September 27, 2007

Ocean heat, the Arctic and Global Warming

Ocean Heat, the Artic & Global Warming, Return of the Phoenix

From: David
Subject: Got a Question for You
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:06:57 -0600

First, thank you for all your hard work and effort on The Earth Changes Bulletin.

In your last weekly update of Sept. 24th, in the Global Warming section you state: "Scientists are now on the cusp of admitting that it is heat in the Arctic Ocean which is melting the ice, not the air."

I have been following the global warming issue closely for sometime now, and do not see indications of this occurring yet. Yes, the warming of the oceans is being acknowledged, but it still appears to be attributed primarily to greenhouse gases, not underwater volcanic activity.

Can you provide me with any sources from the scientific community that state otherwise ? I am having trouble locating them.

With the entire solar system heating up, I am not sure one can attribute any one cause as primary. I agree that volcanic activity plays a role, along with cosmic ray bombardment and greenhouse gases.

Thanks for the help.


Profoundly to the point. All right look diligently at the charts I present here in succession. They are not difficult and in combination they summarize the logical essence of the issue.

Rising temp of the Arctic - Very North Atlantic (actually more the Norway Sea) releases/ 2007/09/07091717 2937.htm

The scientist is thinking ritualistically by relating the warming of the Arctic (mystically without explaining it) to CO2 but still makes a BIG point of saying that the heat flux in the Artic is caused by ocean heating.

But look at the table here below by NOAA: It is a real shame that it is a couple years out of date. - increasing cloud cover in the artic zone - click on the url and look for the "cloud cover" near top of list. Greater than normal for many years. Then look at temps for Bering Sea. Greater than normal for many years THE TWO CANNOT OCCUR TOGETHER WITH A DECLINING SOLAR INPUT. DOESN'T MATTER HOW MUCH ONE WAY INSULATING GLASS YOU USE. The whole system will leak energy out, lowering the temps and cloud cover IF the Sun is the driver.

http://www.arctic. detect/indicator s.shtml

I have been watching all year and the Bering Sea was on a running average warmer than normal all Spring and Summer (Norway Sea also). Even now. Go look AT THE SECOND CHART, WHICH TELLS YOU IF CONDITIONS ARE ON AVERAGE NORMAL OR IN A VARIATION OF COOL OR HOT.

http://www.cpc. ncep.noaa. gov/products/ analysis_ monitoring/ enso_update/ gsstanim. shtml

One of the most powerful data instruments on the web. It tells us we are broadly (extent) in a MILD La Nina (cooler Pacific Equator but not radically cooler by several degrees). The Bering Sea (north of the Aleutians) you can barely see but it has been warmer by a few degrees for many weeks as has the North Pacific and the North Atlantic and Norway Sea areas.
(the professional weather people call this heat flux in the North Atlantic part of the North Atlantic Climate Oscillation, which if I recall correctly is about a 20 year cycle.

This also means increased cloud cover with a declining Sun. It contradicts. So the heat is coming through the oceans.

Could it be from the other oceans being heated by the Sun. Okay, maybe. BUT

THIS CURRENT SUN IS THE LOWEST ACTIVITY SOLAR CYCLE IN ABOUT 35 YEARS. Average solar output is declining and has been, with normal cyclical sunspot swings (lower than normal), during the entire appearance of the Global Warming Debate.

Go look at the solar cycle chart in the EC Bulletin Weekly Update, it is there for a reason, here is the URL to the solar cycle chart. Scroll down to the chart of Solar Output 1975-2006.

http://www.michaelm andeville. com/earthchanges /bulletin/ 2007/ecb_ wupdate_09- 17-07.htm# Sun

If you mathematically averaged all curves into a straight line,

All variables, DOWN


Simple. The Great Rift is 70,000 kilometers long and its current active zone is several kilometers to about 50 kilometers wide. MOST OF IT IS VOLCANICALLY ACTIVE WITH THE EQUIVILENT OF AT LEAST A YELLOWSTONE EVERY 10 kilometers. Every time Kilauea and Etna ooze lava, there is a high probability that a couple hundred equivalent along the Rift do the same. THAT'S JUST THE EXPANSION RIFT. Then there are the subduction zones, back arcs, and seamounts... .some hundred thousand other hot spots. If you want a copy of my summary table of underwater heat, let me know and I will post it to the group. I can't remember if I have posted it or not.

I predict that within the next two years the oceanographers will convincingly disprove CO2 theory of Global Warming. Partly this will happen professionally because oceanography is virtually virgin. It is BAADLY underfunded for the value it presents and promises. Oceanography needs to be and will be one of the main RECOVERY industries of the early 21st century. Oceanographers will see the opportunity and go for it. They will have to trash some of the pet global warming theorems of the atmospheric sciences, but once they get into it they will have fun doing it.

The message of the oceans is both comforting and upsetting. It is comforting to realize that humans are still not that big of a factor in the global heat balance, that it is natural causes creating the trends. It is upsetting to realize that the planet is NOT STABLE beyond a few hundred to maybe a thousand years at most. It is also upsetting to realize that humans have no control and have no idea where the trends are going, how soon. The stability of the last 500 years, if projected as "reality" can be a deadly illusion. It is only true part of the time. Civilizations rise and flourish and then hit the brick wall of climate shift which comes on them faster than the people can adapt. I think this has been a much bigger cause of the rise and fall of humans for the past twelve thousand years than is yet widely understood, though historians are now getting "on" to it more and more. I think in some sense the early migrations of the North Euro peoples to the Western Hemisphere can be partly explained by the "cold spell" in Northern Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. That set of migrations, dynastic struggles, and eventully the rise of the euro empires and colonization schemes, which generally went South, not east into Russia, which was largely a vast wilderness (and very frigid).

Now it is a "warm spell". Without even thinking about major earth movements, such as axis shift, the changes created by this warm spell could easily raise sea levels by 10 meters, even 20 during the next few decades. The rate of the melting of the Artic IS alarming. Greenland's ice is next if the warming continues. Thus more vast migrations may be coming... Or not, maybe it stops. That's the truly upsetting part of all of this. But think about this. Do you know that a great part of modern manufacturing is located at close to sea level where several hundred million people live in China?

So the last factoid is, how much change?. The U.N. graphs from the antarctic ice profiles of climate change suggest that fairly quick temperature shifts of several degrees occur frequently enough to suppose that this could be one of those times. Thusly, sea level could rise fairly rapidly by 20 meters in the coming several decades....or more...or less...or more slowly....or more rapidly.... So this leaves us thoroughly confused with the realization that anything can happen during the coming decades.

This is all straight up dealt in strictly hard materialistic terms such as the scientific literature deals with. Now if we put this within the context of the Cayce predictions, we can see we that we are well along on the road of his major earth changes. Speaking in truncated terse prose, with no understanding of geology or geophysics, he predicted that upheavals in the frigid zone will lead to major volcanic eruptions in the tropical zones prior to a shifting of the location of the spin axis. Actually I believe that all of that was about increased volcanism as a major precursor, noticed first in the "frigid zones". "Global Warming" AKA AS THE WARMING OF THE ARCTIC is how we are noticing the "upheavals" in the "frigid zone". Meanwhile the tropical zones in the South Pacific are breaking up at rates now several times more rapid than 60 years ago and visible surface world volcanism is setting new records this year. In a week or less I will release to subscribers for review a panopoly of several dozen graphs and charts which show how earthquake trends reveal where the Earth is actually breaking up, how the tectonic plates are actually moving, and where the crust is "flowing" and "leaning-towards. Some "offical" and unofficial myths will be trashed by these charts. These charts will give the "Return of the Phoenix" about 1000 times more scientific credibility, which is the main reason why I have not yet finished the revise of the third volume. It is all coming together quite nicely now.

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