September 24, 2007

Still appearing on youtube:

****What We Chose To Ignore

A brief summary of presidential directives, executive orders, and congressionally approved bills that where signed into law over the last 40 years or so.

This video has been removed:

Iron Mountain: Blue Print for Tyranny

In 1961 the Kennedy administration ordered a top secret study, to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from ... all » an era of war to a golden age of peace. By 1963, the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines, selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain. This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released, due to the nature of the conclusions reached. One of the men involved in this study elected to release it to the public, at great risk to himself, under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a hoax. It was no hoax. Iron Mountain is now hard to obtain, but many large libraries still have copies of it. This report looks deep into the soul of the New World Order. Iron Mountain is the covert agenda to bring the world, and America, under the control of the United Nations. The conclusions reached are now being implemented upon the American people, without their knowledge or consent, as this documentary will prove beyond all doubt. What you are about to see and hear is real. 1993
