Dengue fever in Mexico
Timothy was kind to send this item on Dengue fever which is translated by google.
Dengue, virus that attacked 69 people in Leon: Ssa
It reports the dependency that the disease affects to adults and minors, but is no deceases
Xóchiltl Alvarez/Correspondent
The Universal one
Leon, Guanajuato
Friday 28 of September of 2007
The Secretary of Health, Jorge Armando Aguirre, informed that the bud of dengue affects to adults and minors, but said that there are no deceases.
This problem expanded by the colonies the Duraznal, Obregón and the Calvario, annexed to the zone center and confirmed a case more in the colony Trees of Ibarrilla, to the north of the municipality.
Virus entered, by first time to Guanajuato, by some of patients which it was infected in anyone of the 20 organizations of the country, that for a long time have been having that problem of health, said the health secretary.
At the beginning of this week the dependency discarded the presence of dengue in the municipality after making analysis in the regional laboratory, reason why 34 hypotheses of disease considered, by the similarity in the signs and symptoms of the affected ones.
Nevertheless, this Friday after analyzing 32 samples of patients, the INDRE, confirmed the presence of the virus of dengue in 31, men and women.
The patients present/display extreme fevers, salpullido, headaches and bones, vomits and diarreas.
This Friday at night the Secretariat of Health initiated actions of fumigation in 29 apples of the center where a wall tended epidemiologist, with nebulizaciones in the streets and dowry of Father in the addresses.
The civil employee advanced that thousands of workers of the health, medical personnel of the municipality and the educative sector will support the actions of alert and prevention of the disease.
It said that in following the weeks maneuvers for the nebulización in 250 thousand houses of the municipality will be made. Simultaneously, an intense campaign will settle down so that the families eliminate the stored water and they undo of the earthenware vessels.
Also, the call to the leonine ones so that they go to the doctor when they register annoyances that could be associate to dengue.