September 27, 2007

How to dessiminate propaganda during a war, Case: Iraq

By Sumedha Senanayake
Iraq -- Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki addresses reporters in Baghdad, 19Sep2007
Prime Minister al-Maliki may be powerless to deal with the Blackwater incident
September 26, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- The killing of 11 Iraqis in Al-Nusur Square in western Baghdad on September 16, allegedly by Blackwater USA security contractors has enraged Iraqis for more than a week.

Details of the incident remain unclear, but Iraqi officials and witnesses at the scene contend that the contractors, opened fire on unarmed civilians without provocation. This contradicts claims by the company and U.S. officials that a State Department convoy guarded by Blackwater contractors came under fire, and the contractors reacted in a defensive manner by returning fire

This item is appearing in Radio Free Europe.

No mention of the incriminating video is mentioned. There IS a video readily availabe to view. So do many other videos exist of Blackwater guards shooting on innocent civilians in other incident. They are not mentioned in this FEATURE report.

No responsibility is taken for them to find out themselves, although Radio Free Euorpe is paid for with US tax dollar$!!

Dig this misleading statement:

However, it is the issue of not holding Blackwater and other private security firms accountable for their actions that has truly roiled Iraqis and created the impression that Iraq's sovereignty is being undermined.
What IMPRESSION? Is it not TRUE??

While officials at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad indicated that Blackwater was carrying out only vital missions, this underscores the frustration expressed by many Iraqis that they do not have control over what goes on in their own country.

... Moreover, according to Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Order No. 17, private contractors "shall be immune from the Iraqi legal process," essentially meaning there is no chance of the contractors allegedly involved in the Al-Nusur incident being prosecuted under Iraqi law. Iraqi officials have indicated that the recent shootings may prompt them to amend CPA Order 17 and create new guidelines for dealing with foreign contractors.

And of course, note that by NOT linking both paragraphs, people reading this are sadly mislead. The FRUSTRATION actually is that they have NO sovereignty.

Now to back up the Iraqi accustion is this tidbit (mostly censored in the US)

Furthermore, the issue of Iraq's sovereignty continues to be raised after the arrest of an Iranian national, Mahmud Farhadi, by U.S. forces in the northern Iraqi city of Al-Sulaymaniyah on September 20. The United States accused Farhadi of being an officer of the Al-Quds Force, a secret military wing of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps, who was trying to smuggle weapons into Iraq.

However, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani insisted Farhadi was a member of an Iranian trade delegation that was in the region "with the knowledge of the federal government in Baghdad and the government of Kurdistan." Both Talabani and al-Maliki condemned the arrest and demanded Farhadi's immediate release. The arrest prompted Iran to close its border with Iraq's Kurdish region in protest, and Kurdish officials have warned that the local economy would suffer as a result of the United States' unilateral actions.
And the reason it is included is that so many in Europe actually read Al Jazeera, which has fully reported on this incident.

So why bother with this report coming out at ALL? Here's a clue which indicates that one little peep of complaint by Iraqis will result in outster:

There have been also murmurings in the Iraqi media that former Prime Minister and Islamic Al-Da'wah Party member Ibrahim al-Ja'fari was set to announce the formation of a new political coalition, the National Reform Grouping, that would counter the moderates' front established by the UIA and the Kurdish Alliance in mid-August. If it is formed, the new coalition is expected to be the largest in parliament and al-Ja'fari may seek to replace al-Maliki as prime minister

You can visit the report yourself to visit the rest of the doublespeak - the gist of it is that Maliki set up the QUAMIRE in Iraq and it is hopeless for him to do ANYTHING. Blackwater got the upperhand ..

Why not just SAY so ...???
