September 24, 2007

Greenspan Confronted By Activists, Flees From Angry Mob

Activists angry at Alan Greenspan's recent deliberate attack on the U.S. dollar-- which has already resulted in further devaluation and asset seizure by foreign entities-- gathered at an event in New York to confront the former Federal Reserve Chairman on his shameful actions in contributing to a dollar collapse.This action may make copies of his book SOAR, but he'll be right afraid to go and promote it without an army. People are pissed off! and why not!!!The comments on digg are very very strong and good. His little self serving book should be instructive all the lies they intend to tell in future, the entire lot of them. He tried to distance himself, hoping to ca$h in; can't be done - he took a badly calculated risk.!!!!If anything he should have demanded public oversight of the market after the "bubbles" which were the Big Clue. Hey, Alan??? !!!! Tasars aren't gonna keep away everybody from EVERYONE!!! The Big Boyz will sacrifice you, too and make you tremble at night and all day ... as no one knows how to take you to a proper court, YET.

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