The energies seem to be getting more intense all the time,
and lots of people, lightworkers especially,
often seem to be feeling
very uncomfortable,
It's really happening in the body & the more you feel it,
the more you make of it,
the more you feel it.
The tendency is to resist feeling bad, which only makes it
The key is to come to a place where you can simply accept that all of it,
vibrating at an ever higher rate.
So all that's not in resonance with that higher vibration -
all that's at a lower or denser one [aka fear /resistance/ density] -
has to go.
This release has "symptoms" attached -
the trick is not to
get attached to the symptoms!
[attachment includes worry or wanting it to be different!]
Simply accept that things are as they are
allow them
Trust the process & receive the energy being offered,
without trying to control it or change it or judge
the feelings as "bad".
As soon as you allow them to be in
their perfection as they come up,
as they need to be at this moment,
to express themselves fully, they shift.
It all
gets easier as long as you keep energy flowing.
Resistance ON ANY LEVEL makes the energy back up
that's what becomes uncomfortable.
Tune into what you feel and simply tell yourself that it's
ok that this be happening..
"I bless it all & I release whatever is limiting on any level.
It's ok to resist.
It's ok
to flow.
It's All ok.
It's ok just to be herein my process.
I am willing to be where I am. I accept it all as it is.
am willing to sit with this
experience this as it is
manifesting in & for me at this moment.
I am willing to be willing to be willing to be willing to allow it all to be as it is"
Sit quietly as you do this. Tune into your body.
Your mind cannot make this shift.
This shift is in your body,
Get in tune with it.
Take the time to do that.
Stop rushing.. your rushing is resistance.
You have all the time in the world -
and as soon as you realize that, you will!
As soon as you are willing to experience whatever is
passing through you, you will no longer have to experience it!
It will no longer be there. Your resistance creates it!
It is all an illusion that exists to teach you that.
it's all an illusion,
If it's an illusion, you can choose to let it be the way you would like it to be -
you can accept what's being offered -
which is the ability to make it any way you like -
and why not? -
it's all illusion anyway.
beginning to learn how make the one you really want to live -
and to fully RECEIVE what you are making.
You are making it now, and when you resist what you're making it
As soon as you stop resisting it, it flows
no longer hurts.
It becomes joy - and that's what you are now learning.
We've become expert at creating all sorts of other stuff-
we've been doing it for lifetimes.
Now we're stepping up into a vibration
where we are AWARE of the process -
the veils are thinning -
disappearing if you let them -
winged angels, angel cards, feng shui, resistance, flow, crystals,
bodies, "you", your body -
it's all illusion.
What if you only think you're real!
Let that in beyond your thinking aspect -
it's not about just thinking of it as a possibility -
it's about feeling the reality of the unreality
with your inner witnessing "over" consciousness.
What does that mean in terms of what
you could manifest or change if you wanted to!
This is not Zen or mystical mystery stuff -
this is happening now in your body,
your bodymind is just beginning to grasp the significance of this shift,
or even somewhat panicked by it!
Our metaphysical notions about the nature of reality are manifesting as real - are being realised!
And that's ok - just hold on to your hat & enjoy the ride.
Let that "what if" be tasted by your body...
play with other what if's...
things stop mattering when you aren't
attached to them -
they disappear -
flow increases - flow too is an illusion -
it's another construct /frame of reference for us to play in, in 3D.
And we do need frames of reference to keep us balanced.
What if we just came to play - and all the toys are
illusions - mirages, constructs -
What if now the new game is Called "Having Fun - Being Joy"
Are you ready for the change?
Just because you know it's a game doesn't mean you have to stop playing.
There are no rules -
you can do anything you want to when you see through the constructs you have
MAN-u-FACTured to fool yourself with.
There are no "facts" and there is no ultimate "truth" -
there is no "reality" -
there is just consciousness playing
with itself.
If you can allow that possibility to be "real" -
you will let go of some of the
thoughts, beliefs & ideas you have
been constructing the game with.
The game will cease to appear real
You will cease to be limited by all sorts of beliefs that have been feeding your reality
as YOU experience it!
Be willing to release all the beliefs that don't serve you
- ALL of them - look at them all -
even the very basic ones
- do you really need to breathe to be alive -
do you need to eat -
do you need to have a job to get money -
do you need to have money to get what you want -
do you need to be nice to your boss -
do you need to have a hug a day -
do you need friends -
do you need anything -
do you need a lover - love -
your story -
to be real -
to be you?
OPEN THE DOORS a little & look behind them.
There are no rules.
It doesn't matter what you decide -
that's not the point -
the point is to start being open to other possibilities.
Start to ask the questions that open the
doors of allowing.
You are like a whale
swimming down a river with islands
in it.
You create these islands on which to isolate things
experiences you never want to revisit as you go -
then you even make some of the islands invisible
or you landscape them to make them look better,
then you bask in the sheltered water behind them, congratulating yourself on
what a great job you've done of making safe havens for yourself.
And your river does look good to you -
you are a great landscaper -
but the islands are really made out of your
own shit,
they are becoming more toxic by the day.
Which is fine...
[remember the no rules rule - allow it all] -
don't feel bad about it -
we've all done it -
that's why
we're still here!
That's why we've survived up until now.
The islands have helped to keep us safe & sheltered -
we have sometimes
even rested and been held afloat by them.
Too much flow has sometimes overwhelmed us - but now the islands are
threatening to completely stop the flow -
are holding us back -
and they have to go.
They are killing us!
The islands are really illusions too, but they are there in your consciousness -
in the reality you have created -
and that makes them real.
The water [energy] flows around them,
carrying other beliefs & experiences & perceptions &
resistances along with it.
The like ones [law of attraction]
snag on the islands, which then grow
and get bigger and bigger
till they begin to block the river.
When the river is
completely blocked
there's no more flow
you die!
We have all
been dying up till now -
individually & as species,
blocking the life force in each separate
collective one of us.
have to unplug from the illusions that have created the river
we call "life."
We have to unplug from the river itself.
It doesn't matter which islands
[belief, vow, energy system, role etc]
are doing the blocking -
the result is the same.
We have to go beyond the river.
We have to learn to be
You need to become WILLING -
willing to be willing
to be
willing to be willing -
to break down and to "demystify", to
dispel the "glamour", the illusions,
of the islands
and the
river -
NO MATTER how beautiful they appear,
how apparently
necessary to your wellbeing & safety -
or how much they
justify your existence.
Perhaps you have been a great keeper of islands -
now you need to be willing to
let it all go.
The islands are your illusions ABOUT
they are built by your ego to make you feel better,
Get comfortable with the dichotomies & the contradictions
it's all true at the same time -
learn to move
experience & intuit outside the mental constraints & demands of
of the islands.
Look at your fears,
your excuses,
your explanations,
your story,
your needs,
your desires -
look at them all without fear or favour.
Which ones give you joy?
Keep the flow strong?
Keep them.
Which ones expand you?
Keep them.
Which ones limit you -
make you feel less than wonderful -
break them down,
flush them down the river
with the flow of
energy that' s being offered to you.
This energy is roaring down the river
flushing us right out into the sea!
If you are uncomfortable or struggling
you are like a whale stranded in the estuary,
You need to detoxify the river by getting rid of some limiting beliefs and illusions.
You may even need to go back and
break up a few of the islands to increase the volume of the flow enough
to push you out
quickly and cleanly
out to sea
- the faster and further the better.
Or you'll struggle in
the mud flats
If you are here, reading this, you really are ready for the
It's your choice, as always,
whether it will be a really
easy last leg,
or whether you will make it hard
by resisting the flow -
by staying in fear
holding on to your
Look out for,
and connect with,
members of your own pod
you with the shifting of some of the sludge.
When you look
for them you will begin to find them.
In the reading of this piece,
in allowing the energy of it
- the flow of the knowing -
to wash through you,
you will already
be opening further to the flow...
You will be opening to RECEIVING more
of what is being offered.
Go often to your place of receiving -
feel it -
where in you is it?
Where do you need to allow yourself to go to
feel the shift?
What small adjustments do you need to make
in your mindset to allow more expansion -
more flow -
to feel that wondrous & amazing possibilities
are becoming....
With what do you need to align in order to feel that
you are opening? -
are RECEIVING the shift you want?
The doors of your own perceptions are all that's blocking
the flow of the energy
and making you uncomfortable
and your
life less pleasing to you than it can be.
We are ready for the ocean of life
and conscious experience
beyond where we've been before -
ready to just
go with the flow -
to connect with Beyond the Beyond
in meaningful communion.
When we can begin to get a sense of what the river really is
how our joy is the current,
we are ready to let
it carry us to the sea.
we are
becoming truly free,
individuated beings,
floating in the ocean of connective joy.