May 25, 2006

last updated 22 May 2006
This page is a list of brief captions for a scrapbook of all the GOES weather satellite pictures collected by the GOES Project Scientist at NASA since 1994. The most recent items are at the top of the list. Other GOES image archival web sites are listed at the bottom of this page. For more information about an image, click on the caption's trailing icon -- .


Full-Disk Gallery (click for this real time page),GGLG:2006-10,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN

Midwest storm floods New England (12 MB QT) 14 May 2006
52 Tornados in 24 Hours (5.3 MB QT) 8 April 2006
Midwest Tornado Outbreak (5.4 MB QT) 12 March 2006
Lake-Effect Snow Fields (1.6 MB GIF) 7 March 2006
Mid-Atlantic snowfall (0.6 MB GIF) 13 February 2006

Recent GOES Full Disk Images this page last updated 6 September 2004 NOAA broadcasts a GOES full-disk scan once every 3 hours. An automated site at NASA-GSFC captures them, converts the GOES satellite data into images, and puts the digital pictures on the web. This page links to those full-disk pictures of the Earth in several formats, enhancements, and resolutions. For full-resolution images of small sectors, see the links on the GOES Project Science Page.

COLORFUL GOES-EAST PICTURES (1200 pixels by 1000 lines, JPEG compressed, ~0.3 MByte downloads) Red = visible channel, Green = 11 micron infrared channel, Blue = 4 micron infrared channel.

COLORFUL GOES-WEST PICTURES (1200 pixels by 1000 lines, JPEG compressed, ~0.3 MByte downloads) Red = visible channel, Green = 11 micron infrared channel, Blue = 4 micron infrared channel.

RECENT GOES-EAST IMAGES (1200 pixels by 1000 lines, greyscale TIFF format, 1.2 MByte files) NOTE: "IR4" is the thermal infrared image, which lets you see the entire Earth by its own glow at any time of day.

RECENT GOES-WEST IMAGES (1200 pixels by 1000 lines, greyscale TIFF format, 1.2 MByte files) NOTE: "IR4" is the thermal infrared image, which lets you see the entire Earth by its own glow at any time of day.

FTP: GOES-EAST HIGH-RESOLUTION RAW DATA (IR 3300 pixels by 3002 lines -> 10 MByte IR files) (VIS 13200 pixels by 12008 lines -> 168 MByte VIS files) HINT: this data is best rendered using Adobe Photoshop.

FTP: GOES-WEST HIGH-RESOLUTION RAW DATA (IR 3300 pixels by 3002 lines -> 10 MByte IR files) (VIS 13200 pixels by 12008 lines -> 168 MByte VIS files)

HINT: this data is best rendered using Adobe Photoshop.

TECH NOTE 1: Local midnight and noontime roll-overs occur several hours into Universal Time (UTC, aka GMT, aka Z, aka Greenwich time, aka London time):
midnight EST = 1 am EDT = 0500 UTC; noon EST = 1 pm EDT = 1700 UTC midnight CST = 1 am CDT = 0600 UTC; noon CST = 1 pm CDT = 1800 UTC midnight MST = 1 am MDT = 0700 UTC; noon MST = 1 pm MDT = 1900 UTC midnight PST = 1 am PDT = 0800 UTC; noon PST = 1 pm PDT = 2000 UTC

TECH NOTE 2: Most of our files have time-stamp names in odometer-style Universal Time, "YYMMDDhhmmSatChan.TYPE". For example, "0312311745G08I01.TIFF" is decoded as: - year = 03 (2003) - month = 12 (December) - day = 31 (the 31st of the month) - hour = 17 (12 noon + 5 pm Universal Time in London, England) - minutes = 45 (:45 minutes after the hour) - Satellite = G12 (GOES-12, aka GOES-EAST) - Channel = I01 (Imager channel 1, aka visible) - Type = TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
