May 12, 2006

And the hits just keep coming ..


According to cosmologist Sean Carroll of the University of Chicago "we live in a preposterous universe." The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "preposterous" as "contrary to nature, reason, or common sense: absurd." Sounds just like our cosmic program, huh? Like attracts like, right?---"A bouncing universe that expands and then shrinks every trillion years or so could explain one of the most puzzling problems in cosmology: how we can exist at all.
A few months ago the Discovery Channel hosted "Do Aliens Run the World" a British production featuring PAG, David Icke, Jim Mars, Clifford Stone, Richard Dolan and - of all people - the principal proponent of the belief that our reality is a cosmic computer simulation and my hero - Nick Bostrom. The professionally done "tongue-in-cheek" presentation also included a cloaked-in-shadows interview with an alleged government/military/intelligence agency employee who admitted distributing disinformation among UFO researchers as well as intimidating UFO witnesses. He further stated that in his official capacity he had observed ET bodies and craft. Should we assume that his revelations are further disinformation? But if some UFOs do contain alien invaders and our government has sanctioned human abductions in exchange for advanced technology why create disinformation that draws attention to the truth? Simply ignoring the obvious would be the best strategy - especially when it comes to a subject that is routinely ridiculed by the media.
The MJ-12 documents, alien autopsy video, Mexico City video, Hanger 18, Roswell, alien interview video, Project Serpo, and Jonathan Reed's extraordinary tale of capturing an ET are all created to program people to believe that aliens from other planets exist and that some of them are here now - when in fact neither is true.
Do you think that the ETs you watched in "Independence Day" and "War of the Worlds" come from other planets - or from a computer program? Our ETs are no different! ---"The alien-autopsy hoax represented the culmination of several years' worth of rumors, myths, and outright deceptions purporting to prove that saucer wreckage and the remains of its humanoid occupants were stored at a secret facility—e.g., a (nonexistent) 'Hangar 18' at Wright Patterson Air Force Base—and that the small corpses were autopsied at that or another site."
