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Now so much is happening there in Caledonia and on the internet it's untrue and I wish I could post a video of the Hamilton area news that I just watched live, but I cannot do so ...
Things looked okay there at 10:30 this morning. However two things happened. One is that a little cadre of resentful white folks CLAiMED that people behind the barricade site (which had been taken down) had big rocks thrown at them. The site that the TV showed the rocks coming from is not a place for walks or anything. What were they doing there ...? The rocks shown on the news were TOO BIG to be thrown actually. A cyclone fence surrounding the reserve was shown about 10 feet high which would make tossing rocks sort of difficult ... They could be lobbed down, but not OUT. Perhaps the young white were trying to scale the fence .. they claimed natives lept over the fence at them.
Meanwhile, the electricity generator for the whole region has caught fire, leaving area residents with many problems. The TV news focused on the effect on BUSINESSES, some of which had to shut down for the day. The businesses feel picked on so to speak.
Previously, this week, protestors have allowed emergency vehicles through ... with the road dug up, only tractors or military vehicles could get through, which will lead to further problems.
The Town Council from Caledonia was in session all day .. and came up with no answers as to how to get past the barricade which was put back up and the road dug -- after a native woman had her truck attacked going into the protest site.
Now that the barricade (made by using a steel hydo/electricity post) has gone back up over the road, the townspeople are going crazy. They began scuffling with the natives -- and I must say no attempt by the OPP was made to keep the "white" under control to my way of looking was shown in the footage.
The TV stations pointedly referred to townspeople as "citizens" and the natives as "protestors" throughout the news cast. Are the "natives" (Notice they don't even use the word indigenous ...?) less than citizens, too?
So as chaos reigned, the six nations people took out a bulldozer to dig up the road. Now NO vehicles can get past and this makes fixing the generator for power impossible to fix. The various "camps" is about 200 feet apart.
Meanwhile the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs has done NOTHING all day nor the Premier, Dalton McGuinty.
Instead an unpopular ex-Prime Minister of Ontario named David Peterson has been brought in as negotiator. He goes around trying to diffuse a situation wildly "out of control" in terms of verbal anger -- which breaks out in fist fights. As I watched the news live, he was still on the scene at 6:15.
Buses arriving from out of town are NOT allowed to join the ranks of protestors by the town's people.
I saw only Ontario Provincial Police on the scene. Hamilton/Wentworth police are nowhere to be seen. As the OPP killed Dudley George, this can only make the natives much more edgy and nervous. The responsibility for that killing has NEVER EVER been cleared up despite numerous "hearings" on the issue. It is presumed the Ontario Prime Minister at the time, Mike Harris, gave a DIRECT order to shoot and kill. His private secretary at that time has testified that this was so.
I am sure that Ontario has been apprised that plans are underway to shut down all Canadian RRs at 30 locations if anything happens to any protestor, as has the federal government. There is a plan to set up burning cars at these 30 locations. Much economic damage has been done to Caledonia and the surrounding area by the closing of the RR junction since February.
The news kept the focus of the frustration of local residents having to take the long ways around to get into Caledonia. The issue of the burial mounds to be taken over by the housing developers was never mentioned on the news, much the same sitation occured when OCA golf course tried to go from 9 holes to 18 .. it got so no one remembered the original issue.
Looks like a long and uncomfortable night and the weather is damp. I understand the plans are for a concert tonight .. but with what electricity for amplifiers.
Meanwhile, today is Victoria Day. Here's the laugh .. since Victoria's day, native american communities have been given cheese and bread for serving the crown in battle. 5000 people were given handouts today on Six Nations reserve. This gave the natives on Six Nations even MORE coverage to attest to their CITIZENSHIP. The chief of the reserve got air time with his Veteran's badges prominent in the shots.
I think to compare this issue to that of Dudley George/Ipperwash situtation is a bit stretched .. it is entirely like OKA .. there a policeman was killed. The people at Ippewash were much more isolated and no "rescue" plan was in place which the Province (and possible the FEDS) took advantage of.
This url will help you locate various items by supporting bands and tribes and clarify some of those issues
Real news on the internet is slow on posting; This is the latest mainstream media story that I can find: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20060520.CALEDONIA20/TPStory/TPNational/Ontario/
The CH TV news contact info for Hamilton is:
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To send donations: Her correct name is Janie Kennedy.
From Shel: I am willing to transport donations:
* * Donation cheques can be made payable to:
Janie Jamieson[ any currency ]mail to me & I will get them to her:
Shel Goldstein
105-149 South Drive, Toronto Ontario M4W 1S3,
or via Paypal www.PayPal.comto ProMote It Be( my shell-company)
and I will write totalled cheques, or take cash to site:[
Canadian or US currency only ]
ProMote It BeProMoteItBe@istar.ca
comment line "donation for Six Nations seige" or some
suchor deposit cash, INTERAC, or cheque directly
at any TD / Canada Trust branch
to ProMote It Be[ a dormant account I can enliven for use for Six Nations donations ]
and I will write totalled cheques, or take cash to site
:Account#1087 520 3341
in service to community, Shel
If you don't know anyone going out, the best thing to do is contact those on the site directly and they will give you an address for sending donations.
Contact Hazel at: thebasketcase@on.aibn.com, (519) 445-1351 or
Jacqueline House jacqueline_house@hotmail.com
They may take a while to get back to you but they will reply.
May 22, 2006
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