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HEADLINE - LINK - ArticleTVNL Comment:
The Nazi Destruction Of America - LINK - In fact, the strongest rampart of Bush's Nazi imperial America is indeed 9-11; it and it alone are the strongest link in the chain of events that bind Americans to the new Nazi Amerika. It is increasingly being shown that 9-11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the secret and deadly cabal of the JFK-killing and drug running CIA, the controlled demolition-savvy Israeli Mossad, and the Israeli-dominated and controlled Pentagon. The latter provided for "drills" as cover to disable our radar defense systems.
Was 911 Allowed to Happen? - LINK - Summary of 911 Coverup Facts Compiled by Paul Thompson
A cop dies & kin blame 9/11 debris - LINK - A retired NYPD detective, who worked more than 450 hours at Ground Zero, died Thursday from brain and respiratory complications that his family insists were linked to the World Trade Center cleanup.
Israeli links to 9/11? - LINK - Five of the Israelis were arrested after “angry witnesses had seen the five at a waterfront park in New Jersey apparently laughing and clowning, and photographing themselves in front of the burning towers." One witness told police at the time that the men “were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me.”
Silverstein's 'Pull It' Comments - Whatever Excuse Works - LINK - A real, thorough, impartial, independent investigation of the collapse of Building 7 needs to take place and if the conclusions of that investigation are that Building 7 was professionally demolished, criminal charges need to be brought against those suspected of involvement.
9/11: A Special White House Slide Show - LINK - Why did some administration officials—including Vice President Dick Cheney—still lend credit to disputed reports of an April 2001 Prague meeting between 9/11 leader Muhammad Atta and an Iraqi spy even after the 9/11 Commission concluded the encounter probably didn't occur?TVNL Comment: Maybe it is because Cheney set up the meeting himself!!!
The Secret World of Jack Abramoff and the 9/11 hijackers! - LINK - The 'secret world' of Jack Abramoff being probed by investigators today has definite connections and unmistakable links to the one inhabited during their final year in the U.S by Mohamed Atta and the other hijackers.
25 Reasons Why "White Collar Terrorists" Are To Blame for 9-11, "America's New War," and the Impending World War III - LINK - This ongoing practice-the "problem/reaction/solution" agenda of precisely "managed chaos"-appears to be standard operating procedures for oligarchs historically bend on developing a "New World Order." Sadly now for the American people, as it has been for the Third World, this effort includes killing approximately half of the world's current population.
Action Alert: The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Treason Independent Prosecutor Act - LINK - Please sign the petition supporting the The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT at this website:
9/11 -- The Gift That Keeps on Giving - LINK - Wanna break the law? Invoke 9/11! - Wanna start a war? Invoke 9/11! - Wanna piss on the Constitution? Invoke 9/11! - Wanna make sure your family business profits off the war? Invoke 9/11! - Wanna fuck with people you just don't like? Invoke 9/11! - Wanna make your political adversary look like a treasonous bastard? Invoke 9/11!
Best of 9/11 Truth Media - LINK - Most Notable of 2005
FBI Hides 85 Pentagon Videos And 9/11 Truth - LINK - The Karl Schwarz group has found that the US plans for what has come to be known as 9/11 because of its date and its aftermath of ongoing wars originated in the Clinton Administration. Gore, Kerry, Clintons, Kennedy, Liberman et al join with the NY Times to hide the 9/11 photos and analysis:
150+ 9/11 Smoking Guns - LINK - Found in the Mainstream MediaTVNL Comment: I found this link at You should check this site out often.
So How Were Those 911 Cell Calls Made? - LINK - The Strange Case Of The 911 Cell Phone Calls
The Three Reasons For 911 - LINK - They could not put that plan into action or sell it to America without something happening that would get Americans solidly behind a plan that has nothing to do with a Global War on Terrorism. It has to do with the dollar remaining the world's main trade currency.
9/11 pilot trainer lashes out - LINK - An Algerian pilot once accused of training the September 11 hijackers filed a complaint against Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch on Thursday, his lawyer said.
Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs - LINK - The thermal survey of the WTC 9/16/2001 (NASA /US Geological Survey). Despite of fire department having cooled the rubble, aluminium would still be melting in some sites 5 days after the incident.
Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI - LINK - "Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says. "You'd have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here."
Analysis of the September 11th Attack - LINK - Join us as Eric Hufschmidt, author of the book Painful Questions - An Analysis of the September 11th Attack, and maker of the documentary Painful Deceptions, helps us examine the events of 9/11.
Osama Bin Laden and the Leak That Wasn't - LINK - The information in the article does not appear to be based on any government leak and made no reference to government surveillance of bin Laden's phone.
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True - LINK - The official theory is rendered implausible by two major problems.
From 9-11 to Peak Oil and Beyond - LINK - Was 9/11 a pretext for securing the last remaining energy supplies? Are we running out oil? Are we headed for economic and lifestyle doom? Are we ignoring the biggest threat ever to modern man?
Hollywood starts confronting 9/11 - LINK - So will this Hollywood slate of Sept. 11 films be more than high-impact flag-waving?
Distinguished University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor Joins 9/11 Fight, Saying the Truth Must Be Uncovered - LINK - James H.Fetzer, PhD., has publicly thrown his hat in the ring to support other professors seriously questioning and casting doubt on the official 9/11 story.
Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed II - LINK - BEST OF ALL notice the people that received copies and were well aware of the white jet at both the ST and the NT and the military helicopter at the South Tower OVER TWO YEARS AGO and HAVE NOT TOLD AMERICANS AND THE WORLD!
WTF is this? - LINK - On the lawn of the most prestigious military headquarters in the world, several blotches of dead grass. Not only several, but quite a few. Ever seen a military grounds? They are manicured and perfectly kept. So is the Pentagon lawn. Well, except for this anomaly. - Most importantly, WHY IS IT IN THE EXACT FLIGHT PATH of whatever hit the Pentagon? Not only in the exact flight path, it is angled perfectly with the impact direction. Perfectly. TVNL Comment: Another often overlooked virtual mathamatical impossibility! Just another "what are the odds" aspects of the events of 9/11. Could this actually be pre-planted evidence of a plane skid?
The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales - LINK - In any case, the Commission's timeline, besides being contradicted by all those reports, is also contradicted by James Bamford's account, which is based on a transcript from ABC News. According to this account, Cheney's authorization was transmitted to Colonel Marr at NEADS, who then "sent out word to air traffic controllers to instruct fighter pilots to destroy the United jetliner." Marr reportedly said: "United Airlines Flight 93 will not be allowed to reach Washington, D.C." (238). But the Commission simply tells its new tale as if this report had never been broadcast.
9/11 ID computer was sham, doc sez - LINK - A shameless $10 million computer system ripoff - exposed last week by authorities - slowed the grim process of identifying 9/11 victims, the former head of the city's DNA unit charged yesterday.
9/11 Evidence Ignored By Apathetic American Public - LINK - Four years after 9/11, numerous people have come forward with damaging evidence but the government has never even blinked an eye.- Worse yet, the state sponsored media and the American people have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear, a sign of cover-up by the media and apathy on the part of the people.
High-Level Officials Warn of Fake Terror - LINK - A variety of current and former high-level officials have recently warned that the Bush administration is attempting to instill a dictatorship in America, and will itself carry out a fake terrorist attack in order to obtain one.
Why SilversteinNeeded the WTC to Be Destroyed - LINK - Mr. Schwarz will reveal some shocking information about our poilitcal system and he will disclose surprising information related to the WTC collapse. The information that will be disclose will establish clear motive for insiders who needed the WTC to simply go away!
9-11 Commission dealt with several issues by simply ignoring them - LINK - In the six months before 9-11, Federal Aviation Administration senior officials received 52 intelligence briefings regarding threats from Al Qaeda, warnings that mentioned hijacking, according to a commission staff study. The study was not part of the final commission report. The Bush administration blocked release of that information until after the 2004 election, and well after publication of the final commission report.
The Bloomberg administration's fight for 9-11 secrecy - LINK - His administration fought hard to keep the public from seeing those oral histories or hearing the tapes of FDNY dispatch radio.
Able Danger and Unaccountability - LINK - But after months of chasing the Pentagon for answers about, and accountability for, intelligence failures relative to the Able Danger data mining operation – which purportedly identified four 9/11 hijackers a year before the worst terror attacks ever on US soil – the Wolfowitz “What Me Worry?” response was exactly what I expected.
911 - Too Hot To Handle? - LINK - "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." -- George HW Bush
Before 9/11, Warnings on bin Laden - LINK - More than three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, American diplomats warned Saudi officials that Osama bin Laden might target civilian aircraft, according to a newly declassified State Department cable.
9/11 Truth Conference Opens In Tampa To Crowd Of 600 - LINK - Mainstream Media Again Ignores Event as Censorship Spreads Across Land Like Existed In Nazi Germany
General gave OK for Able Danger - LINK - Gen. Hugh Shelton, who was the military's top commander during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, confirmed that four years before the tragedy he authorized a secret computer data-mining initiative to track down Osama bin Laden and operatives in the fugitive terrorist's al-Qaida network.
Four years later, we still have ten big questions - LINK - Why did 7 WTC fall? - How did the twin towers fall?
Commercial Pilot and Aeronautical Engineer Explains Why Official 9/11 Story About Pentagon Is Bogus - LINK - “The government wants us to believe that a person who couldn’t even solo a small Cessna took over the controls of a Boeing 757 jetliner and performed complicated maneuvers even myself or other experienced pilots could have never performed.
Strange Suicide of a Flight 11 Passenger's Wife Raises More Doubt as to What Really Happened on the Four 9/11 Flights - LINK - Due to the numerous inconsistencies and irregularities on all four 9/11 flight manifests, critics of the official government story contend many of the passengers probably never existed at all or were concocted as the result of carefully constructed aliases, essentially faking their deaths.
CNN Ignores Pearl Harbor Anniversary. Hiding the PNAC - 9/11 Connection? - LINK - Maybe they are afraid your search will lead to the discover of the book “The New Pearl Harbor”, Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, by David R. Griffin. You know the media and the Bush administration do not want you to know about that! It may cause you to think for yourself and ask some serious questions about what happened on that day?
Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC On 9/11 - LINK - "I spoke with some police officials moments ago, Chris, and they told me they have reason to believe that one of the explosion at the besides the ones made with the planes, may have been caused by a van that was
Reader Comments On Disbelief Tehran Building Didn't Collapse - LINK - We all know that planes hit by buildings collapse in on their own footprint within 90 minutes
Protect Us From the Next 9/11? Come On, Get Real! - LINK - It is so painfully obvious that they are not protecting us from terrorism. They are in fact provoking & creating terrorism! If there was no threat of terrorism the Bush/PNAC team would be powerless and have nothing at all to offer to the people. That’s why 9/11 happened…it was for PNAC, not for Islam! As they wrote in their manifesto (PNAC), they needed a new Pearl Harbor. They did NOT write about how anyone would benefit from the elimination of terrorism.
New furor over 9/11 EPA blasted for nixing cleanup - LINK - Despite the smoke and debris that blanketed Brooklyn after the Sept. 11 attacks, a high-ranking federal official said "it wasn't apparent" Kings County got enough toxic dust to warrant a cleanup.
9/11 Story Pulled - LINK - We were amazed that a FOX affiliate had actually done a story on 9/11 that WASN'T a "tinfoil hat" hit piece. ...So amazed in fact that we linked to their website so other people could see for themselves. -Oh, but our amazement was short lived. - Within days, the story was killed, the transcript removed from their website, the video links taken down, and all references in the archives were gone. POOF, just like that, it never existed.
Fat cats milked Ground Zero - LINK - Hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid intended to help small downtown businesses that were reeling from the 9/11 attacks often went instead to huge international corporations, companies with little attachment to the stricken area and businesses that were never in jeopardy.
Oil executives clarify task-force contacts - LINK - Five oil-industry executives acknowledged frequent company contacts with government officials to discuss energy issues but insisted that they had responded truthfully at a recent Senate hearing when they denied participating in Vice President Dick Cheney's 2001 energy task force.
Fodder for a foothills get-together: conspiracy theories surrounding Sept. 11 - LINK - The parallels between WTC and JFK are interesting. The two events were so startling, so surreal and so profound in their lasting impacts on our society that they serve as cultural and historical icons. Every one of us who was alive and paying attention remembers exactly where we were when we heard the news. Most of us quickly formed emotional and deeply held perceptions and beliefs around them. Small wonder, then, that it's so difficult for people to debate them calmly and rationally.
The 911 North Tower Air Show - LINK - In his book he suggested Bush, Cheney didn't want an investigation because they were covering up for others, NOT themselves. However, he adds: The behavior of the US government leads me to conclude that some government officials are trying to hide something. posts TvNewsLIES' Editor's Call to Peter Werbe on Air America Radio - LINK - The call-ins were great! 9/11 truth activists! We are finally getting major media attention. The guy (Jesse) from called in. You got to listen to it.
Whistleblower Asks To Testify Before Congress About Threats To National Security - LINK - The decision came one day after the US Supreme Court denied cert in the case of translator Sibel Edmonds against the FBI. The Edmonds case highlighted a Bush administration policy of harassment and termination of intelligence and law enforcement agents who demonstrate any degree of independence, adherence to ethics, or skepticism. Edmonds and other national security veterans formed the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition as a result.
Introduction to 9/11 for Those Who Still Believe the Official Story - LINK - The administration's claim that terrorists crashing planes into buildings was not foreseeable is flatly disproven by the following evidence:
Two 9/11 Airliners, Flight 93 and 175, Were Only Just Recently Taken Off The FAA 'Active' List - LINK - FAA records for four years listed both 9/11 United jetliners as still on the 'active' list. Now planes only 'deregistered' in September after snoopy researchers questioned FAA officials a month earlier.
In Terror Cases, Administration Sets Own Rules - LINK - When Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales announced last week that Jose Padilla would be transferred to the federal justice system from military detention, he said almost nothing about the standards the administration used in deciding whether to charge terrorism suspects like Mr. Padilla with crimes or to hold them in military facilities as enemy combatants.
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh's Stinging Indictment of the 9/11 Commission - LINK - "The Able Danger intelligence, if confirmed, is undoubtedly the most relevant fact of the entire post-9/11 inquiry. Yet the 9/11 Commission inexplicably concluded that it "was not historically significant." This astounding conclusion--in combination with the failure to investigate Able Danger and incorporate it into its findings--raises serious challenges to the commission's credibility and, if the facts prove out, might just render the commission historically insignificant itself." -- Former FBI Director Louis Freeh in the Wall Street Journal, 11/17/05
Visas to Terrorists - LINK - Pree-9/11 Visas Issued to "Terror" suspectsTVNL Comment: Video
More challenges to 9/11 circulating myths - LINK - The circulating myth about Sept 11 attacks on the United States is that it was carried out by 19 Arab hijackers, masterminded by Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they hate the U.S. freedoms.
US convicts man of al-Qaeda plot - LINK - His lawyer said US investigators had extracted a false confession by denying his client food and sleep.
Professor Jones is Right: Government Refused to Examine Trade Center Collapses - LINK - In other words, the U.S. structural engineer is saying that even the non-visual computer models which NIST used to examine why the trade centers collapsed are faulty.
TVNL VIDEO REPLAY: BARRIE ZWICKER: DEEP COMPLICITY, 9-11 AND THE MEDIA - LINK - Without the complicity of the mainstream media, the 911 cover-up could not exist. "Those who control the mainstream media control the brainstem of our collective consciousness. When those charged with being the skeptical inquirers are neither skeptical nor do they inquire, the only phrase for it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists fail to investigate the obvious, it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists only investigate that which distracts the public from the obvious, it is even deeper complicity."
JFK, 9/11 and Conspiracy Theories - LINK - "There have been many things swept under the carpet. And I think it's a shame in a government that you trust - I think it's a shame, the things that they chose to tell you and the things they choose not to tell you." -- Sept. 11 widow Julia Sweeney, whose husband Brian worked in the World Trade Center - "One of my greatest shames, as a journalist is that I still don't know who killed Jack Kennedy." -- Hunter S. Thompson
Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel - LINK - Ten days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush was told in a highly classified briefing that the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the attacks and that there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda, according to government records and current and former officials with firsthand knowledge of the matter.
Padilla indictment avoids high court showdown - LINK - In a surprise legal development, the Bush administration announced Tuesday that Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen held without charges for more than three years on suspicion of plotting a “dirty bomb” attack in this country, has instead been charged with conspiring to “murder, maim and kidnap” people overseas.
The Muder of John F. Kennedy - A Lesson for Modern Times - LINK - For those of you who do not think that the Bush/PNAC administration could have conducted a coup by rigging elections and you do not think an atrocity like 9/11 could contain the fingerprints of insiders, read your history books. Today is the anniversary of the prime example of the fact that conspiracies and cover-ups take place in America, even if it means killing Americans. Never forget that!
No, Robert Fisk, there were not 19 Saudi hijackers. - LINK - Robert Fisk spoke at filled auditorium last night at Martin Luther King Middle School, but unfortunately still reiterated the official lies about 9/11.
Detroit 'Sleeper Cell' Prosecutor Faces Probe - LINK - As hidden evidence spilled out and the Justice Department abandoned the effort, federal investigators began to wonder whether the true conspiracy in the case was perpetrated by the prosecution. - It would be "extremely rare for a prosecutor to face criminal charges for misconduct," said former D.C. public corruption prosecutor Randall D. Eliason. "The key is going to be showing deliberate and willfully corrupt misconduct, as opposed to somebody who was pushing the envelope and got carried away."
Former FBI tells of dispute - LINK - According to a report on, Edmonds began working for the FBI shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, translating top-secret suspected terrorist documents, but was fired in the spring of 2002 after reporting her concerns about alleged sabotage, intimidation, corruption and incompetence.
More on Al Qaeda -- the database - LINK - More on Al Qaeda -- the database. Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that "Al Qaeda" is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.
Would the U.S. Terrorize Its Own People? - LINK - "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." - U.S. President James Madison
Louis Freeh Charges 9/11 Commission Cover-Up - LINK - Writing in the Wall Street Journal's opinion page, Freeh gave a blistering review of the Commission and says new revelations indicate it is "a good time for the country to make some assessments of the 9/11 Commission itself."
There Will Be No Patrick Fitzgerald for the 9/11 Attacks - LINK - Perhaps it should come as little surprise that the 2004 9/11 Commission Report failed to assign any real blame or demand any real accountability for the terrorist attacks.
The 9/11 Cover Up - LINK - When you hear people claim that the government "did" 9/11, or at least let it happen on purpose, is your response "But the 9/11 Commission investigated all that and concluded that it was only Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists"? & Now Working Together - LINK - has entered into a cooperative agreement with - will assist in their efforts to bring the vital questions surrounding the events of 9/11 into the public discourse. Where possible we will lend our advice and assistance as tries to step in to the roll that the journalists of our nation have vacated. We will assist in any way we can.
The Core of WTC 1 was Solid After the Aircraft Impact - LINK - Their escape demonstrates there was little fire in the building after the initial impact. It also demonstrates the core of WTC 1 was solid, so how did office fires collapse a building when a 470 mph aircraft impact couldn't?
Prominent Conservative Leader: Government in Hands of Psychopaths May stage terror attacks - LINK - Former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts expressed his dire warning that the US government has fallen into the hands of psychopaths and that the Neo-Cons in the Bush administration may be set to stage another terror attack in the US as part of a black operation to demolish growing dissent and coerce the public to rally behind the government once again.
Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit - LINK - The fact that the administration's disinformation campaign was entirely successful is evidenced by an October 2004, Harris Poll, taken three weeks before the last presidential election, which reported that 62% of all voters, and 84% of those planning to vote for Bush, still believed that Saddam had ''strong links" to Al Qaeda, and that 41% of all voters, and 52% of Bush backers, believed that Saddam had ''helped plan and support the hijackers" who had attacked the country on 9/11.
Tucker Carlson, PNAC & 9/11 - Another PNAC 9/11 Connection - LINK - Tucker finds nothing disturbing or newsworthy about the PNAC connection to 9/11. As a matter of fact by virtue of the company he keeps, he supports PNAC. Tucker tells anyone who thinks that people within our government would be involved in something like 9/11 that they should leave the country but he cozies up to people who thought a new Pearl Harbor would be a good idea! So this is a little more PNAC related 9/11 news for your records.
'Promise Broken': N.Y. to Lose 9/11 Aid - LINK - Congressional budget negotiators have decided to take back $125 million in Sept. 11 aid from New York, which had fought to keep the money to treat sick and injured ground zero workers, lawmakers said Tuesday.
Crooked Cops and 9-11 - LINK - "Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists' identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, 'Whatever trail was left was left deliberately -- for the F.B.I. to chase'".
The Professor & Tucker Carlson Talk 9/11, Or Do They? - LINK - Carlson was so impatient and scattered that he did not let Jones get a convincing point across. Then of course, they ran out of time.
Ethics panel clears senator in 9/11 leak probe - LINK - The Senate Ethics Committee has dropped its investigation of Sen. Richard Shelby (news, bio, voting record) regarding allegations he was the source of a media leak about how the National Security Agency handled messages before the September 11 attacks.
KUTV Coverage OF Professor Stephen E. Jones - LINK - VIDEO
Murphy's Law & 911 - LINK - "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
The Untold Story of the Woolworth Building Incidents on 9-11-01 - LINK - Quotes Relating to a Missile Firing Off the Roof of the Woolworth Building
9/11 & the Jordan Attacks (on 11/9) - LINK - For those of you interested in numerology, secret societies and sheer statistical coincidence you may find that the number 911 is of greater significance to Freemasons than it is to Islamic fundamentalists.
Iraq and 9/11 myths - LINK - Why was Rumsfeld targeting Iraq so early on? Does the group PNAC come to mind? There are great clips from Bush and Cheney trying to link Iraq with 9/11.
Moussaoui's life depends on what U.S. knew before 9/11 - LINK - The fact that the U.S. government overlooked numerous warning signs in the run-up to the September 11 attacks is an old story that is being used in a new way in the Zacarias Moussaoui case. It could save his life.
Alleged link between 9/11 and Iraq - LINK - Examination of pre-war intelligence claims by Bush administration
Former Cleveland Mayor Reported Flt.93 Landed There on 9/11 - LINK - Former Cleveland Mayor Reported Flight 93 Landed at Cleveland Airport on 9/11 and Flight 175 in Vicinity. Cincinnati WCPO TV Cover-ups Why Account Removed From Web Site - State sponsored U.S. media ignores story, leaving 'internet hounds' to smell out the truth behind what really happened to the passengers on the doomed flights.
GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline - LINK - A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and "restore his image as a leader of the American people."
Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC - LINK - The physics of 9/11 — including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell — prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor. In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildings at ground zero, says Steven E. Jones. - "It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three buildings and set off after the two plane crashes — which were actually a diversion tactic," he writes. "Muslims are (probably) not to blame for bringing down the WTC buildings after all," Jones writes.
Another 911 'Passport Miracle' ! - LINK - Like the Unscathed Hijacker Passport Found Near Ground Zero, Now Comes Flight 77 Passenger's Perfectly Intact ID Card Found at Pentagon Meltdown
Michael Ruppert - LINK - "I will name Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the NMCC [National Military Command Center], or the White House Situation Room.TVNL Comment: VIDEO: 14 Minutes, 4 Megs
January 08, 2006
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