September 28, 2007

Federal spending .. GREAT WEBSITE!!

Welcome to

You have a right to know how the federal government spends our money.

This website, created by OMB Watch, is a free, searchable database of federal government spending. To begin searching, select either the Grants or Contracts tab at the top left side of this page. You can easily switch back and forth as you search.

The data below on total federal spending was taken directly from the database. With over $14 trillion in federal spending, this more open and accessible tool for citizens to find out where federal money goes and who gets it is long overdue. We believe this website is a good first step toward providing that access.

New Version of Released

On September 20, 2007, OMB Watch released a new version of, including updated data for FY 2006/2007, and some upgraded features. Learn more about the new features in About This Site.

Summary of Federal Spending:
Financial Assistance and Procurement in Billions of Dollars

FY 2000
FY 2001
FY 2002
FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006*Help link
(partial year)
FY 2007*Help link
(partial year)



Direct Payments
(e.g. Social Security)



We hope you will explore this site. But mostly we hope you will use the data to hold our elected leaders and government agencies accountable for their actions.

*Note: FY 2006 only includes the first three quarters for federal assistance. FY 2007 contains only the first two quarters of federal contracts data.
