I'll be posting updates on here.
Part 1 of a two parter: Important but long.
Why you need to get UP to speed on exopolitics FAST as it has its first high profile political prisoner!!!!
Last night I went to this press conference and actually spoke privately with Dr. Greer and the Hon. Paul Hellyer at some length about the role the internet plays in perpetuating the TRUTH about Extraterrestrial life and why there is such a big coverup.
I was astonished by the guarantee that was made by a man who opened the press conference who says NEVER make guarantees!! He said I would be astonished, and I was .. but it wasn’t “contactees” that were astonishing, it was the courage of the panel AND the men shown who are coming forward and breaking the fifty silence on Project Disclosure. And I was impressed by the Exopolitics Agenda and the bravery of the men's testimony that were shown.
It’ll take me a bit to type up my notes and even recall the incredible conversations I was in that took place. So I thought I would slice this together for you BEFORE I post it. First a definition of EXOPOLITICS and what the press conference topics were.
And then there’s stuff about Gary McKinnon who looks like he is about to be the US’s first high profile exopolitical prisoner. Two hours ago he was ordered extradicted from the UK for a crime he committed in the UK!!! Needless to say, many have something to say about THAT!!
You easily google or yahoo or big mama search the terms yourself or further stuff about McKinnon. But you don’t have to. You’ll be hearing PLENTY about it!!! And the BBC story about the aliens being false was FALSE.. I’ll prove it to you.
Have fun, This is a brain twister of awesome proportions. Try to get your head around this. It is crucial that you do.
Toronto Press Conference on UFO Disclosure Sponsored by Exopolitics Toronto with Dr. Steven M. Greer and the Hon. Paul Hellyer
Download this press release as an Adobe PDF document.
Exopolitics Toronto and the Canadian Disclosure Initiative present an exclusive Press Conference on UFO Witness Testimony. A press screening of authentic military, corporate and government witness testimony will present compelling evidence attesting to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence and the 58 year old military/government cover-up of this issue. This historic press event will feature Dr. Steven M. Greer Director of the Disclosure Project and the Hon. Paul Hellyer former Minister of National Defense in Canada.
Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) May 3, 2006 -– A major press conference will be held in Toronto to present military and corporate witness testimony by ranking senior officials about the presence, authenticity and geo-political policy implications of unidentified aerial phenomenon of non-Earth origin.
Exopolitics Toronto will screen a professionally produced Witness Testimony digital video film created by the Disclosure Project under the direction of Dr. Steven Greer on the theatre screen at the prestigious De La Salle Oaklands College in Toronto Ontario on Tuesday May 9th at 7 p.m. The goal of this press conference is to present witness testimony by Brigadier Generals, Naval Photographic experts, military officers, ICBM Launch Commanders, an FAA Crash Site Senior Administrator, NORAD air traffic controllers and pilots that confirms authentic, first-hand encounters with intelligently controlled unidentified aerial craft of non-Earth origin.
Statements and remarks by Dr. Greer and the Hon. Paul Hellyer about the testimony’s policy and geo-political implications will follow the film’s screening. An open question period for the press will follow remarks by Dr. Greer and Mr. Hellyer.
For the first time in Canada, this provocative and unambiguous witness testimony provides all journalists an opportunity to study irrefutable, documented and shockingly compelling witness testimony about the presence of unidentified aerial phenomenon of non-Earth origin and the associated 58 year cover-up by military and government officials. In fact, each witness has stated they are willing to testify, under oath, before Congress or Parliament as to the truth of their testimony; a bold personal and legal precedent set by these courageous military, government and corporate officials.
Understandably mainstream media has always been reluctant to approach this issue; dismissing it because of inconclusive evidence or skepticism. This is no longer the case. Press now will have the right to unreservedly examine superior quality information assembled by researchers and experts in this field; information only accessible in the past to officials with the highest levels of security clearance.This category of evidential material has been withheld from the press for over 58 years. Exopolitics Toronto’s disclosure press conference rectifies this situation; an event no journalist will want to overlook due to the gravity of the witness’ disclosures. Abundant evidence and witness testimony also exists that establishes the existence of related covert projects that have developed advanced energy and propulsion technologies that could replace the need for oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. These rogue, so-called "black" projects have hidden these energy breakthroughs from the public, to the detriment of national security, the environment and the economy, so that elite special interests can maintain the current status quo.
Press will also be able to view copies of original government documents and national security memoranda that confirm a co-ordinated involvement with and a high level of interest in global UFO activity by military and national security agencies.
Exopolitics Toronto will have on hand copies of original secret documents of NORAD Status and Events obtained under the Access to Information and Privacy Act – National Defense Headquarters showing the scrambling of two NORAD CF-18 jets in 2001 to intercept three unidentified craft tracked by an MEDEVAC LR-35 out of Anchorage Alaska.
Also on the agenda will be a special announcement concerning the documentary Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs. This documentary by Canadian David Sereda will be released in late May.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exopolitics is the emerging field of study of the implications of possible contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations. Critical questions include what, if any, political framework might be established between human beings and extraterrestrials, and the process by which world governments would inform their citizens of an extraterrestrial presence should one be verified.
In a broader context exopolitics deals with the political implications of purported extraterrestrial-related phenomena. Alleged extraterrestrial activity has included: sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs); human reports of contact with extraterrestrial beings; crop circles; animal mutilations; and statements, documents and actions of national governments with respect to such phenomena.
Exopolitics is not a mainstream academic discipline though the underlying questions involved are of legimitate scientific and philosophical interest. Much putative extraterrestrial phenomenon has been rejected by the scientific mainstream though the issue of "contact" and possible visitation has been theoretically addressed, often in the context of the Fermi paradox, while the extraterrestrial hypothesis has consistently had at least some support in Scientific community. Various fictional "exopolitical" frameworks have been offered in science fiction. At present a definition for exopolitics is not listed in any standard dictionary, but listings have been created at Wikitionary and the Meriam Webster Open Dictionary.
While the political aspects and implications of extraterrestrial-related phenomena have been talked and written about since UFO sightings first received broad public awareness in 1947, the use of the term exopolitics in a formalized approach began with the work of Alfred Labremont Webre in 2000 with the publishing of his book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe. The field was further expanded by Dr. Michael Salla with the publishing of Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence in 2004.
In April of 2004 and 2005 the first two conferences centered on exopolitical issues were held near Washington, DC. Titled the X-Conference, they were productions of Paradigm Research Group.
In 2005 former Canadian Minister of National Defense and Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Paul Hellyer, publicly disclosed his belief in an extraterrestrial presence, including a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle near Roswell, NM in July of 1947, at an exopolitics symposium in Toronto on September 25, 2005.
See also
Alien invasion
Fermi Paradox
First contact (anthropology)
Interstellar War
Outside Context Problem
Prime Directive
Zoo Hypothesis
External links
Website of Alfred Webre
Website of Dr. Michael Salla
Washington Annual Exopolitical Conference
Paradigm Research Group
Exopolitics Conference in Toronto, Canada
Exopolitics Institute
Macleans: Hon. Paul Hellyer claims UFOs are piloted by non-human intelligence
Globe and Mail: Hellyer to speak at Exopolitics conference in Toronto September 25, 2005
Website of the Exopolitics Journal
American Dialect Society Press Release on "exopolitics"
This politics-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
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Exopolitics.org over 10 million hits since January 2003 ... New Exopolitics Course: Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations ...www.exopolitics.org/ - 64k - Cached - Similar pages
Exopolitics as an emerging field of public policy is primarily based on the ... Given that exopolitics is based on the premise of an ET presence that is ...www.exopolitics.org/Study-Paper2.htm - 87k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from www.exopolitics.org ]
McKinnon has vowed to appeal the verdict up to the highest court in the land
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US wins extradition of British hacker McKinnon
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Iain Thomson, vnunet.com 10 May 2006
British hacker Gary McKinnon has lost the first stage of his fight to avoid extradition to the US on hacking charges.
The decision was announced at Bow Street Magistrates' Court and McKinnon has said that he will appeal the verdict up to the highest court in the land. When he spoke to vnunet.com a fortnight ago he rated his chances at 50/50.
"I won't stand a chance in hell if I get extradited, because I will probably come under military order number one," he said.
"This means a secret military tribunal with a military lawyer, no rights of appeal, no rights of public comment and no press. It'll be Gary goes down a black hole and you don't see him again."
McKinnon was arrested in a joint operation between US and UK authorities in 2002. He was found guilty of hacking 97 US military computers between February 2001 and March 2002, causing damage estimated at $700,000 (£370,000).
McKinnon has always claimed that he did not intentionally cause harm, but was searching for information on UFOs that he believed the US government was suppressing. He claimed that he found hard evidence that UFOs exist.
Paul McNulty, US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, described the McKinnon case as the "biggest military computer hack of all time".
It is now up to the Home Secretary to rule on whether McKinnon will be deported or whether he can face trial in the UK. If this decision goes against McKinnon, he can appeal to the High Court and then to the Law Lords.
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A few “fun” sites!!!
This site includes an encryption key so you don’t get on a “list” by reading what is written on it.
Then there is THIS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_McKinnon the wikipedia entry on McKinnon.
http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/07/24/1630233&from=rss this one has an accessible radio interview. Slashdot is good to know about anyway!!
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1504154,00.html on that state of phising and other computer crimes
May 07, 2006
BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon
The transcript and video clip of the BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon is now online.
Note to the people interested in "UFOs" - Gary claims to have seen possible evidence of "supressed technology", which does not have to be "alien" in origin.
Gary McKinnon's Extradition hearing is this Wednesday 10th May 2006. starting at 10 am at Bow Street Court in London.
Continue reading "BBC Click Online interview with Gary McKinnon" »
Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/4977134.stm
Watch the interview
In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US military computer networks.
He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien spacecraft and advanced power technology.
America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars.
Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.
Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst other things. Why?
Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.
Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free energy.
SK: How did you go about trying to find the stuff you were looking for in Nasa, in the Department of Defense?
GM: Unlike the press would have you believe, it wasn't very clever. I searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl script that tied together other people's programs that search for blank passwords, so you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.
SK: So you're saying that you found computers which had a high-ranking status, administrator status, which hadn't had their passwords set - they were still set to default?
GM: Yes, precisely.
SK: Were you the only hacker to make it past the slightly lower-than-expected lines of defence?
GM: Yes, exactly, there were no lines of defence. There was a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers. You could run a command when you were on the machine that showed connections from all over the world, check the IP address to see if it was another military base or whatever, and it wasn't.
The General Accounting Office in America has again published another damning report saying that federal security is very, very poor.
SK: Over what kind of period were you hacking into these computers? Was it a one-time only, or for the course of a week?
A bird or a plane?... Gary was not able to get a picture of what he saw
GM: Oh no, it was a couple of years.
SK: And you went unnoticed for a couple of years?
GM: Oh yes. I used to be careful about the hours.
SK: So you would log on in the middle of the night, say?
GM: Yes, I'd always be juggling different time zones. Doing it at night time there's hopefully not many people around. But there was one occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very strange.
SK: So what did he say? And what did you say?
GM: He said "What are you doing?" which was a bit shocking. I told him I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.
SK: Did you find what you were looking for?
GM: Yes.
SK: Tell us about it.
GM: There was a group called the Disclosure Project. They published a book which had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic controllers, through military radar operators, right up to the chaps who were responsible for whether or not to launch nuclear missiles.
They are some very credible, relied upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extra-terrestrial in origin, and we've captured spacecraft and reverse-engineered it.
SK: What did you find inside Nasa?
GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like that.
I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen.
But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't man-made.
It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up.
This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.
SK: Is it possible this is an artist's impression?
GM: I don't know... For me, it was more than a coincidence. This woman has said: "This is what happens, in this building, in this space centre". I went into that building, that space centre, and saw exactly that.
SK: Do you have a copy of this? It came down to your machine.
GM: No, the graphical remote viewer works frame by frame. It's a Java application, so there's nothing to save on your hard drive, or at least if it is, only one frame at a time.
SK: So did you get the one frame?
GM: No.
SK: What happened?
GM: Once I was cut off, my picture just disappeared.
SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the picture?
GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across.
SK: You acknowledge that what you did was against the law, it was wrong, don't you?
GM: Unauthorised access is against the law and it is wrong.
SK: What do you think is a suitable punishment for someone who did what you did?
GM: Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy technology should be publicly available.
I want to be tried in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act, and I want evidence brought forward, or at least want the Americans to have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there is no evidence of damage.
Nasa told Click that it does not discuss computer security issues or legal matters. It denied it would ever manipulate images in order to deceive and said it had a policy of open and full disclosure, adding it had no direct evidence of extra-terrestrial life.
The list I drew up of agencies mentioned last night that are covering up will be in PART II.
Lets see if this posts.