May 10, 2006

Big Brother Is Watching You


Note: This site is not related to the Big Brother child mentor program,nor the Big Brother TV Show.
Major Agencies of the U.S. and Other Governments
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman. The National Security Act charged the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating, and disseminating intelligence which affects national security."
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Title 28, United States Code (U.S. Code), Section 533, which authorizes the Attorney General to "appoint officials to detect...crimes against the United States," and other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes."
The US National Security Agency (NSA) "The National Security Agency is the Nation's cryptologic organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to protect U.S. information systems and produce foreign intelligence information. A high technology organization, NSA is on the frontiers of communications and data processing. It is also one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within the Government."
The US Secret Service Home Page (SS) Their vision statement: "Built on a tradition of excellence and meeting the challenges of the future, the United States Secret Service moves as one to protect our nation's leaders, visiting world leaders, and the integrity of the nation's financial systems."
The US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) "The NRO designs, builds and operates the nation's reconnaissance satellites. NRO products, provided to an expanding list of customers like the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DoD), can warn of potential trouble spots around the world, help plan military operations, and monitor the environment."
The US National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) "The National Imagery and Mapping Agency was established October 1, 1996, by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency Act of 1996. The creation of NIMA followed more than a year of study, debate and planning by the defense, intelligence and policy-making communities as well as the Congress, and continuing consultations with customer organizations. Because it has responsibilities to customers outside DoD, NIMA has also been designated a part of the U.S. Intelligence Community.
The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). "As a Combat Support Agency of the Department of Defense, the DIA mission is to provide timely, objective, and cogent military intelligence to the warfighters, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and to the decisionmakers and policy makers of the United States Department of Defense and United States Government"
US Government Information Locator Service (GILS)
US Government Printing Office - Official website for searching the U.S. Government
US Federal Reserve - the central bank of the United States.
INTERPOL: The International Criminal Police Organization.
United States and International Government Military and Intelligence Agency Access. Organized by Sagal Computer Systems (a non-government organization). See this site for organizations not listed on this page.
White House and Some Other Key Departments
White House
Housing and Urban Development E-Maps
U.S. Government Executive Branch
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Department of Education
Department of Agriculture
Department of the Treasury
Other Federal Government Resources
National Institutes of Health
Food and Drug Administration
Zip Code Lookup
Tax Forms (IRS)
Election Information (Vote-Smart)
National Archives and Records Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Social Security Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Federal Communications Commission
Other sites of Interest
N.B. I have not had time to annotate all of these entries...
Meaningless Words - 1984 Doublethink
FBI's Carnivore Diagnostic Tool
Privacy Times - PRIVACY TIMES basically in designed for professionals and attorneys who need to follow the legislation, court rulings, industry development and horror stories that frame the ongoing debate about information privacy.
Bust the Junk Messages Out of Your Life The primary mission of BigBrother.Net is to provide information and commentary about how your privacy is being invaded every day. Factual articles, political commentary and rants are all part of what you will find here.
Book: George Orwell's 1984 at
Book: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World at
Book: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
The Secrets of War TV series. (Was airing in the United States as "Sworn to Secrecy" on The History Channel on Sunday nights at 9pm ET/10pm PT).
Search Excite for articles on keyword privacy.
Search CNN.COM for articles on keyword privacy.
The Austrian Big Brother Awards
Privacy and You: Harrold's Big Brother, Privacy'n You, 2nd Amendment, Cryptography, Gun Control The Electronic Frontier: The Challenge of Unlawful Conduct Involving the Use of the Internet.
U.S. Wants to Trace Net Users
Analysis: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Intelligence Online
Electronic Privacy Information Center
IETF rejects wiretap proposal
The KGB. From the Encarta site: "KGB, in full, Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (State Security Committee), the government agency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in charge of the Soviet political police from 1954 to 1991."
The Privacy Page:
The Big Brother System and Network Monitor at XMission.
Another Pentium III serial number exploit
Are Your Being Watched? - A Discovery Channel Show: "1984 has come and gone but security cameras have transformed the way we live. Surveillance cameras help solve crimes and keep employee theft in check, but their ubiquity poses a threat to privacy." (Broken Link!)
Hidden Camera and Covert Camera Store
CCTV Questions and Answers (technical / general).
Sensormatic: The World Leader in Electronic Security.
Other web sites that Altavista lists as "like" (doesn't work yet) Second try.
Video Investigator: is Under Construction.
Cognitech specializes in advanced video imaging software and services. It is proud to offer as a free download the new patch to update Video Investigator to 1.00e.
KH-11 -- KEYHOLE-11: High resolution optical imaging satellite contracted by the Air Force and used by the CIA. The KH-11 operates at altitudes of between 320 km and 800 km and has a life span of 2 or 3 years. The KH-11s were the first to provide evidence of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Images are processed on board the satellite and is stored as digital signals, which are then stored until the satellite passes over a ground station in Greenland or the Pacific at which time it is dumped to the ground stations. The images are then retransmitted to the National Photo- graphic Center in Washington D.C. using commercial communications satellites. From there the signals are passed on to the CIA, the White House, and other intelligence agencies. [sources include Aviation & Space Technology; Janes Defence Weekly, Flight International, and the Encyclopedia of the US Military.]
HK-11 Spy Satellites (more info).
The Federation of American Scientists is engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security. A privately-funded non-profit policy organization whose Board of Sponsors includes over 55 American Nobel Laureates, FAS was founded as the Federation of Atomic Scientists in 1945 by members of the Manhattan Project who produced the first atomic bomb."
The FAS Project on Government Secrecy: "Through research, advocacy, and public education, the FAS Project on Government Secrecy works to challenge excessive government secrecy and to promote public oversight."
Privacy International (PI) is a human rights group formed in 1990 as a watchdog on surveillance by governments and corporations. PI is based in London, England, and has an office in Washington, D.C. PI has conducted campaigns throughout the world on issues ranging from wiretapping and national security activities, to ID cards, video surveillance, data matching, police information systems, and medical privacy. CBS TV Show. Intel processor ID information (a non-Intel site).
The Big Brother Awards International "Watching the watchmen worldwide." (a front end to (domain for sale) (this site)
Search Google for more sites regarding C.I.P.C.
Try your query on: AltaVista Deja Excite HotBot Infoseek Lycos Yahoo!
The International PGP Home Page
BBC Online - search keyword privacy
DOCUMENTARY: The Cutting Edge: No Place To Hide. The era of Big Brother watching every aspect of our daily lives is closer than you may think, according to this documentary on the video surveillance industry. (As seen on the Discovery Civilization Channel).
InfoWar.Com: Information Security Portal, The Internet Global Clearinghouse for Information Warfare, Cybercrime Reporting
From I.D. Theft
Many Companies Fail To Protect Confidential Employee Data (from
Center for Democracy and Technology
HR 4151: Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (info on)
CDT's resource links
Privacy Commissioner of Canada: George Radwanski. Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Ann Cavoukian.
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (Alberta, Canada). "Our purpose at InfoCheck is to make the complicated process of selection and hiring simple for our clients. Background verification and applicant qualification is our primary business." "The Online Privacy Alliance is a diverse group of corporations and associations who have come together to introduce and promote business-wide actions that create and environment of trust and foster the protection of individuals' privacy online." Equifax Consumer Direct. (Equifax UK Home Page) (Equifax Canada) (Equifax DICOM) (Chile) (Equifax Organizacion Veraz) (Argentina) (Equifax Brazil) (Equifax India) (bad link)
Data Mining sites from
Big Brother Conspiracies sites from
The NSA's ECHELON surveillance effort.
Privacy Links from the Federation of American Scientists.
2600 Bright England Cameras... etc...: (Real Audio format - 1 hour, 7 min) (missing?).
ACLU letter: RE: Video Surveillance Cameras -- Questions & Concerns (in Qakland California).
Risks Digests Index: Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems
Recording Automotive Crash Event Data - But there are now many issues such as placing blame at car wrecks, recording where drivers travel to, how they drive... insurance companies are sure to support these devices... but how can drivers access their own data? how long is it kept? what data is recorded? how can it be cleared? "Currently GM uses a proprietary Event Data Retrieval Unit...". "Data useful to such researchers (_V, belt use, pre-impact data, etc.) will be stored and displayed in a standard format using engineering units while data requiring expert knowledge to interpret will continue to be stored in hexadecimal format." (e.g. hidden from you). "NHTSA is taking the necessary steps to collect and store data from on-board vehicle recording devices in its Motor Vehicle Research databases". Need more information on the (get this) "The Motor Vehicle Safety Research Advisory Committee's Event Data Recorder Working Group"...
GM's Black Box.Some info from "GM Safety & Legal Media Relations" group..."In order to improve automotive safety through better real world data and testing materials, GM introduced enhancements to its vehicles which will enable researchers to retrieve pre-crash data from a vehicle's air bag Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM). The enhanced SDM will be installed on the 1999 model year Buick Century, Park Avenue, Regal; Cadillac Eldorado, Deville, Seville; Pontiac Firebird and Chevrolet Camaro and Corvette vehicles."..."Researchers will have fresh insight into how drivers are reacting to hazards and interacting with their vehicles."..."The signal to deploy the air bags is also a signal to store data on the four additional parameters taken during the previous five seconds."..."Ultimately, I found no intrusion, intentional or otherwise, into any person's privacy via the SDM, "black box." It is not a voice recorder, nor does it record anything other than the specific vehicle's operating system as described."
NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), under the U.S. Department of Transportation, was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970, as the successor to the National Highway Safety Bureau, to carry out safety programs under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 and the Highway Safety Act of 1966."
Little Brother is Watching You! Surveillance Cameras in downtown London. Surveillance Camera Technology. Privacy Issues.
London Bytes, Produced by the students in the graduate program in journalism in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario. "The CCCS has had very few complaints about the CCTV proposal. The fear of the police force, the government and "Big Brother" watching goings-on of Londoners dissipates when people find out that the person behind the surveillance camera could be their sister, their mother or their father." Hmmm...
New York police say crime has been reduced by 50% since introducing CCTVs.
The debate over whether surveillance cameras really work.
Why many towns in the U.K. have CCTVs and why they work. Sergeant Goodine explains that after the surveillance cameras in downtown London are installed, crime rates are expected to increase. But that's because more crimes will be reported, not because more crimes are occurring.
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan, At the Conference on Privacy in the Information Age, Salt Lake City, Utah March 7, 1997
'Black Boxes' for Cars . General Motors Corp. has a device in many of its new cars that functions like the black box recorder in airplanes: It collects data as a car crashes.
Privacy Issues about the favicon.ico File
The Reinvention of Privacy
Beyond The Barcode
News Item:: 2600 DeCSS Reply Brief Filed with court and references 17 U.S.C. § 1201: United States Code, Chapter 12 (Copyright Protection and Management Systems) of Title 17 (Copyrights).
Credit Report and driver's license protection - Information Privacy Policies
American Demographics
"All Eyes on NTIA"
Google.Com search of "Mail and Telephone Preference Services"
No Against "Frequent Shopper ID Cards"! (including Smith's "Fresh Value" Cards).
Evidence Eliminator - What evidence is on your hard drive? - Uncensored Access to 85,000+ Usenet newsgroups
FRED - (F)orensic (R)ecovery of (E)vidence (D)evice.
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Big Brother UK
Das Big Brother Forum von BILD ONLINE
Freedom of Information Act
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
place holders
place holders
place holders
Other potentially Big Brother and Little Brother sites
News and Magazine Articles
The Online Enforcer: David Powell's Copyright Control Services chases software pirates, and he may soon put an end to free music downloads
New Technologies Target Swapping of Bootlegged Files
Call It Super Bowl Face Scan I
EU unveils plan to fight cybercrime
Group voices concern over EU cybercrime plan
Little Brother, from CNN.COM.
Little Brother Is Watching: How corporate America assumes ownership of your identity and your life
The Liberty Activists
Little Brother Is Watching: How corporate America assumes ownership of your identity and your life by Claire Wolfe
ContentKey (TM) extends the sale and secures your copyrighted content
Miscellaneous Notes - Things to Research
Superbowl security - faces scanned - sez CNN - find article...
Use of SSN in the US - versa other country's federal ID numbers (eg. my Argentina ID card)
Smith's supermarket's "Fresh Values" card and use of this database of purchases
Summary of US laws on privacy
explaining privacy vs anonimity vs "If you are not guilty then..."
Links back to this site: example 1 - see's ""
To what extent can an anonymous web site be created?
State deptartment of motor vehicles info available
Sign your credit card? What if it is lost...
Encrypted filesystems
Privacy Policies of Various Web Sites
Equifax's Privacy Policy and Online Security Procedures.
Borland, Inc.
BigBrother Software Tools
FBI Carnivore Diagnostic Tool
Big Brother System and Network Monitor: Highly-redundant web-based monitoring and notification. Partner: Is Raytheon's SilentRunner a productivy boost or privacy bane?From, August 2000, page 78.
http://www.securecomputing/ (broken link - site gone?) Internet Policy Managementa software (I-Gear) (hardware that logs keystrokes)
Internet managment software
Miscellanous Unverified Sites Access at your own risk... Misc unverfied sites from whois.
This great list is from!
Big Brother is watchingLe Grand Frère vous surveilleStorebror ser digStóri beiggi ansar eftirmae Brawd Fawr yn gwarchod chiMarele Frate supravegheazaA Nagy Testvér figyelTá an deartháir mór ag féachaint ortTaham tuta ramham ikGrote Broer kijktDer große Bruder beobachtet euch alleEl Gran Hermano vigilabesar saudara nonton luStorebror ser degbiggu burazaa wa itsumo kimi wo mitsumeteiruVelký bratr tì sledujeIl Grande Fr
atello vi sorvegliaStori Brodir fylgist med thjerIsoveli valvooFrater Magnus servo estO grande irmão está prestando atençãoEl gran germà vigilaDidysis brolis stebiBol'shoi brat nablyudaetHa'akh ha'gadol tzofe bekhaLa frato granda rigardasDubejtaH loDnI' tInWielki Brat patrzyVeliki brat gledaBüyük birader seni izliyor

End of experiement. -->
Email vs. "Emails"...
This site compiled and maintained by: Ron Holt. Feedback is welcome.I'm probably on another blacklist now...This document originally created on: 11-Mar-2000
This document was last modified on: 04/15/2001 00:36:15 in other wordsThis document was last modified on: Sunday, April 15th, 2001 U.S. Mountain Time
