September 26, 2007

Burma, Myanmar - small corral of items
Comment on youtube:

If you are interested in Geopolitical studies You know it. American organized and paid the Orange Revolution in Ukraine against Russia (Everybody knows that, Also some French and German media said that, and some western generals). Now it's time for China with this fake revolutions. Americans wants to have frienedly government in SE Asia to hit China as well. Unfortunately Burma free or not will be just a sexual tourists paradise for americans.

It is regretable that BuZh lacks all moral authority after Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (and other fantastic human rights abuses) for surely democracies must speak out against such blatant human rights abuses. But SANCTIONS against the Burmese government just spell MORE suffering for the Burmese people.

Instead of establishing a UN presence in Baghdad -- why is it NOT going in as a protectorate so that Burma has neither China nor the US as its next oppressor? Oh, well, I guess I must DREAM on.

Myanmar Heaven and Hell. (Narration in Myanmar.)

POWERFUL video series exactly depicting
the excesses of COLONIALISM
(read: imperialism)

This video compares the lives of Military dictators and poor citizens within the country. Corrupted Military generals enjoy life full of Dimonds and precious stones withe the country's finance while citizens are suffering and struggling to feed their children.

No medicines in hospitals, no electricity, no clean water etc are just the beginning.

The video includes the wedding of General Than Shwe's daughter.

(less)Myanmar Heaven and Hell. (Narration in Myanmar.)

This video compares the lives of Military dictators and poor citizens within the country. Corrupted Military generals enjoy life full of Dimonds and precious stones withe the country's finance while citizens are suffering and struggling to feed their children.

No medicines in hospitals, no electricity, no clean water etc are just the beginning.

The video includes the wedding of General Than Shwe's daughter.

Keeping the foreign press at bay

THE datelines tell a story. Most reports of the protests in Myanmar come from Bangkok. Never overly hospitable to foreign journalists, Myanmar’s ruling junta has, at its moment of crisis, shut the door altogether. A few have sneaked in, posing as tourists, but internet links have been cut and mobile phone lines are intermittent.

Sometimes in the past the junta has permitted foreign journalists to visit on official visas. This has served two purposes: they can be easily monitored while in-country; and they will be on file should they ever seek to enter incognito. A window opened briefly after the ouster of the former intelligence chief, Khin Nyunt, in 2004. In the ensuing shake-up, the spooks seem to have lost track of their previous journalist visitors. *snip* Reporting from a country without letting the government know all but forces a journalist to spend more time with its opponents. The government’s opacity arouses suspicion by suggesting it has something to hide. But then, of course, it usually does.
