Thanx for deep diverse forwardIn scanned it, saw GGurdjieff, one of my Sufi teachersof radical Sufism, body energy balancing, spiralingdance, conscious shocks & suffering for healing onessoul karma now.
About earth changes & doomsday..... to many
connections without causeffects patterns to learn how
cosmic bodies effect earth-space-weather here now with
our sun & moon dancing together in cycles.
I love James McCanney 'comet plasma discharge mode
l'of Electric Universe' also promoted by Talbot &Thornhill
in Thunderbolts of the Gods - new book & DVDcombo.
Also Rajneesh was inspired by Gurdjieff, the herald of
emotional spirit music, dance & sacred movements in1920s,
while Meher Baby, Gandhi & YOganada were
teaching their spirit paths to loving all creationnow!
spiralove 2 u micheal @ Oness press
Causeffects> This is an excerpt from written
recently about the same time as the British
de-bunking of UFOs. This section begins after the
UFO discussion.
There is a passing comment about Eric Julien AKA Jean Ederman but it's the ideas about earth changes that I think are especially interesting. Isabel Hutchinson
...what is amazing is that the Cassiopaean Communications - myself in the future - also discussed the same things in considerable detail with me, an amateur whose driving interest was in finding out why the world was the way it was and what is the role of humanity within it. Certainly, this is often the same driver that operates in scientists - those scientists who actually do "good science" with an open mind - but it necessarily has different results from the efforts of the layperson in most cases. In my own case, however, the results have been quite similar: scientific theories and mind-expanding concepts regarding an "entirely new domain of the knowledge of nature". This was the gift of the Cassiopaeans. This is what undepins all our work. At the same time, there is much in the Cassiopaean Material that is strikingly similar to philosophical concepts native to certain esoteric teachings, most particularly Sufi and ideas brought forward by Georges Gurdjieff and Boris Mouravieff. Both of the latter claim to be presenting something called "Esoteric Christianity."
What I have discovered in my own research - aided by clues from the Cassiopaean Transmissions - is that this "Esoteric Christianity" is quite similar to Archaic Siberian Shamanism, the degraded remnant of what must have been the "religion" of the Northern Peoples - the Megalith builders - in prehistoric times. I have traced these developments and laid out all the clues in my book The Secret History of The World.
How we view our world and our place in it is entirely dependent on what we know about what went before. What became overwhelmingly apparent as I continued in my research was that the true history of man has been so distorted by "official culture" as to make it almost impossible for the average person to really understand why the world is as it is, and what possible role humanity may play in the grander scheme of things.
Tracking the processes of history certainly gave me an uneasy feeling that there was some sort of "pattern" to it which certainly could not be a conspiracy in human terms. Until I opened my mind to the possibility of "hyperdimensional interactions with humanity," and began to consider the many implications of such ideas - most particularly time loops and alternate universes - nothing about the history of mankind made any sense at all.
Now, having said all of the above, I want to turn to some events of recent times that directly relate to things the Cassiopaeans - myself in the future - have discussed in some detail.
The first is an article entitled: Evidence Mounts that Our Sun May Have a Companion
NEWPORT BEACH, CA -- The Binary Research Institute (BRI) has found that orbital characteristics of the recently discovered planetoid, "Sedna", demonstrate the possibility that our sun might be part of a binary star system.
A binary star system consists of two stars gravitationally bound orbiting a common center of mass. Once thought to be highly unusual, suchsystems are now considered to be common in the Milk> Way galaxy. Walter Cruttenden at BRI, Professor Richard Muller at UC Berkeley, Dr. Daniel Whitmire of theUniversity of Louisiana, amongst several others, have long speculated on the possibility that our sun might have an as yet undiscovered companion. Most of the evidence has been statistical rather than physical. The recent discovery of Sedna, a small planet like object first detected by Cal Tech> astronomer Dr. Michael Brown, provides what could be indirect physical evidence of a solar companion.>
Matching the recent findings by Dr. Brown, showing that Sedna moves in a highly unusual elliptical> orbit, Cruttenden has determined that Sedna moves in resonance with previously published orbital data for> a hypothetical companion star. In the May 2006 issue of Discover, Dr. Brown stated:
- "Sedna shouldn't be there. There's no way to put
- Sedna where it is. It never comes close enough to be affected by the sun, but it never goes far enough away from the sun to be affected by other stars... Sedna is stuck, frozen in place; there's no way to move it, basically there's no way to put it there - unless it formed there. But it's in a very elliptical orbit like that. It simply can't be there. There's no possible way - except it is. So how, then?">
"I'm thinking it was placed there in the earliest history of the solar system. I'm thinking it could have gotten there if there used to be stars a lot closer than they are now and those stars affected Sedna on the outer part of its orbit and then later on moved away. So I call Sedna a fossil record of the earliest solar system. Eventually, when other fossil records are found, Sedna will help tell us how the sun formed and the number of stars that were> close to the sun when it formed." W
Walter Cruttenden agrees that Sedna's highly elliptical orbit is very unusual, but noted that the orbit period of 12,000 years is in neat resonance with the expected orbit periodicity of a companion star as outlined in several prior papers. Consequently, Cruttenden believes that Sedna's unusual orbit is something indicative of the current solar system configuration, not merely a historical record. "It is hard to imagine that Sedna would retain its highly elliptical orbit pattern since the> beginning of the solar system billions of years ago.
Because eccentricity would likely fade with time, it is logical to assume Sedna is telling us something about current, albeit unexpected solar system> forces, most probably a companion star". Outside of a few popular articles, and Cruttenden's book "Lost Star of Myth and Time", which outlines historical references and the modern search for the elusive companion, the possibility of a binary partner star to our sun has been left to the halls of academia. But with Dr. Brown's recent discoveries of Sedna and Xena, (now confirmed to be larger than Pluto), and timing observations like Cruttenden's, the search for a companion star may be gaining momentum.
Now, you may want to read the Cassiopaean Transcripts on this subject: Binary Stars:Does our Sun have a Dark Companion? which I published in 1998. If you search for the term "elliptical orbit" you will find the following remark: And if it has an elliptical orbit... would it, maybe, like, "come and go?"
And then, further on:>
Q: (A) I am trying to write down some things about a cosmology, and I have some questions mainly about the coming events. First there was the story of the sun's companion brown star which is apparently approaching the solar system, and I would like to> know, if possible, details of its orbit; that is, how far it is, what is its speed, and when it will be first seen. Can we know it? Orbit: how close will it come?
A: Flat eliptical. >
Q: (A) But how close will it come?
A: Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness.
Q: (L) What is the closest it could come to earth...>
(A)Solar system...
(L) Yes, but which part of the solar system? We have nine planets... which one?
(A)> I understand that this brown star will enter the Oort cloud...
(L) I think they said it just brushes> against it and the gravity disturbs it...
A: Passes through Oort cloud on orbital journey. Already has done this on its way "in." This last remark brings me to the next item that has had my attention for some time: the increase of comets, asteroids, meterorites, fireballs, etc. This is not a subject that you would have been reading about, say, back in 1985 when I first realized that there was a good possibility that the Earth might be> bombarded with cometary bodies. Back then, meteorites were small and infrequent. At most, they were "meteor showers" that gave us light shows at certain periods of the year. But, as our Comets, Meteors, Asteroids and NEOs Supplement, produced by that same SOTT team that brings you the greatest news selection on the internet, shows, this is getting to be so frequent that it is amazing.
C's: Ok, change of direction: Oort cloud and comet cluster and sun twin occasionally passing through> the former like a bowling ball through pins.
Q: (L) How does the dark star passing through the Oort cloud relate to the comet cluster?
A: Cause and effect. ... Now, think of how your Biblical prophecies speak of a very terrifiying period, followed by an apparent renewal of normalcy, followed by the "End." Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amidst seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the end. What would happen if the brown star that is the sun's twin were to get close enough to be illuminated by the sun?
Q: (T) Well, if it were close enough to be illuminated, the obvious result is that it would be SEEN. People would panic...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Governments would fall...