September 21, 2007

DHS Sponsors Martial Law Exercise For Kids

Published on Friday, September 21, 2007.
Source: Rogue Government - Lee Rogers

The Department of Homeland Security is currently sponsoring an event
in Huntsville, AL where children have the opportunity to participate in
a mock martial law oriented disaster exercise. The event called the Be
Ready Camp is being held in two sessions as part of the government’s
National Preparedness Month initiative. Run under the guise of disaster
preparedness, the Be Ready Camp is a program clearly designed to
indoctrinate the youth of our country into the culture of fear and hysteria
that the government has surrounded us with since the attacks of 9/11.
This program is also designed to desensitize children in order for them
to accept and serve the future government control grid that will
surround them when they become adults.

According to the Department of Homeland Security’s National
Preparedness Month web site, the Be Ready Camp is described as follows.

Ready Camp is an educational experience for sixth-grade students focused on building preparedness skills for natural and man-made disasters.

Be Ready Camp curriculum includes an introduction to survival and first aid, disaster psychology and terrorism awareness, as well as
instruction on creating a family emergency plan and an emergency supply kit.

Be Ready Camp culminates in a disaster exercise, with kids stepping into
the shoes of public safety professionals, such as police officers, firefighters, dive teams, doctors, soldiers and first responder volunteers. The mock disaster allowed students to use the skills they learned during their time at camp and also allowed them to work side-by-side with actual first responders. During this exercise, the first responders quickly arrived on-scene when students called for their assistance to rescue victims in the woods and water, and smoke-filled buildings.

Although it is always good to be prepared for emergencies, the camp does not emphasize individual responsibility. Instead, the camp teaches children to be in a constant state of fear and for them to be reliant upon government assistance with the reinforcement of a mock disaster drill.

Working side by side with actual first responder volunteers, the
program also prepares children to accept a future where the majority of jobs in this country will be with the government and its homeland enslavement system.

Particularly disturbing about the camp is that it
teaches children about terrorism awareness. Considering that people are more likely to die in a swimming pool accident than from so called terrorism, it is clear that there is a more diabolical motive behind this sort of training. Although the web site doesn’t provide specifics as to what this training entails, the term terrorism awareness indicates that they are teaching children what to look for in a potential terrorist.

The government has already issued documents to law enforcement
officials that people who refer to the Constitution or wear blue jeans are
potential terrorists, so who knows what junk they taught these children to look for. It is clear that the government is seeking to mold a new generation who will serve as informants for the state under the guise of preventing terrorism.

If this wasn’t the goal, why does Section 802
of the Patriot Act already classify minor offenses and even non-crimes as terrorism? In addition, why is the FBI currently seeking to recruit thousands of secret informants creating their own U.S. branch of the Stasi?

Even more ridiculous is the fact that multinational corporations
including FedEx, Toyota, EMS Innovations and Wal-Mart all made substantial contributions to this program. Apparently these corporations like the idea of a Stasi in the United States. Programs like the Be Ready Camp indoctrinates children into a reality of constant fear and makes them more willing to accept the idea that the government will protect them from the overblown threat of global terrorism.

As if this
wasn’t bad enough, there was another initiative in Ohio where 1,500 fourth through sixth graders gathered on Shawnee State University's campus for an event called Scioto Kids Get Ready. During the event kids were forced to watch a fear based mind control propaganda video reminding them to be prepared for impending doom and given the opportunity to explore careers that will be available to them with the government enslavement grid.

Below is an excerpt from the Department of Homeland Security’s
National Preparedness Month web site describing the event. During the day, the students watched a movie titled "Disaster Dudes" which featured kids of about the same age encouraging them to get prepared for emergencies. After the movie, approximately 40 response agencies were gathered in the parking lot to give the students a chance to explore hands-on and learn about the different agencies, as well as encourage them to think about a career as a police officer, firefighter and/or emergency medical technician. The children also saw preparedness presentations by Red Cross, Southern Ohio Medical Center, law enforcement agencies and emergency management staff. Scioto County was one of four counties selected by The Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) to host events during the month of September. Although these types of programs and exercises sound innocent on the surface, they are actually nothing more than trauma based mind control programs that are being directed at our children. The Department of Homeland Security is attempting to train our youth to be in a state of constant fear and to love and serve the enslavement system that will surround them when they become adults. This is not acceptable.

We must abolish the Department of Homeland
Security because their programs are attempting to create a society where we are a bunch of slaves.
