September 29, 2007

Dengue fever and aspirin

Mantra: There is NO global warming. If there is, we can wait to take action to find out what is REALLY causing it.

Here is what it is .. Dengue Fever

Top 100 Ways Global Warming Will Change Your Life

Spread of Dengue Fever. Scientists predict warmer temperatures will allow mosquitoes carrying Dengue Fever to travel outside the tropics. Since people in cooler climes lack immunity from previous exposure, that means transmission would be extensive. You get a severe fever, you start spontaneously bleeding, you can die. There is no vaccine. [Science Daily]

Aspirin with dengue could kill - Ministry
published: Friday | September 28, 2007

Petrina Francis, Staff Reporter

The Ministry of Health and Environment yesterday said it was concerned about dengue haemorrhagic fever and urged persons with fever not to take aspirin as this could result in death.

Dengue occurs in two forms: Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue fever is marked by the onset of sudden high fever, severe headache and pain behind the eyes, muscles and joints.

Potentially deadly

According to the World Health Organisation, dengue haemorrhagic fever is a potentially deadly complication that is characterised by high fever, often with enlargement of the liver and, in severe cases, circulatory failure.

"We are concerned about dengue haemorrhagic fever," Dr. Sheila Campbell-Forrester, chief medical officer of health, told The Gleaner yesterday.

She said there were four types of dengue virus, and Jamaica was now experiencing type two.

Dr. Campbell-Forrester said more than 100 cases of dengue fever have been identified between July and September. She noted that vector control programmes are ongoing islandwide, but are mostly concentrated in parishes where cases have been identified.

These areas include Kingston, St. Catherine, St. Ann and Portland.

"We want to stress the importance of self response. Mosquitoes breed in containers or areas where water settles," she said, noting that persons should be vigilant and punch holes in containers, among other safety measures.

Dengue facts

Dengue fever is transmitted by female Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes which acquire the virus while feeding on the blood of an infected person.

Persons suspected of having dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) must see a doctor at once;

There is no specific treatment for dengue fever but early recognition and symptomatic treatment can save lives. People who are infected with dengue should drink a lot of fluids and eat nutritious food, as this may improve the course of the disease;

Dengue disease is not contagious. However, when dengue patients are bitten by an infected dengue mosquito, the mosquito may infect somebody else. Therefore, the dengue patient should be kept under a mosquito net or in a screened room during the period of illness.

Source: World Health Organisation.
