To MSM about 'bird flu'--SHUT UP!
by Disclosure staff
Disclosure NewsMagazine Monthly
October 19, 2005
The ridiculousness of this past week’s rampant coverage of the “avian flu” (“bird flu,” H5N1, etc.) has finally annoyed the staff of Disclosure to the point that we determined an opinion column about this subject is now imperative.
For some reason, all major mainstream media (MSM), at the end of their incessant coverage of the horrors following hurricanes Katrina and Rita, determined that all of a sudden the subject du jour would become avian flu. One after another, all MSM outlets were spouting about this flu, what everybody should do to “prepare,” and what our president Shrub (Bush minor) was intent upon doing should there be a pandemic in the U.S.
What is NOT being reported are the basic facts about H5N1, what people can really do to prepare, and, generally, what the “flu” basically is.
(Note: Nothing in the following column is meant to be construed as medical advice and should not be taken so, but only as guidelines learned from experience and culled from common-sense sources.)
What is the flu?An “influenza” is a viral infection that has a relatively short lifespan and causes problems for its victim in the form of several minor effects (chills, high fever, aches and pains, headaches, sore throat, mucosal irritation). These actual “flu” conditions may make someone feel like they want to die, but the influenza virus generally does not kill a person—nor an animal.
What kills are the side-effects that stem from these conditions, if people don’t take care of themselves while suffering from this virus. These are primarily bacterial (and sometimes fungal, other viral and even parasitic) infections that set in during the lowered immune condition a person experiences when suffering a flu.
Ordinarily, these secondary infections are pneumonia and/or a range of gastrointestinal problems (parasites) that cause diarrhea, which, with attendant dehydration, can be fatal.
When animals get a flu, if they die at all, they usually die from parasitic or lung infections. When humans get a flu, if they die at all, it’s usually from pneumonia or dehydration from diarrhea.
Health professionals love to attribute human deaths from “the flu” to the flu, not to the secondary, opportunistic infections; it’s too much work to find out exactly which bacteria or parasite dealt the fatal blow. In other words, it’s easier for them when filling out paperwork.
The flu doesn't kill youThe fact is that “the flu” doesn’t kill. So what, say you detractors, was all this fuss about the “Spanish flu” epidemic in 1918? Didn’t practically everybody in great-grandpa’s family (with the exception, of course, of great-grandpa) die from that?
No. There are two reasons why the “Spanish flu” (which was misnamed because of the inaccurate premise that it originated in Spain—more on that in a minute) killed so many people, and they are very, very simple—the outbreak of this flu came on the heels of two new treatments: aspirin, and a “flu vaccine.”
Careful research by medical investigators over the years has uncovered that the 1918 flu actually had a “ground zero” of Fort Riley, Kansas (specifically Camp Funston, where quarantined soldiers were eventually kept). This was the military base where the soldiers, having been brought back from duty in Spain and other locales after World War I, were taken and were subject to new inoculations that were being mandated for soldiers before release into the general populace. (Spain was a relatively neutral country in the war, and had no compunction against publishing ongoing information about the spread of this flu, causing it to be cause “Spanish flu” by default and misperception.)
These inoculations were a new practice; previous versions of “the flu” had made the rounds and done their damage; this was the first time a “vaccine” had been developed that would hopefully stave off the spread of the virus.
Taking the 'vaccine' homeThese boys took themselves and the germs with which they were inoculated home with them and spread a live (and probably mutated) version of the virus to their friends and family. When people started getting sick, others ran out and received the vaccine in hopes that they wouldn’t be next.
They were.
In fact, records indicate that the people who didn’t get vaccinated (poor people who couldn’t afford it, and then, when vaccinations were being considered “essential” and basically given without cost, those with some intellect who refused to be inoculated) were the ones who survived the “epidemic.”
Aspirin: bad ideaSecondly, the development of salicylic acid (aspirin) came along at the same time. This product was widely available and was recommended by physicians in order to control the fever that came along with the flu. In taking it, peoples’ fevers went down and aches and pains subsided, but they died anyway. Why?
This is because any influenza virus is naturally attacked by the body’s own defenses. This “attack” is marked by a high fever, a sign that your body is doing what it’s supposed to do when an invading germ is threatening. It slows you down, makes you take it easy, and generally causes you to take the rest you need to get past the harshest stage of the virus.
However, people who took aspirin found their fevers lowered and aches and pains eased, and went on about their business, spreading the virus and weakening their systems as they worked (which was more strenuous activity back then) and opening themselves up to the other opportunistic infections that would eventually kill them.
Mainstream medicine will screech to high heaven that these two factors—vaccinations and aspirin—were not the reason why millions of people worldwide died during the Spanish flu outbreak. But the sad fact is that all the research points to these being exactly why the flu A) spread so rampantly and B) became so lethal—people had no idea what they were doing to themselves.
And now on to H5N1—‘bird flu’This virus, found in the digestive tracts of certain Asian birds (which, along with pig digestive tracts, is generally where most “flus” originate), was isolated and named in 1997. Read that again: 1997. Eight years ago.
Since H5N1—“bird flu”—has mutated, as most influenza viruses invariably do, to a human form in 2003, it has been contracted by (to date) exactly 116 people. Read that again: 116 people. These are mostly bird farmers (and/or their family members), with not the most sanitary of career choices, in Asian countries.
Since 2003, H5N1—“bird flu”—has killed (to date) exactly 60 people. Read that again: there have been only 60 deaths from bird flu worldwide, most of these isolated to Asian countries where sanitation isn’t exactly first-world quality.
When stretched out over the time period containing it, bird flu, mutated to human form, has, on the average, stricken 58 people per year; it has killed, on the average, 30 people per year.
That’s two-and-a-half people a month, or, if you want to get really specific, .08 people per day.
Incidentally, with 60 of 116 people dying after being infected with it, the avian flu has barely a 52 percent mortality rate. Anthrax did better in 2001.
The infection rate is virtually infinitesimal, since a huge portion of the world’s population lives in Asian countries.
There have been no known cases of human-to-human transmission in any of the countries to which the virus has spread.
So the bottom line: bird flu is hardly at pandemic levels, and is really nothing to worry about. It does not warrant even a second of what MSM has been giving it over the past couple of weeks.
Avoid the flu with no shotsTo keep from becoming a victim of the bird flu or any other influenza virus, there are a couple of things to remember.
Immunizations are nothing but a way for drug companies to make money. Annually, “health experts” touting the “flu shots” for everyone explain how they determine what to put in their immunizations: a dead version of whatever virulent strain of flu is anticipated to make the rounds of the globe, generally for the U.S., between November and April.
The sad fact is that while every “virulent strain” generally originates in Asia in the springtime, by the time it gets to the U.S. in the winter, it has mutated so much that the current brand of immunization being given is completely useless. It would take scientists and medical personnel working round the clock and flying in fresh batches at the speed of light to combat a current version of influenza from one country to the next. It’s just not possible to pinpoint and combat every virus per season.
There is NO BIRD FLU vaccine!!And this point must be emphasized: There is currently NO ‘bird flu’ vaccine available!! In order for there to be a vaccine specific to H5N1, development must start with the human form of the virus—which does not yet exist, except perhaps in military-biomedical-pharmaceutical labs.
According to Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, “a human version of H5N1 must be cultured for lengthy periods of time in human cell cultures, then injected into monkey and ultimately humans to see if these experimental subjects get the same feared flu.”
Only then may a vaccine be prepared—maybe—if one can be created at all.
Remember: a vaccine must require specificity to be effective. Unless it’s already surreptitiously being developed, moving at the speed of light is the only way such a vaccine will be available to help against this particular kind of flu and all the mutated forms it may take before spreading to the general populace and becoming an “epidemic.”
Yes, the shot can make you sickAnd for people who don’t think a flu shot can make them sick because it’s a “dead virus” and not a live one, well, that’s partly true; the dead version can’t give you that version of the flu.
However, what a lot of people don’t realize is that raw eggs are used in the incubation process to create the virus, and a lot of people are allergic to raw eggs (many people are allergic even to cooked eggs and don’t know it, suffering stomach distress upon eating them and just passing it off as “gas”; comparatively, raw egg products, injected into the body, can create violent illness).
Further, mercury, in the form of thimerasol, is used in every vaccine suspension as a preservative. Thimerasol isn’t good for anyone, but it’s particularly bad for people who are sensitive to heavy metals. For some people, the thimerasol alone in a vaccine can kill them if they don’t know what their sensitivities are.
Bottom line: Getting a flu shot is exceptionally risky and should be avoided. There is no necessity for a “flu shot” whatsoever.
Natural precautionsSo how do you keep from getting the flu when whatever mutated version finally comes around? Simple: natural precautions.
It is said that vitamin C is a good prevent-all; that’s not exactly the case. It’s the ascorbic acid in C that helps the body’s defenses. Ascorbic acid can be purchased in powder form and diluted with a baking-soda-and-water drink for fast absorption (find the recipe and ingredients in any health food store.)
The other very important “immune boosters” available are also very simple: colloidal silver, garlic, oil of oregano and olive leaf.
All of these ingredients, taken as directed on packaging, will keep anyone, even an immune-compromised person, healthy enough to fight off not only the flu but the other opportunistic infections that attend it, making it absolutely unnecessary to get a flu shot.
Otherwise, keep your home and possessions very clean. Ensure that you wash your hands and that everyone in your household does the same, several times a day. Avoid crowds and going into and out of hot/cold conditions (in and out of a heated building, as an example. Being cold causes you to shiver, shifting the body’s defense resources toward making you warm. With defenses down, bugs can enter and set up housekeeping in your body more readily. So yes, going in and warming up after playing in the snow, then going right back out to it, can make you sick.)
What if you get the flu?The answer to this is very simple.
Don’t fight it. Go ahead and run a fever; it’s your body’s way of destroying the virus. (Note: don’t let the fever get above 102; and watch very young, very elderly and chronically ill patients with fever. Tylenol is better to give than aspirin, but do so in low enough doses so that the fever has a chance to destroy the virus.)
Stay away from people who might be carrying another virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite that can strike your weakened immune system in combination with the flu virus.
Drink lots of liquids so that the body, in a fevered state, stays hydrated.
And rest, rest, rest. Do NOT exert yourself at all. Your body is doing the work it’s designed to do—let it.
Very bottom line—bird flu and all the attendant press is just hype. Don’t allow yourself to get pulled in by the crap and the fearmongering. It is minimally infectious and has low mortality, and really poses no risk to anyone in the U.S.—unless, of course, it is brought in on purpose. Even then, it is possible to avoid it. Don’t go mainstream, and you’ll be fine.

Disclosure NewsMagazine Monthly serves a regional market in southern Illinois and Indiana with a circulation of 4,000. We are a staff of TWO, myself and my husband (Angela and Jack Howser). We are dedicated to exposing the corruption and brutality as we find it in our part of the state. To subscribe to our paper contact us at