May 22, 2006


Also see the latest Toronto Star article as of 11 pm-ish:

I watched two stations coverage tonight. CHCH TV from Hamilton and CTV from Toronto which goes national in Canada.

CTV coverage was not "too" bad. Concessions were made to telling the FACTS about what lead to the flare up in the first place and no "hidden" attempt to get viewers to side with the town's people was made. There was no discussion though on what it is to be gleened from just a cursory reading of the internet talk on the standoff and plans to stalemate Canada via stopping the RRs

... instead, they just pointed out that all this makes Canada look very very bad. If they could follow the inevitable outcome, then one would be sitting around just contemplating how bad Canada will look .. they might DO something drastic. No one mentions Oka or Ipperwash on the television coverage.

The electricity is still off. Huge lights are overhead facing into the town people's side of the standoff. The sides are still about 200 feet apart, but riot police have been called in to push the town people BACK as soon as possible.

The Six Nations people and their supporters have shown good faith in negotiations and there is NO REASON to doubt that they will continue to do so. The town people are another story.

CHCH TV continues to air its very racist coverage.

White people are given microphones to address their narrow minded concerns; no indigenous person, including the leadership is given any airing. The young white kids with their ridiculous rocks get plenty of air time. No reporter questions the rocks being way too big to be thrown with any accuracy ...

The CHCH TV coverage has lots of huge signs showing how BUSINESS is being disrupted in Caledonia. One huge highway sign is shown in which "Caledonia open for business" is shown full screenload .. and then the propoganda for Hamilton/Wentworth continues.

Next on the audio a reporter cuts in and says that ... workers in Caledonia have been told to NOT report to work tomorrow (today is the last day of the Canadian long weekend .. one intended for gardening and beer drinking for most people .. the opening of cottage country festivities in Caledonia for the summer). This means that tensions will be high all through the night and into tomorrow.

Drunk, tired, incited .. the madness of the beer drinkers can be felt as each interview is pursued. The addiction to EXCITEMENT is felt on every image shown.

David Peterson, the negotiator, has had a "hard day". He is saying no one wants to budge and everyone is angry. Too right.

Any attempt to move back the town's people has failed. They want their hydoelectricity and that is THAT. Any thoughts of indigenous rites to their spiritual grounds are washed away in the alcohol fumes. The whites are INDIGNANT they cannot pass through on "their roads" but they do not own these portions of the road.

No one is calling the housing developers to task or the town council that allowed them to get a permit and build on land that wasn't theirs to "give away".

The tactical squad and riot police ARE on the way. Still no report from the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. No one is interviewing the natives. I will have to check CBC to see if any attempt is made by them to do interviewing on BOTH "sides".

They have stated that the lights are causing alot of trouble and making the people even more restless. No account said anything about arrests of "trouble makers".

All around the cars are piling up with supporters for both sides .. again no photo coverage .. it is hard to know the full extent of the numbers involved at this point. The town people's side is about four times what I saw at 6 pm.

The ensuing riot is taking precedence over the HYDRO issue seems to me. Every shot I saw of natives makes them look either angry or mad .. only one or two quick shots of leaders attempting to calm down the Six Nations are shown.

It is a sure bet that Ontario meant to deal with this all in the "dark of night" from early on in the day. One wonders what the town council was told and why they ended their session at 6 pm.

Once again donation info and the CHCH TV contact info:

New post-I am willing to transport donations:
* * Donation cheques can be made payable to: Janie Jamieson[ any currency ]
mail to me & I will get them to her:
Shel Goldstein105-149 South Drive, Toronto Ontario M4W 1S3, Canada
or via Paypal
to ProMote It Be( my shell-company) and I will write totalled cheques,
or take cash to site:
[ Canadian or US currency only ]
ProMote It
comment line "donation for Six Nations seige" or somesuch
or deposit cash, INTERAC, or cheque directly
at any TD / Canada Trust branch
to ProMote It Be[ a dormant account I can enliven for use for Six Nations donations ]
and I will write totalled cheques, or take cash to site:
Account#1087 520 3341
in service to community, Shel[Edited by Shel]

zainabMemberPosts: 4Registered: Apr 2006
-New post-
Quote:becky wrote:I can't get to the Six Nations, does anyone know of an address I could send a check to?If you don't know anyone going out, the best thing to do is contact those on the site directly and they will give you an address for sending donations.
Contact Hazel at:, (519) 445-1351 or
They may take a while to get back to you but they will reply

And CH TV Contact info:

Let them KNOW we know they are skewing the news:

163 Jackson Street WestP.O. Box 2230, Station AHamilton, Ontario, L8N 3A6
(905) 522 - 1101
Programming information: Community events:
News tips: You Asked:
CH Live at 12:30: CH Morning Live:
