Bobby Garner writes:
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The Externalization of the Hierarchy
The Destiny of the Nations
This is the "Big Picture" without a lot of detail. Follow the hyperlinks to access more specific information.
Understand that this chart attempts to map the power structure which doesn't necessarily flow along organizational lines.
For example, World Servers are not organized as such. Rather, they perform their function at different levels, but usually at or near the top echelon of power. They are all known but not easily identified. They can only be recognized by their influence over other people and organizations.Another thing we should understand is that the "outworking" of "The Plan" is accomplished by four types of people: World Servers, Disciples, Aspirants and the general public. They are not grouped together in a block which is easily placed on a chart, but their influence and authority comes from the top as I have depicted.
World Servers are people with powerful influence on a global scale, Prince Charles and Maurice Strong perhaps being the most easily recognized. High officials who are appointed (not elected) will be World Servers. People in high positions of global finance such as certain individuals from the Rockefeller and Rothschild families are World Servers. All of those in the highest leadership positions of Freemasonry and other secret societies are World Servers. They can be anywhere in all institutions, government, secular and religious.
The Disciples are those who have demonstrated the necessary qualifications and were selected by the World Servers from among the Aspirants. They are given positions of great responsibility and influence.
Aspirants know that "The Plan" exists, have understood it purpose, and work hard to achieve its goals, but have not fully qualified for selection. Disciples work closely with them with encouragement and assistance.
Together they create the appearance of upward mobility in all institutions, and establish the standards for qualification and advancement.
Below the Aspirants, millions more mostly ordinary people, some of whom we all know, compete for recognition in various disciplines in all organizations. Some of them know about The Plan, but many don't have a clue.
Under all of that we have the masses, mostly clueless, many professionals, skilled workers, factory workers, laborers, welfare recipients, students from all categories, etc.
With top down management and oversight, through a combination of coordination, competition, crime and frequent violence, The Plan advances within the dualities primarily due to the clueless (thoroughly deceived) masses who continue throwing their support behind the lessor evil.