September 23, 2007

Let's revisit Caledonia this fine Sunday ...

It's growing ever more complicated in one respect.

In another respect, the issue couldn't be MORE clear.

That issue is .. no one at Six Nations is giving Ontario the right to deal away what is rightfully THEIRS!! So the impediments to sovereignty MUST be taken to task.


MNN. Sept. 20, 2007. At 2:00 pm. Wednesday September 19th twenty defenders were attacked by the combined forces of over 200 Ontario Provincial Police, Hamilton City Police and the RCMP. The defenders were objecting to a non-native housing development on their land known as ”Stirling Street” in the colonial town of Caledonia.

They were attacked by the “Riot Squad” which was bound and determined to create a riot. They were armed with M-16s, tasers, shields, batons and “twisty tie handcuffs”. To get the riot going, this combined force of confused wannabe heroes marched in 13 rows in front of fully loaded armored trucks, ambulances and paddy wagons. Frankly, they looked scared. They had to know that what they were doing was wrong.

The defenders were standing 10 feet behind a log that had been placed on the boundary line at the side of a deep railroad ravine. They were on a public road. It was outside the perimeter created around the site by Venture Homes to keep out the “Injuns”. “They’re coming in! They’re coming in”, yelled a few of the defenders, as the invading forces clacked their batons on their shields. This old psychological ploy was meant to incite fear. Instead it created such a weird sight that people started to laugh.

The defenders tried to make them get real by yelling, “We’re here peacefully. We’re not on the property the developer wants. We’re the Iroquois, the Haudenosaunee. This is our land. You’re breaking the laws”. The defenders said this over and over, hoping someone with intelligence would hear.

But the cops had all left their intelligence behind in return for a pay check and their right to use weapons against others. They had agreed to become mindless robots. They were on autopilot, wearing earphones waiting for their orders from someone who wasn’t there. On and on they marched relentlessly like mechanical dolls. They crossed that line and left the land the developer claims. They tasered the defenders and started arresting everyone they could lay a hand on. They dragged one young man into the bush so no one could see them tasering him over and over and over again.

The defenders’ self-control was amazing. Truly amazing! The defenders knew that if one of the cops got hurt, they would be blamed. Most of the people arrested were women in their twenties and thirties, some younger and one elder, and a few men. Most were beaten in the encounter. All emerged with ugly black and blue bruises under their arms, all down the sides of their bodies and back and down their legs. Some had bumps on their heads. These were the scars of what the cops call “gentle arrests”. Remember, the ratio was 200 to 1.

Video footage of one arrest showed a woman standing between a female and male cop who tried to talk her into walking voluntarily into their waiting paddy wagon. The defender laughed at them and sang a traditional Mohawk song, refusing to move. In the end she was dragged onto the “prohibited area”, then later charged with biting the female cop’s Kevlar covered hand and “drawing blood”. The video showed this cop was not wearing any glove and there was no bite. What kind of unreality do these jackbooted, Indian hating racist control freaks come from?

Asked what they were charged with, the defenders said, “Missing the chiefs” [mischief]. As we all know, even though Canada pretends to be a democracy, its operatives have a problem understanding how there can be social order without a “big chief” or head “boss” or some kind of “honcho” to tell everyone else what to do. They back their commands with threats of violence.

There was more to this surreal circus. On the south side of the embankment were perched 50 “lost” observers known as “yellow bellies” for their yellow t-shirt attire. They yelled for the defenders to “Go home to Jesus!” These were supporters of the Royaners [chiefs], Oyaner [clan mothers] and the contractor. [How did they manage to be there at this particular time? Were they tipped off? Were they offered donuts?]

There was also an audience of White people nearby peering through their binoculars from the safety of their “whiteness”. “Whew”, they must have been saying.

The defenders had replicas of a corn stalk and a child on top of their mound. For full theatrical effect there were real black choppers overhead with no strings attached. Somehow these must have been spared from the “liberation” that Canada is imposing on the Afghan people.

So what brought on these theatrics? Who was the director? Was this a “make work” project for the movie industry now that the soaring Canadian dollar is costing them jobs? It certainly has nothing to do with bona fide attempts to keep the peace. Canada and Ontario walked out of the “talks” with Six Nations on outstanding land issues. Their excuse! Violence. But they created the violence!!!

The breakdown in proper policing is tragic. On September 13th a member of the Gualtieri family was hospitalized. This would have been avoided if the police had been doing their job.

The construction on Stirling Street had been closed down. All the workers were supposed to have left, including the Gualtieris. The place was crawling with police. But what were their orders? Were they sleeping? Weird, eh!

According to the video tape and eye witnesses, five members of the Gualtieri family, two brothers in their 50s, and 3 nephews in their 30s, marched into the unfinished mansion carrying weapons and baseball bats. Why didn’t the police stop them? Aren’t they supposed to protect hotheads from their own stupidity?

Once the Gualtieris got inside the mansion, they attacked some Indigenous youths who had gone in there to check for movements they had cited within. One of the older Gualtieris pinned a young boy against the wall by the throat with some kind of a pipe or pole. His terrified companion tried to save him. The younger Gualtieris ran out of the house leaving their uncle gawking at the scene. When the youths struggled free, and another one got out of the Port-a-Potti outside, the kids left. Then the cops went in and helped load the Gualtieri into an ambulance. There were all kinds of wild rumors. The hospitalized Gualtieri was said to be fighting for his life. In reality, he was home in less than a week.

Why did the Royaner immediately condemn the youth and apologize to the thugs before investigating it? Were they suckered by an official OPP snow job? No one’s been arrested so far. Were the cops frustrated by the defenders’ persistent self-control and refusal to break the peace? There was something else going on, that’s for sure.

Lest we forget, Ontario just spent $1.2 million on “talks” over lands they have no choice but to return to us. Some people have cashed in on this scam, big time. As for us, we got nothing even though the frauds against us have long been documented by countless external and academic investigators.

After all this misspent money, the feds and the province have taken themselves out of the picture. Isn’t this what we’ve always wanted? They surrendered, retreated. In effect, they ran and hid in the bushes. Both colonial governments want to keep this land issue out of court because they know they will lose. No doubt about it, we never surrendered our land. We are sovereign and independent. They conceded this. Now they’ve created an excuse to avoid the truth. They won’t talk to us. Wah! Wah! And boo-hoo!

Should they want to talk to us again, shouldn’t they go through the legal protocol by getting in touch with their Governor General who represents the Queen? We’re not sure when we’ll be available to meet with her. We’re busy these days.

The Royaner and Oyaner sure got bamboozled. They got this colonially trained lawyer, Aaron “Let’s-Make-a-Deal” Detlor. He set up a colonial style development company called “Haudenosaunee Development Institute” HDI. It’s a total mimic of the colonial system. It’s a complete violation of the Kaianerehkowa/Great Law. Detlor and his gang claim they consulted the people, but we can’t find any ordinary Six Nations folk who were in on it. It wasn’t exactly done on the basis of “full and informed” consent. No way!!!

“Let’s-Make-a-Deal” Detlor said that the HCI was signed, set up and ready to be “shown” to other communities. After he signed it, he took it over to the defenders’ site to tell them about it. Talk about putting the cart before the horse!! At 4:00 pm, he stood on top of a mound of dirt and yelled, “Here’s the agreement I made”. This guy should invest in a dictionary. You can’t make an agreement for people who aren’t there and then tell them about it afterwards.

At the meeting where he supposedly got his consensus, 99% of the people did not go for his plan. They did not understand his rationale. Never mind. Their jerry-rigged agreement was needed to justify what followed. They were told that construction was to start on September 19th at 6 am at the Stirling Street site. In keeping with the policy of peaceful assertion of our rights, the defenders did not stop the construction of the almost complete mansion. Instead, they kept watch in a small nearby area.

Venture Homes apparently wants to build another 90 homes on our land (or they want to squeeze a payout out of Ontario like Henco Construction got!) These mansions are worth half a million dollars. Fancy squatters, eh? How can these developers use our unsurrendered land as collateral to borrow money? Can’t they see the red “caution” flags all over Canada ?

On September 18th “Let’s-Make-a-Deal” Detlor signed a deal with John Kragten of Venture Homes Ltd. of Caledonia . Detlor “ensures that there will be no disruption or obstruction” by those Six Nations people they call, the “They-don’t-listen” group. HDI is asking for 4% of the value of the development plus administration fees to lease our land. The deal brokers said they were less than an inch away from “signing another deal with Venture Homes” when, as luck would have it, the defenders derailed it.

The police enforcement of this deal is in keeping with a tradition of helping big business have their way against our people. This trespass is taking place on the land of our people who are not part of Canada . This means that the police action is an international invasion by foreign forces.

The Kaianerehkowa does not allow the Royaner and the Oyaner to make decisions for us. They can only represent us after we the people have discussed the matter thoroughly and made our decision. “Let’s-Make-a-Deal” Detlor is being paid by Ontario . [He got over $180,000 last year, on our file alone as part of their $1.2 million “talks” with us]. He certainly has no authority to sign anything on our behalf. 0nly a Rotiskeneketeh selected by the people can sign anything for us. Detlor’s signature is not worth the paper it’s written on, just like the 1844 phony surrender that Canada touts as their claim to our land. These are men making decisions about the land of our people. Detlor represents Ontario and that’s the bottom line. [All “Let’s-make-a-Deal” lawyers like Detlor have to be stopped].

The Royaner and Oyaner who sent in the colonial forces to attack us violated the Kaianerehkowa. Attacking your own people? That’s a violation of Six Nations sovereignty. It’s high treason. Canada and Ontario using force to resolve diplomatic issues is also a clear violation of the Two Row Wampum and of their obligations to us and to the world under international law.

“Let’s-Make-a-Deal” Detlor and a supporter of the Royaner went to Cayuga court to identify the defenders arrested in the surprise attack on September 19th, after being directed not to go there.

The Royaner and Oyaner forgot that we, the people, are the law. They tried to take away our law by going along with a shyster’s scheme to set up a phony institute and then send in colonial cops to make us eat it. Their usurpation of jurisdiction is totally illegal. The Six Nations people have never agreed to become part of Canada .

As the people said when we met to discuss these strange developments, we own the Kaianerehkowa and it owns us. It will always be there underneath our feet and in our minds. It goes and walks with the people. Every Onkwehonwe carries the duty to protect the land no matter where we are on our land. We always carry the Kaianerehkowa. No one can separate us from it. This “checkerboard” is not us. The only authority we are accountable to is our mother who created us.

There is no doubt about it! The Royaner and Oyaner tried to compromise us and our land and then sent in colonial troops to enforce their will on us. This is old fashioned colonialism on a grand scale. Wampum 58 provides that those who follow the laws made by foreigners have “alienated themselves from their nation”. They have submitted to the law of a foreign people. They have left us and are no longer a part of us. They have thus forfeited all birthrights and claims of our nation and territory and must be removed.

Further, the Royaner have tried to usurp the rights of the women who are the title holders of the land. Nice try, Aaron “Let’s-Make-a-Deal”! All matters pertaining to the land are subject to Wampum 44, which provides that the women are the “progenitors of the nation. They shall own the land and the soil”.

The Royaner and Oyaner did not protect our youth when they were viciously attacked by five non-native men. They quickly extended condolences to the Gualtieri family. They condemned our youth for defending themselves without knowing the facts. Royaner Leroy Hill says these boys stepped “outside the law”. Which laws? The colonial laws? Even in Canada , people are allowed to defend themselves when their lives are threatened; people are not supposed to use clubs to solve differences; and people have a right to a fair trial before they are condemned. Hill appears to be sanctioning vigilantism both on the part of the Gualtieris and the cops.

According to one newspaper account, the Royaner and Oyaner said they did not look good when the thugs were repelled by the Indigenous youth. “Now the Confederacy’s image has been tarnished internationally. We need to do something to save face.” Who sold them that bill of goods?

Leroy Hill admits that the Royaner and Oyaner were close to finalizing a “peaceful” deal with the contractor who has treated us so treacherously.
Why does Hill state the Haudenosaunee Development Institute protects the Haudenosaunee when we were not even consulted? When did he assume paternal authority over us? That’s not our culture. It’s so Indian Affairs! It looks like the Royaner, Oyaner and all their “partners” have jumped into the other boat, the “Achilles Lauro”. They’ve joined the pirates to steal from us and to oppress us.

Canada did not sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People because they are still under the crown. As one person put it, “The Queen still sits on their heads and that’s the way they like it”.

The crunch has come in Six Nations. To go forward the Haudenosaunee Council has to clean up its act. It looks like the people are going to be moving some horns, gustowis and shawls around. The sooner the better!
When you come right down to it, these chiefs won’t be missed.

The colonial governments walked away from the table because they had no business there. These “pseudo chiefs” won’t be missed either.

Contact: donations for legal defense and updates: Janie Jamieson, c/o R.R. 1, Ohsweken [Ontario, Canada ] N0A 1M0 –

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
