To be in the understanding of Love, we need to forgo old perceptions and understandings of belief systems held in our subconscious through generations of genetic conditioning. Evolutionary change brings social and cultural change. To move into the new stages of consciousness we need to understand Love. We can no longer limit ourselves to the linear thinking of dictionary definitions. We need to move beyond these conditioned mind sets, past the limitations of lateral thinking, and on and past multi-dimensional thinking.
I share with you in this post the thoughts as expressed in an essay by Paul Le Baron. Paul shares with us the wisdom gained through 95 years of experiential living within this Earth plane and beyond
Transcending Limitations- ------------------Paul Le Baron
To compensate for its natural limitations of intellect and cognition, the human brain delegates the ego, a primitive part of itself, to the task of setting boundaries beyond which everything is mystery. Analogous to a bird building a nest to contain the eggs and provide a home for the fledglings, each person’s ego devises limiting structures in consciousness to provide a cozy surround for ongoing thoughts and experiences. In each case the arrangement works fairly well, until the urge to fly takes over, when the old limitations are no longer useful.
From Marlo Morgan's account of her walk across Australia with a tribe of aborigines, some of her first impressions were of their joyful moment-by-moment acceptance of whatever they experienced, their forthrightness, and their calm spirit of contentment, even though they owned nothing except the few primitive tools necessary for subsistence living. Later she was amazed to observe them accurately communicating with each other from distances beyond the range of sight or sound. Then, after witnessing the healing of a compound leg bone fracture within a period of a few hours, she asked of the head man, "Why is it that we who think of ourselves as being so enlightened are unable to do those things?" Without hesitation his answer was, "You tell too many lies."
When I first read that statement I felt a shock like having a dash of cold water in my face. My heart instantly told me how true it was for me, even though I considered myself to be a reasonably honest man. Recollection of excuses made, exaggerations, blaming circumstances or other people for my failures began streaming through my mind. On thinking more deeply, it became clear that the lie which gives rise to all others is the notion of separation from God, our creative source. This is frequently exemplified by the excuse, "Well, I’m not perfect, I'm only human”, a common example of the self-imposed limitations we burden ourselves with.
The major point that Jesus came on Earth to clarify in human consciousness was that we are one in God always. With statements such as "The kingdom of heaven is within you", "The Father and I are one", and "All that you see me do you shall do likewise", he reminds us of our own divinity. Then, when asked, he affirmed the first and greatest rules for human happiness, which I translate freely here as "You shall first acknowledge, honor, and respect the God spirit that composes your being, and you will then love your fellow man as yourself, for he too is of the same substance”. In this way he reminds us of our unity with source, and with every other aspect of creation.
For a limited analogy, let’s view the whole human population as a large gathering of music makers, each wanting to be heard. In the state of separation they each become obsessed with tuning their instruments all at the same time, resulting in a cacophony of sound. But when the director reminds them of their purpose and they unite as one body in making music together, their hearts become attuned to the beat of the director, and grand swells of music fill the air. We are all blessed with a priceless gift of divine guidance, a Christ center which allows us to transcend all boundaries, but our only access to it is through the quiet voice of Intelligent Love speaking through our hearts. Until we surrender to its direction we remain stuck in our conditioning as a victim of ‘the separation disease’ that has shaped our dysfunctional society.
There have always been enlightened individuals who have shown the way beyond all limitations, only to be ignored, shunned or killed by those who have apathetically settled for cherishing their intellectual structures as a safety measure, substituting worship of unknown mystery for courageous flight of discovery and growth. But thankfully fresh winds of change are now blowing.
There is now much evidence that the collective consciousness is metamorphosing into a winged creature of great beauty and courage, destined to fly beyond the furthest reaches of mystery, which becomes no mystery at all when seen for what it is. To comprehend it there are three important points to remember. The first is that everything in existence is an aspect of Divinity. Thus, what you call Nature, including your own body, is a physical manifestation of God, Intelligent Love, The Great Spirit, Universal Soul, the Father or any other name it might be given. The second point is that you are primarily one of the countless spirit beings that form the One Body of Creation, a single specialized cell with unlimited potential when serving in harmony as co-creator with all others, using polarities as complementary, rather than as antagonistic to one another. The third is that your imagination is the seedbed of all of your creation. It has no limits, and is to your soul what air is to your body.
The ego’s disregard for these factors is the direct cause of ‘the separation disease’;- the belief in the lie that we are separate from God and from each other. Some of its symptoms are the chaotic state of misery, disparity, and violent antipathy that is so widespread today. My intent in writing this is to assist each of you who are willing, to transcend the limitations in your socially conditioned consciousness to do so by simply surrendering to the guidance of your own inner Christ center of consciousness.
Gaele Arnott, Brisbane Australia on Saturday, the 7th May, 2006