September 23, 2007

Congress Condemned With Second New York Times AD

[Hey gotta love it! Kick ass guyz!!]

Political Cortex
By Dood Abides, 2007-09-21 17:23:22
Section: Frontal Lobe

New ad which will appear in the Sunday edition of the New York Times
New York, NY (Rotters)- In a vote of 3,100,000 to 100,000 yesterday, the
members of a massive nationwide progressive political action group voted
overwhelmingly to place a second ad in the New York Times this weekend
condemning the U.S. Congress for wasting time condemning a previous ad
condemning General David Petraeus as "General Betray us". The ad implies
that both houses of Congress, in particular the leadership, are
"Ass-kissing little chickenshits", a term which has been used to refer to
General Petraeus by his superiors in the past.

Congress Condemned With Second New York Times AD Email Print

New ad which will appear in the Sunday edition of the New York Times

New York, NY (Rotters)- In a vote of 3,100,000 to 100,000 yesterday, the members of a massive nationwide progressive political action group voted overwhelmingly to place a second ad in the New York Times this weekend condemning the U.S. Congress for wasting time condemning a previous ad condemning General David Petraeus as "General Betray us". The ad implies that both houses of Congress, in particular the leadership, are "Ass-kissing little chickenshits", a term which has been used to refer to General Petraeus by his superiors in the past.

The text of the full page advertisement in it's entirety stated:

Congress is a group of elected officials constantly at war with the electorate. In 2006 they continually insisted that if elected they would bring an end to the disastrous war and ongoing occupation of Iraq. Last week the leaders of both branches said, "We have achieved progress, and we are obviously going to do everything that we can to build on the progress."

Yesterday, they had the opportunity to pass two important bills to advance their support for our troops in Iraq and alter the direction of the ongoing catastrophe. Instead they chose to condemn an article we placed in the New York Times. We hear of bruised egos, hurt feelings, and improprieties. But we don't hear of how many more troops will be hurt or killed because of their willful inaction.

More importantly, Congress cannot admit what everyone knows: Iraq is a bloodbath with or without us. They will not admit that American troops are condemned to remain in Iraq through at least one more election cycle.

CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon has referred to "Surge Architect"
General David Petraeus has an "Ass-kissing little chickenshit", far worse than the "Betray Us" invective coined by his own troops and pointed out by us. Today, perhaps, it is Congress that has actually betrayed us.

Congress has vowed to convene a special session this weekend to vote on another condemnation of the latest ad. Preliminary polling of the Senate indicates that the condemnation would pass handily with 80 votes for and 20 votes against. This margin guarantees that there would be no veto from the president.

The White House refused to directly comment on either the ad or Congress's proposed response. "Unlike the blatantly partisan smear directed at General Petraeus, they may actually have a point here," stated White House spokesperson Dana Perino. "The President is happy to see the national dialogue gravitate towards these more important and debatable issues, but is clearly disappointed over the language."
