America will be under ice for a very long time.There is the opinion that history has a form of spiral, and everything, which is awaiting us in the future, already has occurred in the distant past, and possibly, more than once. This concerns also the famous global warming, of which terrifying consequences scientists are warning us about for a period of several years.
According to their opinion, we are guilty in bringing on this unavoidable apocalypse. It is said, harmful ejections into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect and other not very pleasant side-effects of industrial civilization have placed the planet on the edge, after which it awaits the ecological catastrophe: climate variation, the deluge, swift temperature drop and almost death of everything living. However, this state of affairs is nothing new for the Earth, and all these subjects, worthy of the pen of science fiction writer, concern rather the genre of historical novel.
As American scientists explained, in the history of planet Earth, there were already periods of global warming, and global freezing. The soul-freezing scenario is naturalistically shown in the blockbuster movie "Day After Tomorrow", has already occurred in the historical "day before yesterday" - 55 million years ago.
In those distant times everything developed exactly according to the same scenario as contemporary scientists have projected for the nearest future.The key link in the chain of events in both cases is the flow of the Gulf Stream, or more accurately - its break-down, which is going to bring terrible cold into Europe and North America.
Here is the scenario: global warming will lead to the melting of ice at the poles, as a result of which tremendous masses of fresh water will pour into the Atlantic Ocean which will change the direction of water circulation. The work of the Gulf Stream, which usually takes away cold water from the north into the southern hemisphere, and on the way back delivers to the north warm water from the south, in this way warming the northern continents, will be disrupted. And as a result Europe and America will be totally under the domination of cold currents, that also indicates the onset of the legendary "day after tomorrow".
Thus, 55 million years ago everything occurred exactly the same, even if the causes were different. Because humanity with its progress - toxic waste belching factories and the vomiting of tons of dioxides by automobiles - existed only in the form of "God's Ideas".
55 Million years ago climate variation began because of the extraordinary volcanic activity, which, as it seemed, was the cause of the death of the dinosaurs. As written in the journal Nature, the scientist, Richard Norris from the California institute of oceanology, in the past, global warming released methane, which was waiting to play its role in the thickness of ocean floor. The gas which escaped, became the reason for a sharp increase in the temperature of water, heating oceans to 6-8 degrees higher. The consequences were truly catastrophic. The order of the circulation of water masses from the south to the north and from the north to the south, which was stable for thousands of years, was swept away, and for the next 5 thousand years the oceans did the most unexpected things, directing the streams of water backwards.
On the land, it's not difficult to imagine what was happeing - to represent is not complicated. It is enough to say that for things to return to normal, Nature needed 100 thousand years were required by nature. Let us note that this period twice as long as the period of existence of modern man on Earth.
For those who think that our planet is able to manage the ecological vandalism that is a product of bad stewardship of humanity, they should think twice. The real question is whether there will be any human beings who will be alive at the "happy end" when this scenario plays out.
January 06, 2006
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