Anomalous Worldwide Tectonic Event
MWM: Re below, this is a highly interesting post, which seems to point to a EXTREMELY deep seismic event, seemingly impossible. I pass it along without verifying this. I am not sure yet if this is real or apparant. The first thing to do is establish the depth and quadrant of this event as described by the vector sum of all points of observation.
The second thing to do is to not get hung up in trying to explain it at the moment. The third thing to do is to not worry about solid vs fluid. Beneath the crust, the Earth is not really in either state. "Surface" conditions and concepts about matter do not apply. It is in a fifth state of matter, extremely compressed cuboid layers (think mica) which mimics all other states and can erupt into plasmas and fluids instantaneously with a drop in pressure. The explanations below, deep quakes or scalar waves, are too early. If it is as deep as suggested, it is not an earthquake but it may be a local field oscillation of the condition of matter somewhere inside the mantle, producing an eletromagnetic or mechanical pressure gradient which impinges into the crust "looking like" a quake wave. Possibly it was a result of a scalar wave function, possibly it is a natural event, possibly both, it is really far too early to even guess.
The thing to keep in mind is that humans have not been looking at the Earth as a unified field until just the past decade. All data and concepts are generally looked at within local frames, not planet frames, thus we have been blind to such patterns. If a new pattern is now being identified by Craig Bryant, we will have to just watch for awhile hoping to find more to "catch the drift".
From: "Bryant, Craig" Craig.Bryant@kingpharm.com
Several minutes into the year 2006, a worldwide tectonic event occurred that defies what is understood as normal earthquake activity. Sixty-one stations reported seismograms on January first at the USGS real time seismic data website. Of these, fifty-six seismogram displays showed a rapid, single bipolar signal between 00:10:11 and 00:21:00 hours. The range of appearance of this event can be seen in the image at:
[<link" target=_blank>http://img345.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tectonicpulse5ek.jpg>link]
Three seismograms are shown in this image. They are CASY (Casey, Antarctica,) LSZ (Lusaka, Zambia,) and PMG (Port Moresby, New Guinea.)
The most commonly observed event, being a small, sharp bipolar pulse, is shown in fig. 1. A more disturbed signal is shown in fig. 2.
In fig. 3, the most dynamic of the seismograms, the signal moves completely off scale at the onset of the event. What is so unusual about these three events is that they are all essentially synchronous. Earthquakes produce what are call body waves, which travel through the interior of the Earth.
These consist of two types, P (primary) waves and S (secondary) waves. In water, P waves travel at 1.45 km/s (3,243 MPH). In sediments, P waves travel up to 5 km/s (11184.68 mph). In granite layers, P waves travel between 5.5-6.4 km/s (12303- 14316 MPH.) S waves travel at about 58% of that of P waves for a given material. The earth's circumference around the poles is 24860 miles.
At the equator, the circumference is slightly larger. Some minor math will tell the reader how long a near surface P wave takes to travel from its source to the antipode point on the other side of the earth via the poles. The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles, and 7,901 miles through the poles. The P wave of a significant earthquake radiating downward would take less time than a surface wave to arrive at its antipode point on the other side of the Earth. Thus the reader can easily understand the scale of things and calculate the approximate time it takes for the P wave of an earthquake to arrive at a distant location.
Below is a list of the approximate times the anomalous event occurred at the seismic stations reported by the USGS real time seismic data website on January 1, 2006:
00:10:11 Lhasa, China
00:10:13 Afiamalu, Western Samoa, USA
00:12:40 Scott Base, Antarctica
00:12:45 Bermuda
00:12:50 Wake Island, Pacific Ocean
00:13:10 Midway Island, Pacific Ocean, USA
00:13:15 Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland
00:13:25 Rarotonga, Cook Islands
00:13:30 Tsumeb, Namibia
00:13:45 Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA
00:13:50 Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, Russia
00:13:30 Pitcairn Island, South Pacific
00:13:55 Petropavlovsk, Russia
00:13:55 Narrogin, Australia
00:14:00 Ny-Alesund, Spitzbergen, Norway
00:14:10 Kipapa, Hawaii, USA
00:14:10 Raoul, Kermandec Islands
00:14:10 San Juan, Puerto Rico
00:14:20 Yakutsk, Russia
00:14:30 Santo Domingo, Venezuela
00:14:30 Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
00:14:30 Mudanjiang, China
00:14:30 Kevo, Finland
00:14:30 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
00:14:35 Guam, Mariana Islands
00:14:45 College Outpost, Alaska, USA
00:14:45 Davao, Philippines
00:14:50 Limon Verde, Chile
00:14:50 Samuel, Brazil
00:14:55 Tornquist, Argentina
00:15:00 Funafuti, Tuvalu
00:15:05 Taipei, Taiwan
00:15:10 South Karori, New Zealand
00:15:10 Enshi, China
00:15:20 Magadan, Russia
00:15:30 Disney Wilderness Preserve, Florida, USA
00:15:30 Qiongzhong, Guangduong Province, China
00:15:50 Lusaka, Zambia
00:15:50 Riachuelo, Brazil
00:15:50 Matsushiro, Japan
00:15:50 Garni, Armenia
00:16:00 Palmer Station, Antarctica
00:16:05 Port Moresby, New Guinea
00:16:10 Casey, Antarctica
00:16:15 Honiara, Solomon Islands
00:16:20 Inchon, Republic of Korea
00:16:25 Tristan da Cunha, Atlantic Ocean
00:16:25 Tucson, Arizona
00:16:30 Charters Towers, Australia
00:16:30 Neimenggu Province, China
00:16:45 Wyandotte Cave, Indiana, USA
00:16:55 Kiev, Ukraine
00:17:30 Otavalo, Equador
00:17:30 Bilibino, Russia
00:18:15 Corvallis, Oregon, USA
00:21:00? Pohakaloa, Hawaii
NO TRACE South Pole, Antarctica
OFF SCALE Tiksi, Russia
N/A Kilima Mbogo, Kenya [no indication of anomaly]
N/A Kongsberg, Norway [no indication of anomaly]
N/A Waverly, Tennessee, USA ([no indication of anomaly]
Note that at 00:14:30 the event was simultaneous at Yakutsk, Russia - Black Hills, South Dakota - Mudanjiang, China - Kevo, Finland - Albuquerque, New Mexico.
At 0015:50 the event was also simultaneous at Lusaka, Zambia - Riachuelo, Brazil – Matsushiro, Japan - Garni, Armenia.
No ordinary earthquake does this. With a variance of eleven minutes total, the events are far too close in their time of occurrence to be from a near surface source. In order to achieve the arrival times shown in the list above, an event would have to take place deep in the Earth’s mantle, or more likely in the outer or inner core, an area not known for seismic events.
The problem with this concept is that the mantle is believed to be mainly molten lava on which the outer crust is floating. The core is thought to be mostly iron, with the outer core being liquid and the inner being solid. Thus there could be no “earthquake” in these regions unless some massive external magnetic force was applied that could momentarily disturb the position and movement of the liquid iron in the outer core. That might do the trick.
Many of those who are aware of the HAARP network have the concept that this device is an “atmospheric heater” as described by various information and disinformation sources. Some may have the notion that scalar weaponry such as HAARP works by radiating upwards just as in radio communications. This may certainly be true in the case of weather manipulation or mind control, but the antenna devices used by HAARP can radiate in many directions - down included.
Regardless of the source, on the first of January a scalar tectonic weapon left a record for all to view. Of even more ominous portent is the possibility that the devices that caused this event are located in space. While the USGS web page for the time frame in question is long gone and difficult to access by the common person, a PDF file of the complete page for January 1 is available on request for those who are either interested or skeptical.
In the three days following the anomalous event, several significant earthquakes occurred, including: GUAM REGION - 5.7 EAST OF THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS - 7.3 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA - 5.4 FIJI REGION - 7.1 FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA - 5.4 HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION - 5.0 GUAM REGION -5.8
When Nicola Tesla invented a small mechanical device that could create earthquakes, the first thing he did after realizing that it worked was to destroy it. Those who have followed his brilliant discoveries are intent on destroying much of humankind instead.
It would appear that something is making the ground beneath our feet unstable, the weather over our heads catastrophic, and even our state of mind akin to that of a ground squirrel. There is absolutely no escape path to be found. We are like rats caught in an endless maze.
But hey, how bout them Rams n’ them Raiders huh?This E-Mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected by the attorney-client privilege. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the E-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this communication in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately.