September 16, 2007

Bits and pieces on the B52 incident ...

Minot Staff - for those who are interested

The predecessors: (Nothing like this has ever happened on their watch)

Lt. Gen. Robert J. Elder Jr.
Col. Eldon A. Woodie

The directly responsible:

Col. Emig
Col. Robert Critchlow, 91st Operations Group commander
Col. Marty Whelan, 91st Space Wing
Chief Master Sgt. Mark Clark

The enlightened: (those who should immediately be given 24 hr protections)

First Lt. Aaron Cook
Captain Jason Hopkin
Senior Airman Justin Decker

Anonymous said...

I also think Chenny is evil incarnate and is behind 911 and the plans to nuke Iran, who benefits? 1. Israel. 2. the military industrial complex. 3. the oil companies.
Yes the U,S, is bankrupt, we are lving on borrowed money nothing is manufactured in the U.S. that counts like heavy manufacturing clothing ,steel, these items bring wealth, we are totally broke the $ is toast. the only reason china doesnt reposess the U.S. is our nukes, chenny and the other crazyes want to appear the world strong man to keep the world loaning us trillions, but the jig is up the fat lady is inhaling ,bend over grab your ankles and kiss your hiney nighty night!!

First, did Air Force personnel at Minot AFB not spot the 'error' earlier given the elaborate security procedures in place to prevent such mistakes from occurring?

Who was in Charge of the B-52 Incident?

Why was the nuclear armed B-52 sent to Barksdale AFB?

However, it has been revealed that Barksdale AFB is used as a staging base for operations in the Middle East
Note, A report is due on 9/14 from the DOD.


Let's review the strange and inconsistent aspects of this unfolding story:

1. Nuclear tipped weapons loaded and transported skirting layers of fail-safe security measures and the chain of command.

2. Nuclear tipped weapons supposedly slated for decommission transported to a base that does not have the facilities necessary.

3. Very suspicious timing. This all happens at a time when there is much talk of the US preemptively Striking Iran and/or large scale terrorist attacks on US soil.

4. Langley Air Force Base will ground its jets for a week leaving vital airspace much less protected. This announcement will alert any would be attackers that we will be vulnerable during this period.

The whole scenario doesn't sound good or square up. Something much more is going on than we are being told!

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