May 26, 2006

cdiThe fly on the wall update
From Bruce Beach

The latest buzz from Washington
Well, as expected
Bush and Olmert came out of their meeting
all smiles and agreement.
They agreed that
peace was the best path -
(and also that mothers
and apple pie are great)
and that -"Iran must absolutely NOT be allowed
to get the bomb."
I read the whole of Olmert's address
to the US Congress
-along with many, many reports on it.
It was amazing to see
the differing headlines.

Reading the headlines
and the reports -one could imagine that Olmert
had emphasized almost any point of view.
So, I suppose -you will have to take my summary above
- in the same spirit.
Reading just the American press
on all the happenings around Iran
one could conclude the following -
with which I absolutely do NOT agree:
- Iran won't have a bomb for 10 years
- Iran is about to agree with
the European / Russian proposal
to have its nuclear fuel
made outside of Iran
- Iran's President and Supreme Mullah's
are offering to SINCERELY
negotiate directly with the US
- It would make no difference
if Iran did have the bomb.
- Ergo, there is no need for Israel
to think of bombing Iran
I suppose that it is quite possible
that these people as sincerely believe
that those things are true
as others I know believe
- that Jesus is going to come down on a cloud
- that the graves are going to open and
- that they are going to be raptured.
Many people find MY views
to be equally unrealistic,
as I do the above.

Mostly though,
those who hold either of
the above sets of views -
make no attempt to understand mine.
I do try to make a sincere attempt
to understand other's points of view -
and I think I generally do a
fairly reasonable job.
I think that I could present myself
in an argument as:
- a born again Christian
- a devout communist
- a fundamentalist Sunni
- a fundamentalist Shiite
- an America ultra-patrioy
- a Chinese ultra-nationalist
- a Russian ultra-nationalist
or a variety of other positions
to such an extent
that even adherents of those positions
listening to my arguments
would not know that I was not one of them.
Unfortunately, those who adhere
most steadfastly to those positions
very seldom study my paradigm and system
to such an extent
as to be able to explain it -
even though I widely and openly publish.

It is the understandingof alternate points of view
-that gives me the freedom
to choose between them
-and any degree of hope
that I may not simply be
blindly and emotionally attached
to just what I have been exposed to.
that always remains my concern
-that I have not been sufficiently
broadly exposed
-or that I have failed to comprehend
that which I have seen and heard.
Such is the human state -
and why we need to remain tolerant -
and try to understand other's point of view.
I have listened to the theologies
of pre-trib rapturists
(I don't imagine we have any on this list)
and post-trib rapturists.
I am now listening to the theories of
pre-November Election Iran bombings -
and post-November Election Iran bombings.
Just as there are non-rapture theologians
there are also non-bombing theorists.
But fewer.
As Olmert says -
Iran can't have the bomb -
it is an 'existential' question for Israel.
I have said many times -
I don't think the bomb is the deadline -
what I think is the deadline
is the delivery of the TOR-M1 missiles
that Iran has purchased from Russia.
As far as I know -
that delivery could be anytime -
because I haven't seen a delivery date.
Believe me -the fly on the wall
heard that talked about that
in the Oval Room.
It just didn't give me a report.
So, what is happening -

post-Olmert/Bush meeting.

Well, some exciting stuff.


1. Rumour is -the President of Iran
and the Supreme Ayatollah
have sent word to Bush
that they want to talk.
(Talk yes - agree no.)


2. 15:26 May 23, '06 / 25 Iyar 5766

The president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak,
has confirmed that there are
preparations underway for a three-way summit
involving the Egypt, Israel and
the Palestinian Authority.
The summit will bring together Mubarak,
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and
PAchief Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen),
the Egyptian leader said.

Mubarak made the revelation,
confirming rumors of such a meeting, in an
interview with the Egyptian newspaper


THIS MORNING - a 'STUNNING' announcement.

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he
will call a national referendum on accepting a
Palestinian state along side
Israel if Hamas does not agree to the idea within 10 days.
Such a vote would effectively ask
Palestinians to give implicit recognition
to Israel by accepting
a Palestinian state on land
occupied by Israel in1967.
[However, Israel is NOT going to give back
ALL the land. Too many people involved -
for one thing.
AND it is unlikely -
that Hamas will agree to recognize Israel.]
Abbas said that if 10 days of dialogue
between Hamas and his Fatah movement
did not lead to a joint political platform,
he would call a referendum 40
days after that.
The dialogue began Thursday.
[A referendum would give Hamas an out.
It also gives a time-table to events.
Add up the days above and you come to mid-July.]


Last update - 10:12 24/05/2006

4. Olmert: Bush and I are in full agreement
on how to confront Iran

WASHINGTON - There is full agreement
between Israel and the U.S. on how to
confront the Iranian nuclear issue,
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Israeli
journalists early Wednesday,
hours after his White House meeting with
U.S.President George W. Bush.
[Oh, fly, fly on the wall -
please tell me all -
tell me all.]
Bush told reporters that the aim
to prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear
weapons was "a common international goal."
"We determined that the Iranian regime
must not obtain nuclear weapons," he
said.The president declared that the United States would
"come to Israel's aid"..."
We're spending a lot of time working with
our Russian friends in particular
to make it clear to them that
Iran is showing no good faith," the president
told reporters.
[Yep - 'Mah friends the Russians' -
who are sending TORs to Iran.]


5. Tuesday's Iranian missile test
was viewed by Israeli and Western
officials as an example of Iranian defiance
of international efforts to halt
its nuclear program and impose sanctions.
The "Shihab-3" has a known range of
1,300 kilometers and could reach any
target in Israel.
Iran is also in the process of developing longer-range
missiles, intended to reach a distance of 5,000 miles.


6. A series of secret talks between the
U.S. and Israel is expected to
follow Olmert's visit.
During these talks,
elements of the convergence plan
will likely be honed and
translated into a practical program.


7. Some in Israel
really don't want to wait.

Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu
said Israel should prove it has deterrence
abilities also in the face of Iran's threats.
"We have to learn to live with a reality
in which terror regimes with a
crazy ideology have nuclear weapons.
We have to teach the world that those
who will attack us won't get away with it
positively, and in fact won't get
away with it at all," he said.
(Tani Goldstein)



Middle EastU.S. Weighs Non-U.N. Iran Options

May 23, 2006 ·
The U.S. is exploring different diplomatic and military
routes -- outside of the U.N. --
for dealing with Iran. Gary Samore, vice
president of global security and sustainability
at the MacArthur Foundation,
talks with Renee Montagne about the options.


9. And here is a really interesting item:

Israeli defence analyst Alon Ben-David
suggested the United States might end
up supplying the Tomahawks in order to scotch
Israel's rival cruise missile
"If the Americans discover that
Israel is close to a credible cruise-missile
capability, I expect they will be quick
to curb it by finally coming up with
the Tomahawks," he said.
Tomahawks are guided by a coded global positioning
system network controlled
by the Pentagon,
meaning any Israeli launch
would have to be approved by


10. [Meanwhile -the Russian's are looking at
'their friends the Americans'.]
The United States is continuing talks
with nations in Europe about deploying
U.S. missile defense interceptors there, ...
Agence France-Presse reported
yesterday (see GSN, May 22).
The New York Times reported yesterday
that Poland and the Czech Republic are
among the nations being considered
to house 10 interceptors.
Russia has expressed strong reservations
about the plan, particularly
regarding the potential selection of Poland
for the interceptor site.

The new shield would bring a
direct US military presence deeper into
Europe. And for Russia,
the project reeks of
American encroachment
into what
used to be its own sphere of influence.
The move would have "a negative
impact on the whole Euro-Atlantic security system",
Sergei Ivanov, the
Russian Defence Minister,
told a Belarus newspaper,


Meanwhile -over in the Far East -
US build-up
(and China and others)
continues at such a pace
with dramatic events happening -
that it would take a full newsletterto go into it.


Meanwhile -back at the ranch -

this just in.

Two of Bush's big corporate buddies
have just been convicted of fraud charges.
The noose just gets tighter and tighter.
Wait until after November?
I don't think so.
Peace and love,
Arktwo mailing list
